3:58 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: For more than four years now, I have worked hard to
pursue a strategy that would keep our economy growing and creating opportunity
for the American people, giving people a chance to be rewarded for their
labors, and also imposing upon ourselves the discipline necessary to prepare
for the future and to relieve ourselves of a lot of the problems that had been
accumulated over the last several years, especially the deficit.
Now, we have reached agreement in broad but fairly specific terms
that I am satisfied will do that with the Republican leaders today that would
balance the budget by 2002, continue to increase our investments in education,
in science and technology and medical research, require us to continue to show
great discipline in other areas and to continue to downsize some government
It would invest in doing what I think is important, to be sure that
we can move people from welfare to work who are going to be required to go to
work. It would expand coverage to millions of children who presently do not
have health insurance. It would restore cuts to benefits for legal immigrants
who are in this country who have sustained injuries and other problems for
which they would otherwise be eligible for benefits. It will extend the life of
Medicare and secure the integrity of the Medicaid program between now and
It will be the first balanced budget in three decades.
It's a good thing that it's coming today, when we learn that our
employment rate had dropped to 4.9 percent for the first time in 24 years. We
know that we have the biggest decline in inequality in our work force since the
1960s, and we've seen our economy produce the largest number of new jobs since
1993 ever produced in a four-year period. That happened because a lot of the
people standing up here with me right now had the courage to vote for a plan to
bring the deficit down in 1993 and get interest rates down and investments
This agreement will help us to finish the job. I have spoken several
times over the last several days with Senator Lott and with Speaker Gingrich. I
want to thank them personally for negotiating with me openly, candidly, and,
I'm convinced, in complete good faith.
I have also had occasion to speak with the representatives of the
Democratic Caucus, obviously, who were in this budget negotiation -- Senator
Lautenberg for the Democrats and Congressman John Spratt from South Carolina,
and the Republicans who were represented by their Chairs, Senator Domenici and
Congressman Kasich. I want to thank all. I want to thank Senator Domenici and
Congressman Kasich. They worked very hard and we know there are significant
differences between us in how we look at what is the best way to balance the
budget and they tried to bridge these gaps.
Congressman Spratt and Senator Lautenberg did as well. And I'm very
proud of all four of them. They served America well. They put the interests of
the country first in trying to work through to get us as close as we are today.
And so I appreciate that very much.
Now, let me say again -- let me give you just some of the details
very quickly. The plan will protect Medicare, extending the life of the trust
fund for a decade; extending new benefits for annual mammograms and diabetes
screening. Home health will be shifted from Part A to Part B, and there will be
a modest premium for home health services being phases in at $1 per month, a
Second, and perhaps most important, this budget meets my goal of
making education America's number one priority on the edge of the 21st century.
It will have the largest increase in education funding in 30 years. It will
have the largest increase in Pell Grant scholarships in 20 years. It will help
us to make sure that every 8-year-old will be able to read, every 12-year-old
can log on to the Internet, every 18-year-old can go into college. I am very,
very pleased that it will also include in a tax cut per person aid to help
people go on to college and to finance college education.
Third, as I said, it will extend health insurance to 5 million
uninsured children. This is a major breakthrough in our efforts to move toward
coverage for all Americans.
Fourth, it will give businesses incentives and work with mayors to
hire people from welfare to work. It will also, as I said, address the concerns
I raised in last year's welfare law -- restoring benefits to disabled legal
immigrants and moderating excessive cuts in food stamps, along with giving the
states a reserve, so that if people would be unjustly cut off food stamps
because they simply cannot go to work, the states will be able to avoid
malnutrition and real harm to those people in these cases.
Fifth, it will protect the environment, providing funds to clean up
500 of our most dangerous toxic waste sites, cleaning up toxic sites in urban
areas and adding resources for environment enforcement.
