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What's New - December 2000

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December 15, 2000

Progress in Efforts to Combat International Crime

President Clinton, Vice President Gore, and Congressional Democrats Win a Landmark Budget

December 14, 2000

President Clinton�s New Markets Initiative: Revitalizing America�s Underserved Communities

December 11, 2000

President Clinton Launches New Effort to Increase Immunization Rates Among Children

President Clinton and Vice President Gore: Restoring an American Natural Treasure

December 6, 2000

Human Rights Day: The Eleanor Roosevelt Award and The Presidential Medal of Freedom

December 4, 2000

Preserving America�s Coral Reefs

December 2, 2000

Urging Congress to Keep its Commitment and Complete this Year's Education Budget

December 1, 2000

President Clinton Joins International Religious and Domestic Aids Policy Leaders to Mark World Aids Day

Implementing Title V of the Trade and Development Act of 2000

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