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Federal Credit Support Site: Chronology of Changes

Last updated: November 21, 2000

November 21, 2000:
Revision 1a of the Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC) was released. See the "Credit Subsidy Calculator" page for details. The new or revised features are listed below:

In addition,the calculator for projecting the future interest income or costs of credit financing accounts is for the FY 2002 Budget is now available.

September 22, 2000:
Revision 1 of the Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC) was released. This revision adds support for reestimating subsidies.

FY 2000 interest rates for similar maturity categories were posted. See the "Similar Maturity Rates" page for details.

A new spreadsheet, the "financing account interest calculator" was posted. This spreadsheet automates much of the annual calculation of interest paid on borrowings from the Treasury and interest earnings on cash balances. See the "Utilities for Budget preparation and execution" page for details.

September 6, 2000:
Revised evaluation verions of the CSC posted. The original posting of the evalution version did not handle certain kinds of spreadsheet files correctly. The evaluation period was extended, by one week, to September 8. This problem was limited to the first evaluation version and did not exist in the 11-26-99 posting of the CSC.

Posted the updated reestimate spreadsheet and instructions for the 2002 Budget. See the "Utilities for Budget preparation and execution" page for details.

The links page was updated.

August 17, 2000:
First revision (evaluation copy) of the CSC. This revision provides support for reestimates. See working paper Performing Reestimates with the Revised CSC for details. This revision also corrects most of the defects previously reported. (See List of known defects and work-arounds on the CSC page for a list of the remaining defects.)

May 18, 2000:
Posting of the following reports:

December 3, 1999:
Posting of the utilities for the FY 2001 Budget.

December 2, 1999:
Initial release of the Federal Credit Support Page.

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