Six, it includes tax relief for the American people, but, thanks to
the rules of the Senate and the agreement of the leaders, the tax relief will
be limited and we'll know the dollar amount not only for the first five years,
but for the second five years following, so that we will not run the risk of
having an explosion in the deficit as a result of unintended leaks in a tax
program -- so that when we tell the American people we're going to balance the
budget we know we can keep it balanced and we won't get ourselves back into the
difficulties we've seen over the last 15 years.
Like Americans of all political views, I have been deeply committed
to this, but I wanted a balanced budget with balanced values. I believe we have
got it today. There are things in this budget that -- not everyone will find
something that he or she disagrees with; everyone could find something that he
or she wishes were in the budget. There is no perfect agreement, but as I said,
we know America is more prosperous when we have fiscal discipline, when we
invest in our future, and when we do it in the right way. We have evidence of
It will never get any easier to do this job. Senator Lott made that
point to me on the phone the other night -- he said, you know, when you're
doing well, it's easier to balance the budget than it is when you're not. This
is not going to get any easier, we have to do it now. And I said, I agree with
you, and we are going to do it.
So I ask Americans of all political parties and all philosophies to
look at this plan, give it your support. Let's balance the budget and get on
about the new business of preparing America for a new century.
And I thank you, and I'd like to ask Senator Daschle now and come up
and say a word.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. I just can't help saying there for a moment
I thought the Vice President was sad he's not going to get to cast another
tie-breaker in this vote. (Laughter.)
Q Mr. President, during the campaign, you repeatedly expressed
concern about cuts -- potential cuts in Medicaid and Medicare. Are you
satisfied that no one will be hurt --
Q -- in the changes?
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, I am. This -- let me say, first of all, I think
we have improved the Medicaid program in this budget agreement -- and I want to
make full disclosure here -- with the full support of the Republican
negotiators, over and above what it was in the budget I presented. Now, that's
been made possible partly because we know the economy is getting better -- but
we have. The Medicare program, I'm convinced, first of all, the savings in
Medicare which I proposed, meeting the Republicans halfway between our
differences last time, are, by and large, rooted in policy, which I believe is
good policy, designed not only to save money for five years but to save money
over the long run. We need to change some of the policies to show appropriate
discipline. They don't hurt people, but they will impose more rigor in the
The modest one-dollar-a-month premium for home health services I
think is an appropriate contribution, given the fact that people, I believe, at
120 percent of the poverty line and down are exempted. I think it's an
appropriate contribution for what is the fastest growing element of the
Medicare program and something that -- 150 percent, they just told me, are
excluded, and below. The home health part is the fastest growing part of
Medicare, and has not been subject to any premium, and I think should. There
should be some contribution, just as is associated with other elements of Part
B. But it will not be burdensome, and the aggregate premium will still be much
lower than would have been the case if we had -- if I hadn't vetoed the budget
in '95.
So I think we've reached out to the health care experts in our caucus
and in the Republican caucus. We've reached out to interest groups throughout
the country that would be affected by this. I believe they will support this. I
believe there will be broad support for this, and I think it will be seen for
just what it is. It will preserve and strengthen the integrity of the Medicare
program for a decade. We can't responsibly let this trust fund get down to a
year or two and just kick it down the road for another year or two. We need to
keep it a decade or more out all the time.
Q Senator Daschle described this as an agreement that was tentatively
reached 24 hours ago. Can you give us an idea of what transpired between that
point and now? (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: I don't think it would be --
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Sausage. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Let me just say, I think what Senator Daschle said is
accurate, but let me try to recast it a little bit. We had some broad outlines
24 hours ago. We went back to our folks, they went back to theirs to talk about
some details. We came back with some details, they came back with some details.
We got some of the details we wanted and some we just had to abandon -- and
knowing that there will still be disagreements within various categories as
this budget comes up.
Keep in mind, this is an agreement. Then it has to be embodied in
law. Then it has to be embodied in specific appropriation bills and tax bills
this year and in the years to come. So there is still some room for some debate
between the two parties and within the two parties over some issues. But the
framework is pretty specific -- guarantees the essential elements that were
necessary to get the Democrats and the Republicans to support it, and to get
the President to support it.
