1999 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities
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1999 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities

AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget

ACTION: Notice

SUMMARY: This notice provides a list of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities, as required by the Inspector General Act of 1978 (IG Act), as amended.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sheila Conley or Tawana Webb at 202-395-6911, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice provides a copy of the 1999 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities, which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is required to publish annually under the IG Act. This list is also posted on the Inspector General community's website, IGNET, at http://www.ignet.gov.

The List is divided into two groups: Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities. The Designated Federal Entities are required to establish and maintain Offices of Inspector General. The Designated Federal Entities are listed in the IG Act, except that those agencies which have ceased to exist have been deleted from the list.

Federal Entities are required to report annually to each House of Congress and OMB on audit and investigative activities in their organizations. Federal Entities are defined as "any Government corporation (within the meaning of section 103 (1) of title 5, United States Code), any Government controlled corporation (within the meaning of section 103 (2) of such title), or any other entity in the Executive Branch of government, or any independent regulatory agency" other than the Executive Office of the President and agencies with statutory Inspectors General. There are 3 deletions and 2 additions in the 1999 list of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities from the 1998 list published in the July 10, 1998, Federal Register.

The 1999 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities was prepared in consultation with the U.S. General Accounting Office.

Norwood J. Jackson, Jr.
Acting Controller
Office of Federal Financial Management

Herein follows the text of the 1999 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities:

1999 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities

The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, requires Office of Management Budget (OMB) to publish a list of "Designated Federal Entities" and "Federal Entities" and the heads of such entities. Designated Federal Entities were required to establish Offices of Inspector General before April 17, 1989. Federal Entities are required to report annually to each House of Congress and the OMB on audit and investigative activities in their organizations.



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