European Union at the Denver Summit
Both the President of the European Council, Prime Minister of the
Netherlands, Willem (Wim) Kok and the President of the European
Commission, Jacques Santer will sit at the leader's table at the
Denver Summit of the Eight.
The European Commission is a branch of the European Union, and
its Presidency rotates every 5 years. The President of the
European Commission has held a seat at the G-7 Economic Summit
leader s table since the Summit in 1977. Jacques Santer,
President of the European Commission will participate in the
leader s meetings as he has for the past 2 years.
The European Council Presidency rotates every 6 months.
Coincidently in most past years, the European Council Presidency
was held by members of the G-7. For example, last year Italy
held the European Council Presidency. As a member of the G-7,
Prime Minister Romano Prodi was already at the Leader's table.
This year, however, the Netherlands holds the Presidency of the
European Council through June 30, 1997. Since the Netherlands are
not a member of the G-7, but hold the Presidency during the
Denver Summit, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Willem (Wim)
Kok, will sit at the Leader's table as the President of the
European Council.