December 15, 2000
All year, President Clinton, Vice President Gore, and congressional
Democrats have fought for a fiscally responsible budget that maintains
America's prosperity by paying down the debt while making key investments
in education, health care, and other priorities for America. Today,
President Clinton and Congress completed their work on the budget, agreeing
on a budget for education, health, and labor programs and the New Markets
The bill is a landmark achievement: it provides a $6.5 billion (or 18
percent) increase for the Department of Education, the largest ever and a
76 percent increase since 1993. The Department of Health and Human
Services receives a $9 billion (or 22 percent) increase. It establishes
the President?s school repair initiative and provides the largest increases
ever for the U.S. Department of Education, after-school programs, Head
Start, school accountability, Pell Grants for college students (since the
program was fully implemented in 1974), and the National Institutes of
Health. It expands coverage under Medicare, Medicaid, and the State
Children?s Health Insurance Program and restores reimbursements to health
care providers that were disproportionately effected by the Balanced Budget
Act of 1997.
Investing in America?s Students. The Clinton-Gore education strategy of
higher standards for students and teachers, accountability for results, and
the greater investment in our schools is working.
? $933 Million Increase for Head Start, Doubling Resources since 1993.
President Clinton won a $933 million increase for Head Start to $6.2
billion, serving 935,000 children. This is the largest one-year increase in
Head Start ever. Since 1993, Head Start has more than doubled from $2.8
billion to $6.2 billion.
? $1.2 Billion for a New School Repair Initiative. President Clinton
fought for and won a new initiative to repair America?s schools, providing
$1.2 billion for urgent school renovation. This initiative was a top
priority of the President?s, but it wasn?t in the earlier Republican budget
passed by the House of Representatives. The budget also provides
much-needed repair funds to Native American schools.
? Staying on Track to Hire 100,000 Teachers to Reduce Class Size.
President Clinton won $1.6 billion for his class-size reduction
initiative?a $323 million (or 25 percent) increase over last year?to stay
on track to hire 100,000 new teachers to reduce class sizes in the early
grades. The House Republican budget failed to dedicate funds for
class-size reduction.
? Nearly Doubling After-School Learning Opportunities. The budget
includes $846 million for after-school programs, a $396 million (or 88
percent) increase over last year and $246 million above the House
Republican plan, serving 1.3 million children nationwide.
? $567 Million to Improve Teacher Quality. The budget includes $567
million for the President?s teacher quality initiatives, a 52 percent
increase. It invests in professional development, recruitment, and
retention; expands the successful Troops to Teachers program to other
mid-career professionals; and trains early childhood educators.
? Holding Schools Accountable for Student Achievement. President
Clinton won $225 million?a 70 percent increase since last year?to turn
around low-performing schools, while the House Republican budget failed to
invest in this key priority.
? Creating College Opportunities. Last January, President Clinton
announced his request for a $1 billion increase in efforts to expand
student and prepare students for college. Consistent with his plan, the
? Provides the Largest Increase in Pell Grants Ever. The budget
increases the maximum Pell grant to $3,750, a $450 increase since last
year?the largest one-year increase since the program was phased-in in
1974?and a $1,450 increase since 1993.
? Increases Funding for GEAR UP by $95 Million to $295 Million. The
House Republican plan froze GEAR UP at $200 million. The budget will help
1.2 million disadvantaged students prepare for college.
? Provides the Second-Largest TRIO Increase in History. The budget
increases TRIO funding by $85 million to $730 million and incorporates key
elements of the President?s College Completion Challenge Grants proposal
into TRIO.
? Funds One Million Work-Study Jobs. It sustains the President?s
commitment to give one million students the opportunity to work through
Strengthening Health Care. The President?s budget will strengthen the
nation?s health care system by:
? Investing in Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP Beneficiaries and
Providers. The budget enacts the Medicare, Medicaid and the State
Children?s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) Benefits Improvement and
Protection Act, which invests nearly $35 billion over five years to: (1)
improve Medicare?s prevention benefits and cost-sharing, (2) provide health
care coverage to persons leaving welfare for work and enroll eligible
uninsured children in Medicaid and S-CHIP through schools and other sites,
and (3) increase reimbursement to hospitals, home health agencies, nursing
homes, managed care plans and other essential health care providers
disproportionately affected by cuts from the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.
