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John Holum Introduction

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Introduction by JANE WALES
Good morning, and welcome to the second day of our forum. I am still Jane Wales from the White House and want to again thank you very much for donating your time over this two- day period. This conference just to remind has been sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as the White House.

Yesterday President Clinton charged this gathering with the task of drafting a strategy for putting science and technology to the service of national security. The way we have organized ourselves to carry out that task is to establish drafting groups that have been meeting. They met twice yesterday. They will meet twice today. They are revising and refining the white papers that are in your notebooks to try to capture and reflect the comments that you are making and the questions that you are raising during plenary and break-out sessions.

I remind you of this process in order to encourage you to use those questions and comments cards that are in your folder. Even if the session chair does not get to your question, that question or comment will not be lost, because the cards are being gathered by a member of the staff who will be in the aisles, and they will be given to the drafting group to be taken into account in the final product.

We have a long day ahead of us, beginning with the Director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, John Holum, and ending with the Vice President at 4:30 this afternoon at which time he will give us his vision of science and security.

The focus of this morning's session is the role of science and technology and defense and arms control issues. John Holum has been kind enough to join us to give us the policy context in which we develop policies of prevention of conflict.

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