Miniature Pennsylvania German Dower Chest - early
18th century brought over to this country by German immigrants.
Folk Art Rabbit riding on a Sheep
Sculpted from a papier-mache mixture dating from the first century
AD in China.
"Dove of Peace" Weathervane
This is
a ¼ scale replica of the "Dove of Peace," George Washington's weathervane
from Mount Vernon. The original was custom made for him in Philadelphia
in 1787 and he specified that the bird carry in its beak an olive branch
painted green.
The original is no longer on Mount Vernon but
in a museum.
Doorway replicated from the entry of the Amstel
House circa 1730 in New Castle, DE in the location of Penn's Landing
home of two and birthplace of three signers of the Declaration of
Mt. Vernon Cupolo with Doves Miniature
punchneedle design created with one strand of embroidery floss and a miniature
punchneedle. Very old art form a series of approximately 1200 individual
loops and stitches per square inch.
Blown-out Goose egg dyed with yellow onion
skins scratch-carved in the PA Dutch Moravian Style (c. 1810-1830). Egg
depicts Buzz Aldrin on the moon, July 20, 1969.
Wild West covered wagon was designed as a historical reminder
of the hardships that our forefathers endured
while exploring the
west in a covered wagon.
Miniature of the Bellange bergertes chair
found in the Blue Room. Hand-carved in cherry and hand-painted with gold
leaf paint.
Revolutionary War Eagle became
a popular motif for furniture. This eagle is based on a finial that decorated
an 1800 Baltimore Secretary.
Sterling Silver piece depicting Massachusetts silversmith Paul Revere
on his ride alerting his countrymen of the approach of the British army.