Jean-David Levitte
Born on 14 June 1946 in Moissac (Tarn et Garonne), France
Minister Plenipotentiary
Diplomatic Adviser and Sherpa to the President of the Republic
of France
Higher Education:
Law Degree. Graduate of the Institut des Sciences Politiques.
Graduate of the National School of Oriental Languages (Chinese
and Indonesian).
1970: Concours de secr‚taire des Affairs Etrang‚res (Orient)
Competitive examination
1971: Vice-Consul, Hong Kong
1972-74: Third Secretary, Peking
1974-75: Directorate for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign
1975-81: Assistant Adviser, General Secretariat of the Presidency
of the Republic
1981-84: Counsellor, Permanent Mission of France of the United
Nations in N.Y.
1984-86: Director of West African Desk, Ministry of Foreign
1986-88: Assistant Chief of Staff of the Foreign Minister
1988-90: Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to the
U.N. in Geneva
1990-93: Director of the Department for Asia and Oceania,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1993-95: Director-General for Cultural, Scientific, and Technical
Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Since May 1995 : Diplomatic Adviser and Sherpa to the President
of the Republic of France