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Eco-Industrial Park Workshop ProceedingsOctober 17-18, 1996 Cape Charles, VirginiaCo-Sponsored by Northhampton County and the Town of Cape Charles, VA February 1997
Table of Contents
ForwardAcknowledgments I. Workshop Agenda II. Executive Summary III. Introduction IV. Eco-Industrial Park Definitions V. Eco-Industrial Park Profiles A. Summaries
- B. Detailed Descriptions
- 1. Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park
2. Brownsville Eco-Industrial Park 3. Riverside Eco-Park 4. Burnside Eco-Industrial Park 5. Port of Cape Charles Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park 6. Civano Industrial Eco-park 7. The Volunteer Site 8. East Shore Eco-Industrial Park 9. Green Institute Eco-Industrial Park 10. Plattsburgh Eco-Industrial Park 11. Raymond Green Eco-Industrial Park 12. Skagit County Environmental Industrial Park 13. Shady Side Eco-Business Park 14. Stonyfield Londonderry Eco-Industrial Park 15. Trenton Eco-Industrial Complex
VI. Break Out Session Reports A. Crafting Industrial Ecosystems B. Recruiting New Firms and Retaining Existing Companies C. Governance and Management Structures D. Strategies for Successful Community Involvement E. Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards VII. Critical Issues and Next Steps Breakout Sessions VIII. Eco-Industrial Development Resources IX. List of Attendees X. New National Opportunities Task Force Membership XI. Eco-Industrial Park Working Group Members APPENDIX A: ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARK PRESENTATIONSA. Case Study: The Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park, "Industrial Redevelopment by the Sustainable Promise" B. Brownsville Regional Industrial Symbiosis Project C. The Riverside Eco Park D. Burnside Industrial Park as Ecosystem; a living experiment E. The Volunteer Site--A New Opportunity for City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, State of Tennessee: A Great Place To Do Great Things F. Development of an Eco-Industrial Park: Plattsburgh Air Force Base on Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, New York G. The Skagit County Environmental Industrial Park H. Eco-Industrial Park Covenants: Stonyfield Farm I. Eco-Industrial Roundtable--Trenton, New Jersey
APPENDIX B:PLENARY PRESENTATIONS DisclaimerThe members of the President's Council on Sustainable Development organized themselves into various task forces and working groups in order to best consider the issues before them. The views contained in these proceedings are not necessarily those of the entire Council. They are the work product of the Eco-Industrial Park workshop attendees. The President's Council on Sustainable Development was established by President Clinton on June 29, 1993. Its purpose was to develop and recommend to the President a national sustainable development action strategy that will foster economic vitality and raise public awareness of sustainable development issues and participation in opportunities for sustainable development. The Council adopted the definition of sustainable development as stated in the original Brundtland Commission report: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The Council is a ground breaking partnership drawing leaders from industry, government, and environmental, labor and civil rights organizations, and is charged with developing bold, new approaches to integrate economic, environmental and social policies. The Council transmitted its report to the President on March 7, 1996. The report is entitled Sustainable America: A New Consensus and has been hailed by leaders from the business, environmental, labor, civil rights, and government communities, as the first time in which consensus has been reached on critical economic, environmental, and social equity issues. At President Clinton's press conference in March at which he accepted the Council's report, he stated "...When I first appointed the Council almost three years ago, some of them knew each other only as adversaries. But with this report, they have shown us the power of partnership. They have demonstrated that when business, environmentalists, and government work together in good faith we can pursue simultaneously the goals of economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental quality." At the heart of the Council's recommendations is the conviction that economic, environmental, and social equity issues are inextricably linked and must be considered together, and, that to achieve sustainability, institutions and individuals must adopt this new way of thinking. Eco-Industrial development is part of this new thinking. The Council has now completed its first eight months of implementation, and will be continuing its work during the Clinton Administration's second term. For more information about the Council, it's upcoming work, or to let us know about interesting work going on in your community, please contact the PCSD at (202) 408-5296. PCSD documents may be ordered toll-free at (800) 363-3732. The PCSD homepage, now being updated, may be found at Many people were responsible for the success of this Eco-Industrial Park workshop. Special thanks go to Donald Clarke and Tom Harris from the Town of Cape Charles, and Timothy Hayes from Northhampton County for their co-sponsorship of the workshop. Thank you for