Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
February 2, 1996
Remarks By First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
to The Association of Junior Leagues
The White House
MRS. CLINTON: Thank you so much, Nancy. I am so pleased to
be here with all of you who are the leaders of the Leagues
around, not only our country but, I understand, three other
countries. And I owe a great debt of gratitude to the League,
both in its corporate capacity through the years, and
individually to many members because of the work that the League
has done.
It is very important, as you know, that the League continue
to speak out on this concept of community that Nancy referred to.
To try to bring to life some of the issues that you know because
of your work affect the lives of children and families everywhere
you live. To put a human face on the political debates. To make
sure that all of our citizens know what is at stake.
As Nancy referred to the book that I've written, there are
two things that I think as a matter of full disclosure should be
mentioned. One is that I talk in the book about the Lynn County
Child Care Center which happens to be in Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
which happens to be where Nancy is from, as an example of a
public/private partnership principally relying on subsidizing
child care for working parents, young parents who need to try to
get their education, women who have been divorced and don't have
adequate child support who need to work and can't manage good
child care at the same time. I could have listed hundreds of
good facilities around the country but only had room for one, and
I had recently visited that center, so I wanted to include it.
The other is that, at the beginning of one of the chapters
on health care, I talk about having attended, around 20 years ago
now, a Junior League meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. And, at
the meeting, a woman name Betty Lowe--who was then a pediatrician
on the staff of the Children's Hospital--and I were talking about
child advocacy, which the League was getting into and very
concerned about. And I write about how struck I was at the end
of our presentations when one of the League members in attendance
asked Dr. Lowe what, if she could do anything, she would do in
order to make sure children in our country were healthy. And I
didn't know what to expect, but what I heard was not what I
expected, when she said "I'd make sure that they had good food
and they had exercise and they had clean water and they lived in
places that valued them, and their parents were supported so that
they could do what needed to be done for their children." And
she went on to talk about how so many of the problems children
face are because adults have failed to do what we need to do on
behalf of our children.
And that was as good an explanation of what advocacy meant
as any that I had heard. And so for many years afterwards I
worked often with League members both in my own state and around
the country. And I come today in part to thank all of you for
your commitment to children and to our communities.
I think it's important as we look toward the future to
realize that we have many challenges. Some of them appear at
times to be quite daunting. But part of the reason I wrote this
book is because I honestly believe that we know what we need to
do. And that there are solutions to all of these problems that
we worry about. That right now somewhere in America and in the
other countries represented, parents are learning how to be
better parents, doctors and nurses are reaching out to care for
children who would otherwise go without care, teachers are
adjusting how they teach to deal with the problems children bring
with them into schools, communities are providing recreational
facilities and trying to provide some kind of support for
teenagers so they just don't wander aimlessly through malls and
video arcades.
We can look and see so many efforts now under way that are
bearing fruit. But one of the great frustrations that I see,
sitting where I am today, is that many of these solutions and
ideas are not linked up together. We don't learn well from each
other. We keep repeating the same efforts. We don't move beyond
and understand that what worked in Cleveland or in Denver could
work in Dallas or in New York. And we have to do more to bring
together the state of our knowledge about how to strengthen and
support families. We also have to communicate that more
effectively to families themselves.
One of the great issues that we will confront in the coming
years is how, in the blizzard of information that we are now
deluged by, any of us will make sense out of what we hear and see
and put it to use in our own lives and communities. I think
about that a lot because, I often do little tests of my own to
sort of check and see what the state of knowledge about something
as simple as talking to a child on the first years of life might
be. I started doing this about 15 or 16 years ago when, during a
campaign day with my husband, and I guess it was probably 1982
because Chelsea was about two, we were in a community and walking
up and down the streets visiting with people. And I went up to a
group of women who had a lot of little children, some in their
arms, some hanging onto their legs. And I started talking with
them, and I said to one of them, "You must be having a great time
talking with your daughter." And she gave me this totally blank
stare. And she said, "Why would I talk to her? She can't talk
I now say that to nearly everybody I see with a child in a
situation, whether it's on a campaign trail or in a supermarket
aisle or wherever I might be, because I'm constantly surprised
how many parents who want to be good parents don't know something
as simple as what it takes to build a vocabulary that will enable
a child to be successful in school.
So many of them also don't know what it means to read to a
child or they might be embarrassed because they don't read well.
And when I think about the endless times that I've read the same
books that you've read to your children, so that you could recite
them by heart, and then you try to skip a page or a paragraph,
and "no mummy, no mummy, back there." And I see the results in
my own child's life and in the lives of the children of my
friends that they know words. They know how to speak. They know
how to read. They may not read as much as I would want them to
read, but at least they read their computer screens, so they are
reading something. And there are so many children whose parents
still don't know that is essential.
In the book I talk about an incredible study that I came
across last year called "Meaningful Differences," where some
researchers at the University of Kansas went into homes of
different educational and economic backgrounds. But, all kinds
of dysfunction was screened out, so you didn't have parents who
had problems with alcohol or depression or any of those
difficulties. You had stable parents trying to do the best they
could, living on welfare, living on very low wages from jobs that
didn't pay much, and then you had parents who were well-educated
and well-remunerated for the work that they did. The researchers
went into these homes once a month and watched and recorded every
word that was said. And it wouldn't surprise you, I'm sure, that
the number of words was so much greater in the homes of the more
educated, more affluent parents. Even where both parents, mother
and father, worked, the number of words was so much greater in
comparison to the next level of education and income and in
comparison to those who were on welfare.
In addition to the words themselves, though, the positive,
affirming messages that the children heard were also much greater
the higher the level of education and income. There were lots of
"Good girl," or "That's a boy," or "Oh, I'm so proud of you, look
what you've done today." When you dropped down--again these are
solid, stable families, parents who want their children to
succeed--in the next level of income and education you had far
more words of prohibition and negative messages. "Don't do
that," "Stay out of there," "Don't get into that," "Come on, come
sit down." Lots of messages of stopping, boundaries. Much fewer
messages of affirmation.
And then when we got into the actual interactions going on
between mostly mothers and children in homes that were on
welfare, again the number of words was much lower, but the number
of positive messages was dramatically lower. These parents saw
the world as quite threatening to themselves and their children,
so they were constantly trying to reign their children in, to
tell them not to do things: "Don't do that," "Get away from
there," "Come sit down." All of those messages which not only
sent the words to the child, but sent the signal as well that the
world was not a very open place to be explored, to deal with in a
curious way that we want our children to learn.
And the researchers concluded, and I think absolutely on
target, that when they followed these children into school, into
elementary school because this study went on for a number of
years, you could track the vocabulary richness, the openness to
learning, from those first years and see the relationship between
how a child was talked to and what the nature of the words
happened to be.
Now just think, if we could, knowing what we now know,
knowing what all of us in this room try to do with our own
children and the children that we care about. I have a nephew
staying with me now, and the poor child is just overwhelmed by
affirmation and positive words. You know, he's only six months
old. And sometimes I look at him and I have this feeling he's
saying, "Leave me alone, enough is enough." But just think of
what we could do if somehow we could empower and educate every
parent to do what so many of us do as a matter of course.
That's a simple example, but it's an example that I wanted
to share with you because it clearly points out that if we do not
help parents and families with better information, with the kind
of home visiting programs that I know a number of Leagues have
been involved in, if we don't use our media to deliver positive
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