? Supporting Biomedical Research. The budget invests $20.3 billion in
cutting-edge biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health, a 14
percent increase since last year and nearly double the $10.3 billion spent
in 1993.
? Creating the Family Caregivers Program. The budget provides $125
million for states to provide respite and other support services to
families who care for elderly relatives with long-term care needs.
? Expanding AIDS Care, Prevention, and Research. The budget includes a
$164 million increase in funding for domestic and international HIV
prevention activities; an increase of $213 million in the Ryan White CARE
Act, which helps provide primary care and support for those living with
HIV/AIDS; and an estimated $2.2 billion in additional funds for
AIDS-related research at the NIH.
? Funding the Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Act. The budget provides
$580 million for a total of $655 million for one-time payments of $100,000
to people with hemophilia who were infected with HIV by blood solids during
the 1980s.
? Improving Mental Health and Substance Abuse Activities. The budget
increases resources for the prevention and treatment of mental health and
substance abuse by 12 percent, providing nearly $3 billion.
? Promoting Community-Based Care for Americans with Disabilities. The
budget invests $50 million to help states develop comprehensive plans to
care for people with disabilities in the most appropriate setting.
? Improving Nursing Home Quality. The budget includes a $32 million (68
percent) increase for the Nursing Home Initiative, which ensures more
rigorous inspections of nursing facilities and improves federal oversight
of nursing home quality.
Preparing America?s Workers for the 21st Century. The budget invests in
worker training to raise productivity and help Americans compete in the
global economy.
? Creating Opportunities for Youth. The final budget provides a $102
million increase (to $1.1 billion) to provide job training and summer job
opportunities to roughly 660,000 disadvantaged young people. It also
increases Youth Opportunity Grants to $275 million to provide comprehensive
employment and training assistance to 63,000 out-of-school young people in
high poverty areas.
? Continuing the Universal Reemployment Initiative. The budget creates
$35 million Reemployment initiative to help 156,000 Unemployment Insurance
claimants get jobs faster. It also provides $1.6 billion for Dislocated
Workers, nearly tripled from $597 million in 1993.
? Protecting Workers. The final budget includes $1.2 billion to enforce
federal safety, health, pensions, wages, and nondiscrimination practices.
This $102 million increase will support 1,500 inspections to ensure safe
and healthy workplaces.
Protecting Fiscal Discipline and Paying Down the Debt. The budget is a
victory for President Clinton?s stand for fiscal discipline. Between 1981
and 1992, the debt quadrupled. When President Clinton and Vice President
Gore took office, the budget deficit was $290 billion and it was projected
to be $455 billion by 2000. As a result of the tough and sometimes
unpopular choices made by President Clinton, we have seen eight consecutive
years of fiscal improvement for the first time in America?s history,
bringing last year?s budget to a unified surplus of $237 billion, the
largest ever. With this surplus, we have been able to reverse this trend
of exploding debt by paying down the debt for three years in a row.
? Protecting Fiscal Discipline. The Republicans proposed fiscally
irresponsible tax cuts that would have jeopardized this record of fiscal
discipline. In August, President Clinton vetoed Republican tax cuts that
were part of their 10-year tax plan that would drain nearly $2 trillion
from the surplus, drive us back into deficits, and make it impossible to
eliminate our debt by 2012.
? Paying Down the Debt. Because record deficits have become record
surpluses, we were able to cut our debt by $223 billion last year, the
largest one-year debt reduction in U.S. history. The debt at the end of FY
2000 was $2.4 trillion lower than it was projected to be in the last
forecast before the President's program was put in place. We can pay off
our debt by 2012, making America debt-free for the first time since Andrew
Jackson was President in 1835.
? Benefiting from Debt Reduction. Already, debt reduction has meant
about $2,000 a year in lower interest payments for home mortgages, about
$200 a year in lower car payments, and about $200 a year for lower student
loan payments. Continuing to pay down the debt will keep interest rates
about a point lower over the next decade, saving American families over
$300 billion in home mortgages alone.
