December 13, 2000: Column on Trip to Ireland and Vital Voices Announcement December 6, 2000: Column on Passing Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Bill November 29, 2000: Column on "An Invitation to the White House: At Home With History" November 22, 2000: Column on Trip to Vietnam November 15, 2000: Column on the 200th Anniversary of the White House November 8, 2000: Column on New York Senate Race November 1, 2000: Column on the Importance of Voting October 25, 2000: Column Urging Congress to Pass Legislation Important to the American People October 18, 2000: Column on Trafficking of Women and Children October 11, 2000: Column on Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act October 4, 2000: Column on Reauthorization of AmeriCorps National Service Program September 27, 2000: Column on Reauthorization of VAWA September 20, 2000: Column on Ritalin September 13, 2000: Column on Youth Violence and the Entertainment Industry September 6, 2000: Column on Expanding Healthcare Benefits August 30, 2000: Column on Making Education Our #1 Priority August 23, 2000: Column on Pine Ridge, New Markets Tour August 16, 2000: Column on Decision 2000 August 9, 2000: Column on the Congressional and Presidential Tax Plans August 2, 2000: Column on Newborn Hearing Screening July 26, 2000: Column on the 10th Anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act July 19, 2000 : Column on Treasures Visit to Ellis Island July 12, 2000: Column on Prescription Drug Coverage for Seniors July 5, 2000: Column on the Ninth Millennium Evening, June 27, 2000: Column on Quality Education for Hispanic Youth June 21, 2000: Column on Save America's Treasures: Val Kil Cottage, New York June 14, 2000: Column on the Violence Against Women Act May 31, 2000: Column on National Trails Day May 24, 2000: Column on National Moment of Remembrance May 17, 2000: Column on Howard Theater May 10, 2000: Column on Million Mom March May 3, 2000: Column on the White House Conference on Teenagers April 26, 2000: Column on Arbor Day April 19, 2000: Column on Earth Day April 12, 2000: Column on International Family Planning April 5, 2000: Column on Women Entrepreneurs and Microcredit March 29, 2000: Column on Teen Smoking March 22, 2000: Column on Pediatric Drugs March 15, 2000: Column on Child Support March 8, 2000: Column on Children and Guns March 1, 2000: Column on Teacher Training, Recruitment and Retention February 23, 2000: Column on D.C. Campaign to prevent Teen Pregnancy Launch February 16, 2000: Column on Vital Voices Event at the White House February 9, 2000: Column on Prescription Drug Coverage February 2, 2000: Column on Child Care January 26, 2000: Column on College Opportunity January 19, 2000: Column on Human Trafficking January 12, 2000: Column on Housing Vouchers and Affordable Housing January 5, 2000: Column on the New Millennium December 20, 2000: Column on Presidential Interagency Council on Women
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