Office of the Press Secretary
(Antigua, Guatemala)
For Immediate Release | | March 11, 1999 |
President Clinton Highlights U.S. Support for
Regional Cooperation at Antigua Summit
In the context of the Antigua Summit, the Clinton Administration todayannounced four new initiatives that focus on national and regional effortsto promote democratic transformation in Guatemala and support regionalcooperation.Support for Implementation of the Guatemala Peace Accords
The Clinton Administration will provide an additional $25 million this yearto assist in the implementation of the Guatemalan Peace Accords. U.S.assistance will be directed toward the justice sector; scholarships aimedat increasing access to education for disadvantaged students, especiallyindigenous students; literacy training for rural community members,especially women and youth; citizen participation in local governments;support income generation, such as microenterprise development; developingexpertise among legislators and government administrators; and support ofimplementation of recommendations of the Historical ClarificationCommission.
Central American Regional Environmental Initiatives
The Clinton Administration will double the U.S. government?s commitment tosupport Central American regional environmental initiatives throughCONCAUSA -- an agreement signed by President Clinton at the Miami Summit in1994 and which committed the United States to support the Central AmericanAlliance for Sustainable Development. USAID will contribute an additional$25 million over five years to improve forest conservation and costal zonemanagement, mitigate climate change, and reduce industrial pollution.
The additional monies include components on sustainable energy, promotionof the Clean Development Mechanism (an initiative to attract and promoteCDM carbon offset projects between developed and developing countries),costal zone management, and environmental protection.
Disaster Mitigation
AID and its Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance will provide about $11million over three years through the Center of Coordination for thePrevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC) to developand implement disaster mitigation activities. This will include training byU.S. civilian and military officials in disaster management and response,as well as developing land use priorities and public hazards-awarenesscampaigns.
Child Labor
Governments in the region have made public commitments in this area apriority, and the U.S. is prepared to help. The Clinton Administration willbe providing $8.2 million directed at projects in the region designed toeliminate child labor and help move children from work to school.
Street Children
USAID and the Department of State will support an OAS pilot program forstreet children in Central America. AID will provide assistance foreducation, while the State Department?s Bureau of International Narcoticsand Law Enforcement will provide assistance to children affected byaddictions.