Protecting the Environment. President Clinton and Vice President Gore won
significant gains for the environment in the fiscal year 2001 budget,
including new resources to combat water pollution, protect wildlife,
address global warming, and preserve precious lands across the country. At
the same time, the President and Vice President fought back numerous,
anti-environmental riders that would have traded hard-won environmental
safeguards for short-term special interest gains.
? Preserving Our Lands Legacy. The budge provides $12 billion over six
years in unprecedented, dedicated funding for the conservation of America?s
land and coastal resources.
? Promoting Clean Water and Restoring the Florida Everglades. The
budget includes a $164 million increase for the President?s Clean Water
Action Plan and $118 million to begin restoring the Florida Everglades.
? Fighting Global Warming. The budget includes $1.2 billion, a 13
percent increase, for President Clinton?s Climate Change Technology
Initiative, the backbone of the nation?s effort to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. The initiative supports research, development, and deployment
of solar and renewable energy technology and energy efficient products.
Helping Working Families. The final budget helps all Americans participate
in our economic prosperity.
? Helping Hard-Pressed Working Families Meet Their Nutritional Needs.
Congress approved the Administration?s proposed reforms to allow 245,000
people to own a reliable car and still receive Food Stamps and to help over
1.5 million low-income people with high housing costs put food on the
? Funding 79,000 New Housing Vouchers. This $453 million increase?the
largest in more than 15 years?will enable more families to rent or own
affordable housing. These vouchers build on the 110,000 new vouchers
secured though the President?s leadership in the past two years.
? Helping More Low-Income Families Afford Child Care. The $817 million
increase (to $2 billion) for the Child Care and Development Block Grant
will provide child care subsidies for nearly 150,000 more children, helping
more working families balance their responsibilities at work and home.
Empowering Communities. In addition to the progress made in today?s New
Markets agreement, this budget moves forward on the President?s vision to
help revitalize America?s communities.
? Expanding Community Development Financial Institutions. The President
won $118 million for the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
to support loans and equity investments in under-served communities.
? Promoting Community Service. President Clinton won $767 million for
national and community service, a $36 million increase. This year,
AmeriCorps will enroll its 250,000th member.
? Developing the Mississippi Delta Region. The budget funds a new
federal-state partnership to fight for economic growth in the Mississippi
Delta region, a seven-State area which includes some of the most distressed
communities in the nation. It includes resources for the Delta Regional
authority, to improve rural economic activity, and improve the Delta?s
transportation infrastructure.
Closing the Digital Divide and Investing in Research and Development. In
recognition of the centrality of knowledge and new technologies to our
prosperity and quality of life, the budget includes an unprecedented
commitment to creating digital opportunities and investing in research and
? Closing the Digital Divide. The budget includes a $32 million
increase for Community Technology Centers, a $50 million increase for
Preparing Tomorrow?s Teachers to Use Technology, and a $30 million increase
for the Technology Opportunities Program.
? National Science Foundation. The budget provides the largest one-year
increase for the NSF ever, $526 million, to pursue scientific breakthroughs
in core scientific areas as well as new ones like nanotechnology.
? National Institutes of Health. The budget provides a $2.5 billion
increase to NIH for research into diabetes, cancer, and brain disorders,
and disease prevention strategies and vaccines.
Fighting Crime, Drugs, and Gun Violence. To keep crime coming down across
the country, President Clinton fought for important investments in the
budget to build on the Administration?s successful community policing
initiative, including funds to put more police on the street and critical
resources to strengthen law enforcement efforts to keep communities safe
and combat gun-related crime and violence.
? Putting More Police on Our Streets. Last year, President Clinton and
Vice President Gore met their commitment to help communities hire 100,000
new police officers. This year, they won over $1 billion to take the next
step and help communities hire up to 50,000 more officers over the next
five years.
? Enforcing Gun Laws. President Clinton won nearly $200 million for his
Gun Enforcement Initiative, the largest in history, to hire 500 ATF
firearms agents and inspectors, fund over 600 federal state and local gun
prosecutors and expand crime gun tracing and ballistics testing.
? Keeping Children Safe from Guns. The Administration won $8 million to
expand the development of ?smart gun? technologies that help prevent
accidental gun deaths and injuries of children by limiting the use of a
firearm to the adult who owns it or another authorized user.
