MAX User Survey
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FY 2001 Budget: Survey of MAX Agency Users
1. What was your overall assessment of the MAX A-11 data entry system this past budget season?
Easy to use Difficult to use Please explain:
2. Did you have any problems with the MAX A-11 system?
Yes No Please explain or give a specific example:
3. What improvements in the MAX Software would you like to see? (Suggestions for changes, expansion, or deletions)
4. Do you feel that information regarding the MAX A-11 application was communicated adequately?
Yes No Please explain:
5. Did you have problems downloading the MAX A-11 Data Entry software from the MAX A-11 Home Page?
If you did not download the software from the MAX A-11 Home Page, how did you get the software?
CD Disk E-mail
6. What other types of information would you like to see on the MAX A-11 Home Page?
7. Where is your MAX A-11 software installed?
on a stand alone PC on a PC attached to a network on the network for shared access # of users
8. When you configured the MAX software, did you have to set "Gateway Settings" (OPTIONS-CONFIGURATION-SETUP COMMS)?
Yes No
9. Do you upload and download your account data yourself?
Yes No Name
10. How would you rate your Internet provider connection?
Good Occasionally slow Slow
11. Does your organization have any plans to implement Windows 2000 by November 2000?
12. Your satisfaction with MAX A-11 is important to us. Please share your thoughts and/or suggestions in the space provided below.
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