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Status Report
FY 2001 is the eighth year in a row that the President and Vice President have proposed increased investments in civilian research and development. The
President and Vice President called for a $2.8 billion increase in the
“Twenty-First Century Research Fund” in their FY2001 budget, including
a $1 billion increase in biomedical research at the National Institutes
of Health and double the largest dollar increase for the National Science
Foundation in its 50 year history. These
investments will ensure that science and technology will continue to fuel
economic growth and allow Americans to lead healthier and more productive
lives.They will also ensure that
America's preeminence in all scientific and engineering disciplines is
sustained by increasing funding for university-based research.Such
new investments will enable researchers to tackle important scientific
and technological challenges that will lead to the next generation of cutting
edge research and discoveries.
Cuts in Specific Priority ProgramsAgency by AgencyDepartment of Energy·Energy
science programs were cut by $320million
(10%) from the request in the House, and by $281 million (9%) in the Senate.
Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), a world-class tool for materials science,
saw a $162 million (62%) reduction in requested funding in the House.Such
a cut would lead to its cancellation.The
Senate committee bill cuts $40 million (15%) from the request, leading
to delays and cost overruns.The
additional SNS funds provided by the Senate, compared to the House level,
come at the expense of other Science programs.
Senate committee mark would cut High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, and
Fusion Energy Sciences by as much as 8% below FY 2000 enacted levels.
the House and Senate cuts will seriously hamper critical programs that
are core features of the President's Information Technology R&D and
Nanotechnology Initiatives. ·The
House cut solar and renewable research by $106 million (23%) relative to
requested levels, which is nearly $12 million below the FY 2000 appropriation.The
Senate bill would restore $54 million of the House cuts. ·Elimination
of primary Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles funding in the
House ($135 million) could jeopardize the partnership.The
Senate bill would restore most of the request. ·The
House would cut $30.0 million in Basic Energy Sciences and Biological and
Environmental Research for increased operating time and instrumentation
at the Department's synchrotron light and neutron sources.DOE
operates these facilities for the use of the entire research community,
including researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health, the
National Science Foundation, universities, and private industry. ·The
House would cut $187 million (28%), and the Senate would cut $70 million
(11%) from the President's request for DOE's energy efficiency programs.The
important breakthroughs in energy efficiency technologies and practices
that these programs support will help make America more energy independent,
enhance reliability, and save money for businesses and consumers.Examples
of important programs that are threatened by these cuts include efforts
to increase the energy efficiency of vehicles and home weatherization assistance
to help reduce energy bills for low-income households. ·The
House has provided only $12.5 million, and the Senate only $6 million of
the $52 million request for the International Clean Energy Initiative. Department of Commerce·The
House eliminated funding for NIST's Advanced Technology Program, a public-private
partnership for developing high-risk technologies that have significant
commercial potential ($199 million request).The
Senate committee recommends funding the program at $154 million, which
is still $45 million (23%) below the budget request.
House cut $38 million (13%) from the request for the NOAA's Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research account, which would affect many programs, including
Climate and Global Change research and observations, and the GLOBE program.The
Senate committee recommends restoring these funds, but fails to support
other NOAA climate observing programs.
House cuts would deny the establishment of the Institute for Information
Infrastructure Protection to address research and development shortfalls
related to the protection of the Nation's critical infrastructures.
Department of Agriculture·The
House bill cuts $53 million (35%) from the request for competitive, peer-reviewed
grants from the National Research Initiative.The
Senate bill cuts funding for these grants by $31 million (21%), relative
to the request.
House bill includes estimated reductions of $84 million from priority programs
requested for the Agricultural Research Service.The
Senate bill funds a small portion of the $98 million in increases requested.
total, the House and Senate bills include over $100 million in earmarks
for the Agricultural Research Service and the Cooperative State Research,
Education and Extension Service.
House effectively zeros out the new $120 million Initiative for Future
Agriculture and Food Systems competitive grants program. National
Science Foundation(No
Senate action yet – notes below reflect only House activities.) ·The
NSF investments in science, engineering, and education were cut by $526
million (12%). This reduction would seriously undermine priority investments
in cutting-edge research and eliminate funding for almost 18,000 researchers
and science and mathematics educators – slowing innovation and reducing
the number of well-trained students needed by the Nation's high tech industries. ·The
reduction would seriously undermine priority investments in Information
Technology, Nanotechnology, and Biocomplexity.External
advisory committees have emphasized the vital importance of sustained and
adequate Federal investments for long-term, fundamental research in these
key areas.By failing to provide
the Administration's request in these priority areas, Congress would severely
undercut support for the basic research that serves as the foundation for
breakthroughs in health care, environmental protection, energy, food production,
communications, and a host of technology dependent industries. ·Funding
was eliminated for Earthscope ($17 million) and the National Ecological
Observatory Network (NEON) ($16 million), programs that would enable better
understanding and prediction of earthquakes and threats to sensitive ecological
regions. ·The
elimination of requested funding for a second terascale computer ($45 million)
significantly hampers the burgeoning demand from researchers for high-speed
computer applications. NASA(No
Senate action yet – notes below reflect only House activities.) ·The
$290 million budget for Space Launch Initiative was eliminated, threatening
a program which would lower the cost of future space launch vehicles while
significantly increasing safety and reliability.This
cut also terminates two experimental launch vehicles, the X-34 and X-37. ·Funding
was eliminated for the “Living with a Star” initiative ($20 million), a
program for enhancing our understanding of the sun and its impact on the
Earth. ·$55
million was eliminated for research in reducing air traffic congestion. Department
of Defense ·The
House and Senate approved a bill that cuts $50 million from the request
for projects critical to the Extensible Information Systems and Computing
Systems and Communications Technology programs, while providing hundreds
of millions of dollars in unrequested funds for other programs in Research,
Development, Test and Evaluation. Department of Transportation·The
House and Senate each passed cuts from the request of $222 million (34%)
to research accounts at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.These
cuts affect many programs, including research on crash worthiness.
Protection Agency(No
Senate action yet – notes below reflect only House activities.) ·The
House's rejection of the request for an additional $124 million at EPA
for the Climate Change Technology Initiative damages programs designed
to mitigate climate change, improve energy efficiency, and reduce dependence
on foreign oil. Department of Interior·The
House cut $78 million (9%), and the Senate cut $47 million (5%) from the
President's request for the Geological
Survey's science priorities.These
cuts would restrict USGS science that supports natural resource
and environmental decision-making, as well as research and technical assistance
on the scientific needs of land managers and local land use planners.
Department of Education·Both
the House and Senate failed to support increases for education research,
by cutting the President's request by $24 million (6%) for education research.Now,
more than ever, teachers, parents, and policymakers are demanding education
reforms that are based on proven educational research.The
Department of Education's research investments and data collection activities
are vital to producing an up-to-date knowledge base for improving student
performance.These cuts may jeopardize
the Interagency Education Research Initiative, a collaborative
research effort with NSF and NICHD to support large-scale, interdisciplinary
research focused on understanding what educational strategies work and
why in two key areas: eEarly
l earning of f oundational
s kills; and tTransitions
to learning i ncreasingly
c omplex s cience
and m athematics .
following table provides details on the current status of the 21st Century
Research Fund.
President and First Lady | Vice President and Mrs. Gore |