Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
This report reflects the deliberations of the drafting panel on Science
and Technology and the Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
that met on March 30, 1995 during the Forum on the Role of Science and
Technology in Promoting National Security and Global Stability. The
report was compiled by the session drafter and is a summary of the issues
raised during the discussion. All points do not necessarily represent the
views of all of the participants.
- Drafter:
- Sheila R. Buckley, Consultant
- Co-Chairs:
- Government Co-chair:
Amy Sands, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Nongovernment Co-chair:
Ben Huberman, Huberman Consulting Group
- Rapporteur:
- Jo L. Husbands, National Academy of Sciences
- Participants:
- Gerald Epstein,
U.S. Office of Technology Assessment
- Joseph Pilat,
Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Donald Cobb,
Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Myron Kratzer,
- Harry Barnes,
Carter Center
- Dr. Gary Bertsch,
University of Georgia
- John Steinbruner,
The Brookings Institution
- David Albright,
Institute for Science and International Security
- Ron Lehman,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Dr. George Look,
Department of Defense
- Dr. Zachary Davis,
Congressional Research Service
- Peter D. Zimmerman,
Zimmerman Associates
- Steven Flank,
Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Marc Dean Millot,
- Carole Foryst,
Global Technologies Corporation
- Ravi Prakah,
Embassy of India
Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
--Summary of Drafting Panel Discussion--
Discussion within the drafting Group on "Nonproliferation of
Weapons of Mass Destruction" focused principally on the scope of the WMD
problem and on US policy responses. Observations and recommendations
emerged concerning the state-sponsored and terrori st WMD threats, US
vulnerabilities, available and potential US responses, and the importance
of international cooperation. The WMD problem is best addressed through
political, economic and regulatory approaches to prevention, buttressed by
continued and in some areas enhanced security measures. We will be
required increasingly to rely on intelligence, transparency, international
law and international cooperation.
Many participants were experienced in the nuclear area and seemed
much less familiar with the chemical and biological weapons proliferation
threats or with available political and technical measures for dealing
with them.
It was recognized that in at least two areas -- intelligence and
the US ability to respond to WMD use -- most participants do not have the
knowledge to make useful assessments. Generally, it was agreed that
quality intelligence bears directly on the success of any nonproliferation
efforts, that information on intentions and technical capabilities is
especially important, and that a greater willingness to release
intelligence in support of policy responses would be useful. Based on
available information, participants concluded that US crisis response
capabilities were seriously deficient.
Additional relevant topics that could not be sufficiently explored
include: missile proliferation and technology transfer; the value of arms
control treaties as nonproliferation tools and how effectively they can be
implemented; the tension between using denial and provision of technology
as policy tools and safeguarding, for commercial reasons, those
technologies in which the US has a significant lead; radiological
The sources of the proliferation problem and the design of
appropriate responses both have a higher political than science and
technology content. If found, lasting solutions to the WMD proliferation
problem will be built on international security, political and economic
institutions. Such institutions will reflect strengthened political norms
condemning WMD and will offer greater confidence to threshold states that
they are not threatened by WMD. Our nonproliferation policies should be
attempting to build these institutions with new international rules and
treaties, or modification of current organizations to meet the new needs.
Sub-national and state-sponsored terrorism is likely to
increase. Political, ethnic and other conflicts remain unresolved,
while the information and communications revolutions are creating an
expanding reservoir of persons able to share and magnify their grievances,
identify vulnerable targets, master technologies, and finance and execute
The US government is less well structured to deal with WMD
terrorism than with more conventional military threats. Our capabilities
have not caught up with the changed circumstances of the post-Cold War
environment. We are ill-prepared to prevent or respond to situations in
which the enemy, the cause, and the targets may initially be unknown, in
which deterrence or prevention is extremely difficult, and in which the
perpetrators can produce massive damage with a relatively small investment
of money and personnel.
Three quite different kinds of weapons comprise the WMD threat.
Nuclear weapons are massively destructive, have been developed and
deployed by a number of nations, are within the reach of many others, and
cannot be defended against. A response-in-kind nuclear deterrence
strategy appears to have been successful during the Cold War. Biological
weapons could be as devastating as nuclear, but many believe that few
governments would assume the risks of developing them. Others note that
nations might yield to the temptation of low personnel and financial costs
in return for the possible strategic payoff of being able to hold entire
nations at risk. Biological weapons can be delivered easily and, given
their lethality, with devastating effect. In the event the presence of an
agent is detected and immediate measures taken, masking and antidotes can
provide some protection. Chemical weapons, though the least destructive,
are also easy to make and employ. They are probably most likely, of the
three, to be used by terrorists or in international conflicts. The US
does not maintain a response-in-kind deterrence posture for chemical or
biological weapons.
The range of potentially effective responses to the WMD threat
appears quite narrow. As a response to acquisition, export control is a
weakening tool. With respect to threat of use -- from explicit blackmail
to the political manipulation of an ambiguous capability -- economic and
diplomatic pressure, as well as arms control undertakings and the
associated moral "norm" of abjuring WMD presumably have some persuasive
value. But should these barriers be breached, any government will find
that its deterrence capabilities are highly uncertain and its defensive
capacities virtually non-existent.