inviting us to visit the beautiful Delmarva peninsula and for your splendid hospitality. Special appreciation also goes to the Eco-Industrial Park working group of the President's Council on Sustainable Development for its diligent efforts in planning the meeting. In particular, the Council is grateful for the leadership provided by Council member Dianne Dillon-Ridgley and Council liaison John Bullard, as well as the all-purpose support provided by Christine Eustis. Ed Cohen-Rosenthal and Susanne Giannini-Spohn also deserve special recognition for their contributions before, during and after the workshop. Appreciation also goes to the remaining members of the planning committee for their guidance and insights: Ramon Alvarez, Scott Bernstein, Timothy Hayes, Jerry Kotas, Rick Luna, Amy Manheim, Jerry McNeil, Natalie Mills, and Harriett Tregoning. Other contributors include Bruce Fabens, Laurice Jones and Tad McGalliard. The workshop involved many presentations and break out sessions. The Council wishes to thank all of the community presenters. We learned a great deal about Eco-Industrial Parks and your communities, and commend you for leading the way to a new paradigm for economic and community development. Unlike most workshops that take place in hotels and conference centers, this workshop was truly hosted by the community. Great appreciation goes out to Barbara Schwenk for all her help with logistics, to Trinity United Methodist Church and the Kiptopeke Elementary school for allowing us to use your facilities, to the Northampton High School Chorus and Ms. Jo Ann Spady for providing entertainment and inspiration at the EIP Expo, and to Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology for its financial support of the EIP Expo. Martin A. Spitzer, J.D., Ph.D. Executive Director, President's Council on Sustainable Development
October 17: | |
11:30 a.m. | Arrival and Registration | Noon-1:00 p.m. | Lunch (Hosted by Cape Charles) | 1:00 p.m. | Welcome/Agenda Review/Introductions/Expectations (Marty Spitzer, PCSD) | 1:20 p.m. | Introduction to Cape Charles EIP (Tim Hayes, Director of Sustainable Development, Northampton County, VA) | 1:45 p.m. | Moderator: John K. Bullard, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | | Presentations by EIP Sites (10 minutes each) |
| Baltimore, MD (Michael Palumbo, Fairfield EIP Site Manager and Larisa Salamacha, Senior Development Officer, Baltimore Development Corporation | | Brownsville, TX (David A. Cobb and Michel A. Thomet, Bechtel Corporation) | | Burlington, VT (Mayor Peter Clavelle, Bruce Seifer, Assistant Director, Community and Economic Development Office and Judith Bell, Consultant, Burlington Electric Department) | | Burnside EIP, Nova Scotia (Wayne Barchard, Environment Canada) | | Civano EIP, Tucson, AZ (Tres English, Tucson Environmental Council) | | East Shore EIP, San Francisco Bay (Ernest Lowe, Indigo Development) | | Volunteer Site, Chattanooga, TN (David Daugherty, ICI Americas Inc.) | 3:00-3:15 p.m. | Break | 3:15 p.m. | Presentations by remaining EIP Sites (10 minutes each) | | The Green Institute, Minneapolis, MN (Michael Krause, Interim Executive Director and Sabrina Lau) | | Plattsburgh, NY (Bruce Steadman and Mark L. Barie, Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation) | | Raymond, WA (Rebecca Chaffee, City Engineer, Jim Neva, Port of Willapa Harbor, Jim Lowery, Pacific County Economic Development Council and Lorraine Wrona, City of Raymond) | | Skagit County, WA (Kevin Morse and Don Wick, Economic Development Association of Skagit County) | | Shady Side, MD (Joe Abe, Business Ecology Network) | | Stonyfield Farm, Londonderry, NH (Peter Lowitt and Nancy Hirshberg, Stonyfield Farm, Inc.) | | Trenton, NJ (Jill Hallie Edwards, Division of Economic Development, City of Trenton) | 4:30-4:45 p.m. | Break | 4:45-6:30 p.m. | Ground breaking Ceremony for Port of Cape Charles Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park | 6:30-8:00 p.m. | Reception and Dinner | 8:00-10:00 p.m. | Public Session, EIP Expo Keynote Speaker, Mayor Peter Clavelle, City of Burlington, VT | 10:00 p.m. | Adjourn | October 18: | Problems and Solutions |
8:00-8:15 a.m. | Introduction to the Day's Topics (John K. Bullard, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) | 8:15-9:15 a.m. | Plenary Presentations on 6 Topic Areas (6 speakers will each have ten minutes to outline the issues and set the tone for the entire group before dividing into 6 break-out sessions.) | | Track 1: Crafting Industrial Ecosystems Ernest Lowe, Indigo Development | | Track 2: Recruiting New Firms and Retaining Existing Companies Ed Cohen-Rosenthal, Work & Environment Initiative, Cornell University | | Track 3: Governance and Management Structures Peter C. Lowitt, Stonyfield Farm, Inc. | | Track 4: Strategies for Successful Community Involvement Michael Krause, Interim Executive Director, The Green Institute | | Track 5: Finance Chester Straub, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Program Operations, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce | | Track 6: Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards: The Project XL Example Maryann Froehlich, Director, Office of Policy Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | 9:15-9:30 a.m. | Break (Divide into Break Out Groups) | 9:30-11 a.m. | 6 Break Out Sessions On