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CEQ Current News and Information
Statement from CEQ Chair George Frampton on the Coordinated Federal Strategy for the Recovery of the Columbia-Snake River Basin Salmon (December 21, 2000)
President Clinton: Preserving America's Coral Reefs (December 4, 2000)
Council on Environmental Quality Teacher Professional Development Awards (November 28, 2000)
Testimony of CEQ Chair George Frampton on the Columbia River Salmon and the Federal Columbia River Power System (September 12, 2000)
Statement by the President: National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (August 18, 2000)
Statement by the President: Oceans Act of 2000 (August 7, 2000)
President Names George T. Frampton, Jr. as Chairman of The Council on Environmental Quality (August 4, 2000)
Statement of George T. Frampton, Jr. (July 19, 2000)
Testimony of CEQ Chair George Frampton on Federal Salmon Recovery Efforts (July 19, 2000)
President Clinton: Preserving Lincoln's Retreat and Other American Treasures (July 7, 2000)
Administration Officials Describe Habitat and Estuary Components of Columbia-Snake Salmon Recovery Strategy (06/28/00)
Launching a New Era of Ocean Exploration (6/12/00)
Vice President Gore Announces Building Livable Communities Initiative (6/9/00)
Joint Statement between Russia and United States on Cooperation to Combat Global Warming (6/4/00)
President Clinton's Statement on Secretary Babbitt's Recomendations for New National Monuments (5/31/00)
President Clinton and Vice President Gore: Protecting our Oceans and Coasts (5/26/00)
Administration Officials Brief States on Federal Efforts to Restore Columbia-Snake River Salmon (5/19/00)
Vice President Gore Announces New Land Protections in California Desert (5/18/00)
Environmental Priorities in the President's FY 2001 Budget
CEQ News
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