Program: | Diocesan Multicultural Network, Dallas, TX |
Contact(s): | Lynn Rossol, Network Coordinator: (214) 528-2240 |
Purpose: | To foster unity among cultures and to ensure that diocesan agencies, departments and services are available to all cultures
Background | Program Operations | Outcomes |
In 1996, the Diocese of Dallas created the Diocesan Networks to more effectively serve the special needs of the many cultures represented in the Diocese. One of these networks is the Diocesan Multicultural Network (DMN), started by the Office of Pastoral Planning in the Dioceses of Dallas, to effectively encourage unity among these many cultures. The multicultural network--consisting of diocesan agencies, departments and services--is designed to improve communication and cultural diversity and share resources. DMN is an umbrella organization that gathers together members of the six Diocesan Networks to exchange ideas, discuss pertinent issues and plan for projects and cultural festivals.
Within the Diocese of Dallas, there are six networks of 25-30 members. The six networks are: Asian, Black, Hispanic, Family Life, Eurocentric and Youth Ministry. Each meet separately every month to identify the needs of their specific communities and collaborate with diocesan departments in rendering services to them. Representatives from the four diocesan divisions--teaching, sanctifying, governing and mission--participate in these meetings with representatives from local parishes. Once a month, 15-20 key representatives from the six networks meet as the Diocesan Multicultural Network. The DMN discusses larger issues, projects and cultural festivals for the diocese. The meetings begin with a plenary session where announcements are made and general concerns are raised. The network coordinators are all volunteers. DMN asks all members of the Dallas Diocese to dialogue not only with one another, but also with key staff in the diocese.
Outcomes and Significant Accomplishments
The Diocesan Multicultural Network has organized two large events for the public. One of the two Diocesan Multicultural Network projects was PENTECOST�98 held on May 30, 1998. It was a cultural festival designed to bring different cultures together as the country heads toward the millennium. The festival allowed the many members of the diocese to share their faith and learn as different groups celebrate facets of their culture, including food dishes, clothing, dance and rituals. Dozens of cultures were represented and more than 2,000 people participated. The Diocesan Multicultural Network received a grant from Catholic Foundation for PENTECOST. The Diocesan Multicultural Network is creating opportunities to gather as a diocesan people who are moving together toward the Third Millennium with a greater understanding
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