Topic Areas | | Track 1: Forming an Industrial Ecosystem Moderator: David A. Cobb, Bechtel Corporation 10-minute presentation by Richard D. Pirrotta, Concurrent Technologies 10-minute presentation by David A. Cobb and Michel A. Thomet, Bechtel Corp. | | Track 2: Recruiting New Firms and Retaining Existing Firms Moderator: Larisa Salamacha, Baltimore Development Corporation | | Track 3: Governance and Management Structures Moderator: Jill Hallie Edwards, Division of Economic Development, City of Trenton, NJ | | Track 4: Strategies for Successful Community Involvement Moderator: Tim Hayes, Director of Sustainable Development, Northampton County, VA | | Track 5: Finance Moderator: Jeff Telego, Environmental Bankers Association | | Track 6: Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards Moderator: Jerry Kotas, U.S. Department of Energy | 11:00-11:15 a.m. | Break (Divide into Assigned Break Out Groups) | 11:15-12:30 p.m. | 6 Assigned Break Out Sessions To Discuss Critical Questions and Next Steps | 12:30-1:15 p.m. | Reconvene To Summarize Discussion | 1:15-1:30 p.m. | Wrap up and Adjourn (John K. Bullard, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) | 1:30 p.m. | Lunch (Hosted by Cape Charles) |
A. IntroductionIn its report, Sustainable America, the President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) recommended that "Federal and state agencies assist communities that want to create eco-industrial parks... [as] new models of industrial efficiency, cooperation and environmental responsibility" (p. 104). Broadly defined, an eco-industrial park (EIP) is a community of businesses that cooperate with each other and with the local community to efficiently share resources (information, materials, water, energy, infrastructure and natural habitat), leading to economic gains, improved environmental quality, and equitable enhancement of human resources for business and local community. Case Studies Presented Baltimore, MD Brownsville, TX Burlington, VT Burnside, Nova Scotia Cape Charles, VA Tucson, AZ Chattanooga, TN East Shore EIP, CA Minneapolis, MN Plattsburgh, NY Raymond, WA Skagit County, WA Shadyside, MD Londonderry, NH Trenton, NJ This new approach to economic development provides a unique opportunity for communities to create jobs and protect the environment in a way that respects basic community values. Although the PCSD's recommendation grows out of its support of four demonstration projects, many other communities around the country are also working on eco-industrial development. Because all the communities face significant challenges to move EIPs from theory into practice, the PCSD's New National Opportunities Task Force, in conjunction with the Innovative State, Local and Regional Approaches Task Force, convened a workshop of practitioners working on EIPs. The workshop was designed to (1) provide a status report on eco-industrial projects around the country, (2) increase the potential for success for all EIP efforts, (3) identify key issues and how communities are addressing them, and (4) discuss strategies for marshaling the necessary resources, expertise, and investment to move forward. Co-sponsored by the PCSD, the Town of Cape Charles and Northampton County, Virginia, the workshop brought together representatives from 15 communities, businesses, resource organizations and federal, state and local governments (See community list inset and more detailed descriptions starting on page 10). The workshop was held in conjunction with the ground breaking for the Port of Cape Charles Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park. B. FindingsEco-industrial development is a new model of economic development only recently being tested in communities around the nation. From the experiences of communities represented at the workshop, it is clear that long term progress will require the steadfast leadership, commitment and resources of governments, communities, and businesses (including the financial community). In addition, progress will require demonstrable benefits to business, quantifiable environmental results, as well as education, partnerships and community involvement. While it will take years, if not decades, to know whether society is making real progress in changing to this more sustainable model of economic development, it also is important to track short run progress to maintain momentum. Workshop participants offered many excellent observations and suggestions for advancing eco-industrial development, which will be detailed in a subsequent proceedings document. Key findings and recommendations are summarized here: PCSD interest and leadership have legitimized a new way of looking at economic development that balances a community's economic, environmental and equity needs. According to workshop participants, PCSD has begun to meet its goal of building bridges among competing interests but has not yet completed the task. There are different models of eco-industrial development. Examples from the workshop varied widely: (1) a zero-emissions eco-industrial park, where businesses locate at the same site, (2) a virtual eco-industrial park, where businesses form a loose affiliation or network of related regional companies, and (3) eco-development, where nonindustrial establishments apply industrial ecology principles. The examples also show that eco-industrial