So we did get some more specifics in and had to leave some more
specifics out in the last 24 hours, but I think, in fairness to the Republicans
with -- as I said, I am convinced they negotiated with me and with Senator
Lautenberg and Mr. Spratt in complete good faith. And in fairness to them,
without talking to them about it, I don't think I should characterize exactly
what happened in the last 24 hours.
Q Mr. President, how big is the tax cut in the package? Can you give
us any indication? Who will get tax relief?
THE PRESIDENT: It is a tax cut of a net of $85 billion, which is --
over five years -- which is considerably smaller than we were, and they were,
discussing. And then in the second five years, it must not exceed about -- what
is it? About $170 billion, $165 billion, something like that.
And you'll get briefings on that; back at the White House they'll
explain it. But also, we have gone as far as we could -- keep in mind, the
tax-writing committees were not part of this negotiating process, the budget
committees were. So let me finish. We have gone as far as we could also in
discussing what the components are. You know the things the Republicans want in
it. You know we want an education tax cut as well as some environmental relief
for brownfields and some other very specific things, and we want to protect the
tax cuts that are progressive in our tax code, particularly the earned income
tax credit for low income people, the low income housing credit, and we want to
try to protect the pension programs from being raided. And we've gone about as
far as we can in doing that in an agreement that does not include the leaders
of the tax-writing committee.
And Secretary Rubin, who is our guardian on that, finally signed off
and said, well, this is the best we're going to be able to do.
Q Mr. President, the Republicans are happy they got their tax cut,
you're happy you got your investments. It can't all be win-win. What did you
have to give up? Where will Americans feel a pinch? Where's the sacrifice?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, they're taking a smaller tax cut
than they had originally sought. We're providing larger savings in this budget
than previously in Medicare and in other areas. But the growth in the economy
has made it easier than it otherwise would have been. And we've all
acknowledged that. I think we have to acknowledge that.
So, for example, the difficult questions that had been raised around
the CPI, the cost of living adjustment for benefits. The sense of both sides is
that that should continue to be handled in the ordinary course of business,
that there will be an adjustment of some kind coming out of the Bureau of Labor
Statistics in the process, that we have a fairly good idea of what it is. But
even if it's not sufficient to cover everything -- and they acknowledge they
can't analyze all the relevant factors -- that is an issue which now can be
handled outside of this budget negotiations. And that is an issue which would
have been very difficult here.
Q Mr. President, how big a selling job do you still have?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don't know. We're going to have to see how the
Democrats and Republicans react to it. The Democrats will think that the tax
cuts are too big and too skewed to people with high incomes. The Republicans
will think that we're investing too much in education and other things, I think
-- many of them may think that. And I'm sure that there will be some on both
sides who won't vote for it. And then some people will be disappointed that,
even though we did some good reform in the Medicare program, that without a
consumer price adjustment that's larger, some will say we're not doing enough
to save Social Security.
My argument is we can look at saving Social Security independent of
this; let's balance the budget. We don't have to mix the two and we can take
that on its own merits.
But there will be a lot of things in here that -- as I said, no one
will look at this budget and say, this is perfect; it has everything in it I
want and there's nothing in it I don't like. So everybody will say I wish
something was in it -- were in it that isn't; I wish that there were things
that are in it that weren't. But I think we've got a good shot at getting the
majority of both parties in both Houses, which has been my goal from the day
one. And if it happens, America will be much better off.
Keep in mind, the bottom line is, if we show discipline here and keep
interest rates down by balancing the budget, the American people in the private
sector will grow the economy for us. That solves a lot of problems. If we show
discipline in continuing to invest in our future, then we will grow the economy
in a way that will give us high-wage jobs, higher incomes and greater equality,
which will solve our problems for us.
And meanwhile, we'll have a little honest -- an honorable compromise;
that's part of the way the process works.
Thank you. There will be a briefing on more specifics down at the
White House shortly.
4:25 P.M. EDT