Maintaining America?s Global Leadership. The President fought for and
secured victories to strengthen America?s leading role in the world by
investing in a strong military and providing debt relief to heavily
indebted poor countries.
? Providing Debt Relief. The final budget provides $435 million for
debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries that commit to reform.
Savings from debt relief would be directed to education, health care, AIDS
prevention, and other critical needs. Unsustainable debt keeps many
countries in poverty; over a billion people survive on less than $1 a day.
? Fighting AIDS. President Clinton won $466 million to combat HIV/AIDS
and $125 million for other infectious diseases that plague the developing
world. The budget also funds the President's Millennium Vaccine
? Maintaining a Strong Military. Consistent with the Clinton-Gore plan
for a long-term, sustained increase in defense spending, this year?s budget
for the Department of Defense provides $296.4 billion, a $15.8 billion
increase (excluding emergency spending for FY 2000).
? Keeping the Peace. The budget includes the President?s full request of
$835 million for contributions for international peacekeeping activities.
Our ability to pay our share of international peacekeeping missions is a
crucial part of fulfilling our international security responsibilities and
ensuring that other nations share the burden with us.
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| Urgent School Renovation$0$1.2 billion+ $1.2 billion |
| |
| |
| Class-Size Reduction$0$1.6 billion+ $1.6 billion |
| |
| |
| After School$600 million$846 million+ $246 million |
| |
| |
| Teaching to High Standards$0$567 million+ $567 million |
| |
| |
| Accountability Fund$0$225 million+ $225 million |
| |
| |
| Title I Grants to School Districts for Disadvantaged Children2$7.9 |
| billion$8.4 billion+ 436 million |
| |
| |
| Maximum Pell Grant College Scholarship$3,500$3,750+ $250 |
| |
| |
| GEAR UP$200 million$295 million+ $95 million |
| |
1 Based on the budget passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on June
14, 2000. That bill would have provided $37.1 billion for education
programs, $5 billion less than the final budget.
2 Does not include the Accountability Fund.
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| Key Department of Education Initiatives |
| |
| |
| ? Urgent School Renovation$0$1.2 billion+ $1.2 billion |
| |
| |
| ? Class-Size Reduction$0$1.6 billion+ $1.6 billion |
| |
| |
| ? After School$0$846 million+ $846 million |
| |
| |
| ? Teacher Recruitment and Training $435 million$995 million+ $560 |
| million |
| |
| |
| ? Accountability Fund$0$225 million+ $225 million |
| |
| |
| ? Title I Grants to School Districts for Disadvantaged Children1$6.1 |
| billion$8.4 billion+ $2.3 billion |
| |
| |
| ? Education Technology$23 million$872 million+ $849 million |
| |
| |
| ? Special Education$3.0 billion$7.4 billion+ $4.5 billion |
| |
| |
| ? Small, Safe, and Successful High Schools$0$125 million+ $125 |
| million |
| |
| |
| ? Maximum Pell Grant (Total Pell |
| Grants)$2,300 ($6.5 billion)$3,750 |
| ($8.8 billion)+ $1,450 (+ $2.3 billion) |
| |
| |
| ? Work-Study$617 million$1.0 billion+ $394 million |
| |
| |
| ? TRIO$388 million$730 million+ $342 million |
| |
| |
| ? GEAR UP$0$295 million+ $295 million |
| |
| |
| Total Funding, U.S. |
| Department of Education$23.9 billion$42.1 billion+ $18.2 billion |
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| Department of Health and Human Services |
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| Head Start$2.8 billion $6.2 billion+ $3.4 billion |
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| Education Tax Cuts |
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| Hope Scholarships Tax Credit$0$5.1 billion+ $5.1 billion |
| |
| |
| Lifetime Learning Tax Credit$0$2.8 billion+ $2.8 billion |
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| Student Loan Interest Deduction$0$333 million+ $333 million |
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| |
| Total Increase, Key Education Initiatives |
| (Total for U.S. Department of Education plus Head Start plus Education |
| Tax Cuts)$26.7 billion$56.5 billion+ $29.8 billion |
| |
| (+ 112%) |
| |
1 Does not include the Accountability Fund