While useful, unilateral and multilateral export controls are
increasingly insufficient. Export controls may delay but cannot deny the
acquisition or indigenous development of WMD by a determined state. In
the nuclear area, while the necessary knowledge and computer power are
increasingly available, controls on special nuclear materials and
manufacturing components can still be effective in many cases.
Accordingly, the shift in US export control policy toward "leveling the
playing field" for American commercial interests will have some nuclear
proliferation costs. Export controls are less useful in curbing chemical
or biological weapons development, primarily because relatively simpler
technology is involved, materials are readily available from within even
the most rudimentary industrial programs, and costs are manageably low.
In terms of international cooperation, few countries have robust export
control systems. Russia and China both possess WMD expertise and
materials, weak controls, and unreliable internal politics. Hence, they
are part of the problem.
For economic, security and humanitarian reasons, the US fosters
the diffusion of technologies and scientific knowledge that can enhance
WMD capabilities. Economic development eases a country's proliferation
paths. This phenomenon is also at play when arms control regimes
addressing the various WMD contain the quid of Parties committing to
forego weapons systems for the quo of enhanced access to related
Some military components of US nonproliferation strategy are being
enhanced. They include planning against the scenario of US troop
involvement on a WMD battlefield and being able conventionally to deal
with an adversary's WMD facilities. Together, such capabilities are
believed to provide some degree of deterrence against WMD use.
"Counterproliferation," to the extent that it encompasses these missions,
appropriately emphasizes the need for preparedness in an international
environment wherein WMD may proliferate. At the same time, justifiably or
not, the term has caused consternation among some analysts about the
extent of offensive action the US may be prepared to take to prevent
proliferation. The role of nuclear weapons in US military strategy vis a
vis WMD is unclear.
Enhanced "transparency" -- greater openness of information
developed by governments, commercial entities and international
institutions -- is critical to future nonproliferation efforts.
Transparency has the intrinsic value of increasing the probabilities that
illegal or threatening activities will be revealed and governments can be
called to account. There will be continued tension between a nation's
interests in secrecy and openness. Nevertheless, a panoply of
transparency measures ranging from expressed good intentions to new
international obligations can begin to create a political culture valuing
openness. Such a culture would have to bear additional regulatory burdens
imposed on national economies and private transactions, and expanded
intrusiveness into private lives. But some argue that the imposition of
such costs is already irreversibly underway through the technologies of
the information revolution. Moreover, the groundwork for political
acceptance of new levels of transparency is already being laid in other
contexts, such as recognition of the need for international monitoring and
enforceable protection of the global environment.
The goal of greater transparency also responds to the assessment
that reduction of the WMD threat will largely depend upon the extent to
which nations lower their expectations about the political and security
benefits of possessing such capabilities. An international norm valuing
information sharing and cooperation should contribute to nations'
perceptions that they can do without a WMD hedge. Much as arms control
treaty verification and international arms registries are intended to do,
new international regulatory and reporting systems could provide states
some confidence that neighbors were not making or trading in WMD
Wider release of classified material and reduced protection for
private proprietary data would be integral to the new transparency.
Standards for government classification are being revised. In areas such
as the provision of intelligence and classified technology to
international monitoring agencies, our priorities are already adjusting in
favor of assisting the organizations. We also can become more
bureaucratically agile in making declassification decisions so that
technology transfers can be implemented in time to meet urgent needs.
While some valuable steps have been taken, such as providing monitoring
equipment for Russian use at nuclear storage sites or releasing old
satellite photos, a sea change is needed in the way we think about
sensitive data.
Non-government organizations have a legitimate role in
contributing to US nonproliferation oriented science and technology policy
development as well as in fostering international cooperation in
nonproliferation efforts. Examples of NGOs with the requisite resources
and interests include the Federation of American Scientists and the
Natural Resources Defense Council. Particular problems can be targeted
and efforts made by such organizations constructively to engage scientists
in threshold states and other problem countries. Some argue that the US
government is insufficiently attuned to the role American scientists could
play in influencing the views of their foreign counterparts. They cite US
government resistance, for example, to accelerated US-Russian scientific
cooperation on the biological weapons problem. They believe we are
missing a window of opportunity to draw Russian scientists, including
those previously involved with their country's BW program, into alliance
with Western scientists. Through such interchange, our scientists and
policy makers could benefit from Russian expertise while minimizing the
risk of that expertise being sold to would-be proliferators. Others hold
that continued Russian unwillingness to open up about its past and perhaps
current BW activities has created barriers to cooperation that should not
be ignored.