development may be driven by a community, a local government, a nonprofit organization or by business. Whatever the model or driver, participants generally agreed that eco-industrial development requires broad support and will benefit from collaborative strategies. The role of the community has been important in nearly every case study. Public involvement has been central for most communities in developing a vision and plan, although in several communities local government, businesses and/or consultants have played a more central role. Those projects that have involved citizens early in the process have been able to rally the community around a common objective -- creating jobs, protecting the environment and preserving community social values. In general, however, communities lack the technical expertise or resources needed to develop their site's industrial ecology, design their baseline study, attract businesses and successfully manage an EIP. For this reason, they have looked to federal, state, and local resources to help launch their projects. In doing so, they have welcomed federal support, but would prefer that federal and/or state resources were consolidated to reduce transaction costs. Participants also suggest that political and community support has been needed to provide visibility and credibility to their planning and fund raising efforts. EIPs need to attract a variety of tenants. Workshop participants recognize that EIPs will need to attract and nurture small businesses, incubator companies, local enterprises and environmental technology firms, in addition to any large corporate tenants they can attract. Key Steps For Every Eco-industrial Park: |
Forming an Industrial Ecosystem. An EIP must develop, at a minimum, an industrial ecosystem that reflects the linkage among the community's natural resources, existing & potential businesses, the transportation infrastructure, and material flows through the local and regional economy. Attracting Tenants. An EIP needs to attract businesses that are compatible with the goals of the EIP and community, as well as create incentives for existing businesses to remain. Management Structure. Managing a site involves many steps and can be approached in a variety of ways. Financing. Private financing is critical to move projects beyond start up and for EIPs to become a common approach for economic development. Performance Standards. Performance standards need to be developed and agreed upon during the design of the park. |
Private financing has been difficult to obtain because financial institutions are not familiar with the potential for EIPs to lower risk and increase rates of return. Institutionalizing EIPs as a new paradigm for economic development will require (1) financing that can be provided by private sector financial markets, (2) development that can be done by firms now viewed as conventional developers, and (3) business profits that are comparable to, if not greater than, traditional business investments. Since this will take some time to accomplish, in the short term, governments, communities, and progressive businesses have an important role in helping launch, pilot and nurture eco-industrial development so it can eventually be financed and managed through market mechanisms.Some environmental regulations discourage businesses from co-locating or partnering. Removing barriers to waste exchanges and allowing air emissions bubbling and trading at a particular site or within a region were two issues specifically identified by participants. Although not yet proven in practice, workshop participants strongly believe business can improve performance and save money (i.e., eco-efficiency) by participating in eco-industrial parks. The belief is based on the promise of synergies, economies of scale, and potential reductions in risk and liability offered by EIPs. Communication among practitioners should occur regularly and the exchange of information made easy. Participants agreed that sharing challenges, strategies and successes is critical to further progress. C. Recommended Next StepsWorkshop participants identified many ideas for continuing development of EIPs. The list of recommendations is not exhaustive, but distills some important next steps and issues. Step 1) PCSD should maintain a leadership role. Participants believe that PCSD serves a unique role that no other current organization can easily fill, namely, the ability to bring all stakeholders to the table as equal partners. Step 2) Formalize the network of people working on eco-industrial development. Create an EIP association to continue building networks of current and potential EIP communities, provide technical support, and develop outreach to businesses and the financial community. Step 3) A clearinghouse for information on eco-industrial development should be established. The clearinghouse could be a central location for literature and a World Wide Web Site. PCSD would be important to helping it get started, but would not itself need to host the clearinghouse. Step 4) Easy community access to government-provided information and startup capital is critical. Attendees strongly recommend that the federal government coordinate with state and local governments and provide a one-stop resource center that more efficiently meet community needs. Funds for the one stop center could be