President Clinton Continues Dialogue on Race and Proposes Plan to Expand Educational Opportunity Again, let me say that this dialogue to me is an important part of where we're going. Now, we have responsibilities in Washington, too. There is an economic responsibility. There is an education responsibility. A few weeks ago I announced that we were going to support scholarships for people who would go out and teach in educationally-deprived areas where we needed more teachers. Today, we are releasing a proposal to create educational opportunity zones to reward school districts in poor urban and rural areas who undertake the kind of sweeping reform that Chicago has embraced in the last couple of years... Hosting a town hall meeting on race in Akron, Ohio, President Clinton announced that he is developing a program to expand educational opportunities for students in high poverty urban and rural school districts. The President's Education Opportunity Zone initiative reflects the important role education will play in bridging our racial differences, as was underscored by discussions during the town hall meeting. By providing competitive challenge grants to high poverty school districts which adopt tough reform measures and show real student achievement, President Clinton will build on his already strong record of expanding access to quality education to those in greatest need. President Clinton Continues National Dialogue On Race Town Hall Meeting Focuses on Educating Our Young People President Announces Education Opportunity Zones to Reward High Poverty Schools This competitive challenge grants program calls for awarding additional federal funds to high-poverty school districts that (1) adopt tough reform measure that make administrators, principals, teachers and students truly accountable for success or failure before getting a grant, and (2) show real improvements in student achievement once they receive a grant.
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