In discussing funding of various cooperative proposals,
participants noted that Nunn-Lugar money, though available for non-nuclear
purposes, is limited to the Former Soviet Union and in any case unlikely
to be released for major new ventures. In support of more generous and
flexible funding arrangements for nonproliferation cooperative efforts, it
was noted that US public health and emergency response officials should be
able to get quickly to disaster sites, such as the Japan gas incidents, in
order not only to assist with their expertise but to collect invaluable
There are major weaknesses in US and international disaster
response capabilities. The US government is becoming better structured
for taking swift, coordinated action, but more effort and money are
needed. There is no fast-deployable search and disable type capability
for chemical or biological weapons analogous to the "NEST" anti-nuclear
capability. We are particularly poorly organized to respond to a
biological attack. For some biological agents, the fact that they have
been used may not become apparent until the emergence of victim symptoms
after several hours. Yet successful treatment must be delivered almost
immediately after exposure to provide a good prospect for recovery. These
circumstances could easily result in levels of panic and demand for health
and security services for which we have no previous experience.
There are legitimate concerns about whether research in basic
science relevant to nonproliferation is being allowed to lapse. Several
participants suggest that it is, and that National Laboratory resources
should urgently be directed to redress the problem. The Labs are already
structured to engage in multi-disciplinary basic research, to integrate
complex problems, and to serve as conduits to potential outside users and
beneficiaries of their work. Advocates of further expanding these roles
cite past and current Lab contributions to research and development of
sensor technologies and Lab provision of experts to US chemical weapons
and biological weapons arms control negotiating teams as well as to
international institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency
and the Provisional Secretariat of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Export Control
- Given that export controls are a diminishing asset, we should be
examining other supply side approaches. In more cases, export controls
should be imposed to deny non-WMD goods and technologies to suspect
proliferators. This approach should be implemented unilaterally and
internationalized if possible.
- A new approach to trade in proliferation-supporting materials and
technology should be pursued. National control systems should be
developed and international standards negotiated for tracking items in
international commerce and safeguarding the movement of certain goods.
Technically, we already see steady improvements in our ability to monitor
the movement of goods, the procurement of services and expertise, and the
financial arrangements that comprise international trade. Politically,
new creativity is required
-New and more comprehensive physical protection standards are
-Implementation of arms control agreements and subsidiary
arrangements affecting the monitoring, destruction and control of WMD
should be conducted to maximize transparency. Where feasible, such as in
the Biological Weapons Convention, formal enhancements are appropriate.
Future agreements should expand upon precedents in data exchange and
inspection intrusiveness.
Operational Response
- Civil defense responses to WMD should be internationalized. Public
health cooperative planning for responding to the biological weapons
threat would be particularly timely.
- A vigorous international health monitoring regime should be
created, drawing on the principals of transparency to ensure full and
timely disclosure of nations' internal public health problems. It would
need to rely upon much more extensive technology and information sharing
than governments presently are willing to contemplate. An international
registry of biological organisms should be created and new international
rules put in place to obligate nations to keep their reporting up to date.
Inventories and catalogues should be maintained. The political commitment
of major nations is indispensable, especially the US, Russia and China.
-Capabilities for rapid response, diagnosis and treatment in the
event of domestic WMD use should be improved, with first emphasis on
measures to manage the consequences of a biological agent release.
- Rapid response teams, probably located within the Department of
Health and Human Services, should be developed and funded. Advance
planning is critical. We should be able to coordinate detection,
diagnosis, medical and public health responses, public information and
- Sufficient funds should be allotted for crisis management
preparation at the domestic local, state and federal levels.
- The federal infrastructure should be made sufficiently robust to
ensure that a response is possible enabling us to identify pathogenic
micro-organisms present in either a man-made or natural epidemic.
- When catastrophic activities occur elsewhere, the US should be in
a position to establish on-site collaborative research and analysis both
to aid the victim country and to ensure that we learn our own lessons from
the incident. Advance planning internally and with receptive countries
should be accelerated and contingency funds designated.
Scientific Cooperation
- Several participants argued for extensive contact, data exchange
and cooperative research in the biological area among scientists,
especially Russian and American since both countries have had biological
weapons programs. Undertakings could include:
- joint research and implementation of bilateral health monitoring efforts;
- a bilateral Protocol on cooperation and joint response in the event of a
- major natural disease outbreak (to help tie the Russians into
"respectable" efforts in the biological field);
- better US government support of ongoing interchanges between the US and
Russian Academy of Sciences Working Groups on the biological weapons problem;
- US scientists and policy makers eliciting, on an urgent basis, the
cooperation of their Russian counterparts in developing biological "rules of the road," such as an international requirement for registration of any research into new strains.
Science and Technology
- We should explore how to organize and fund more basic science in
the chemical, nuclear and biological areas. Without a robust base, as the
need for new technologies arises our product development responses will be
too slow. The kinds of verification, monitoring, communication and
information sharing which are important for nonproliferation are dependent
on such products. Examples: sensors; reconnaissance; sampling; antidotes.
- The National Laboratories should assume nonproliferation as a core
mission additional to their nuclear weapons stewardship mission. They
should have greater autonomy and flexibility in research directions. All
agreed that past Lab roles of this type had made major contributions and
that more basic research, wherever done, was necessary to provide the
foundation for scientific and technical developments in detection,
verification, prophylactics, treatment and the wide range of other means
for curbing or responding to WMD proliferation.
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