drawn from a variety of supporting agencies. Step 5) The financial services industry, in partnership with business, government and others, should develop a toolkit of financing strategies for use by communities. Step 6) The PCSD should involve its own business members and other business representatives in creating support for EIPs. Businesses should be involved in (1) helping the financial community ensure that loans are available for all stages in the development of EIPs, including design, startup and strategic planning; (2) developing a dialogue with the financial services community about the safety and benefits of EIPs, Brownfields and Sustainable Communities as investment opportunities, and (3) providing data from existing pollution prevention and waste exchange efforts to estimate cost savings of an industrial ecosystem approach versus a traditional development approach. Step 7) EPA, with support of PCSD, should identify and overcome regulatory barriers to hazardous waste exchanges. This could be done by creating a demonstration project for needed regulatory flexibility under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or Clean Air Act. The demonstration could be part of an existing Brownfield, enterprise zone, or Community XL project. Step 8) A strong applied research program is needed to support EIPs and industrial ecology generally. Step 9) Eco-industrial parks should be an important component of Brownfields redevelopment strategies and future legislation. Step 10) The Joint Center for Sustainable Communities, in cooperation with PCSD, should educate local and state political leaders about the opportunities provided by the eco-industrial development paradigm. Step 11) Hold another workshop on Eco-industrial parks in the Spring to continue the process begun at Cape Charles. Work with Brownsville, Texas to hold a follow up conference in March 1997. Brownsville is planning to hold a workshop for businesses that can either locate or support their eco-industrial development. PCSD should support this effort. In its report, Sustainable America, the President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) recommended that "Federal and state agencies assist communities that want to create eco-industrial parks... [as] new models of industrial efficiency, cooperation and environmental responsibility" (p. 104). Broadly defined, an eco-industrial park (EIP) is a community of businesses that cooperate with each other and with the local community to efficiently share resources (information, materials, water, energy, infrastructure and natural habitat), leading to economic gains, improved environmental quality, and equitable enhancement of human resources for business and local community. Case Studies Presented Baltimore, MD Brownsville, TX Burlington, VT Burnside, Nova Scotia Cape Charles, VA Tucson, AZ Chattanooga, TN East Shore EIP, CA Minneapolis, MN Plattsburgh, NY Raymond, WA Skagit County, WA Shadyside, MD Londonderry, NH Trenton, NJ This new approach to economic development provides a unique opportunity for communities to create jobs and protect the environment in a way that respects basic community values. Although the PCSD's recommendation grows out of its support of four demonstration projects, many other communities around the country are also working on eco-industrial development. Because all the communities face significant challenges to move EIPs from theory into practice, the PCSD's New National Opportunities Task Force, in conjunction with the Innovative State, Local and Regional Approaches Task Force, convened a workshop of practitioners working on EIPs. The workshop was designed to (1) provide a status report on eco-industrial projects around the country, (2) increase the potential for success for all EIP efforts, (3) identify key issues and how communities are addressing them, and (4) discuss strategies for marshaling the necessary resources, expertise, and investment to move forward. Co-sponsored by the PCSD, the Town of Cape Charles and Northampton County, Virginia, the workshop brought together representatives from 15 communities, and various businesses, resource organizations and federal, state and local governments (See community list inset and more detailed descriptions starting on page 10). The workshop was held in conjunction with the ground breaking for the Port of Cape Charles Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park. The purposes of the workshop were to: (1) summarize and provide a status report on eco-industrial projects around the country, (2) increase support and the potential for success for all EIP efforts, (3) identify key issues and how communities are addressing them, and (4) discuss strategies for marshaling the necessary resources, expertise, and investment to move forward. The workshop included short presentations from 15 communities that are at some stage of eco-industrial development. Presentations and group discussions were also held on (1) Forming an Industrial Ecosystem, (2) Recruiting new Firms and Retaining Existing Firms, (3) Governance and Management Structures, (4) Strategies for Successful Community Involvement, (5) Finance, and (6) Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards. Finally, participants discussed critical questions and next steps for promoting sustainable eco-industrial development. The PCSD's Eco-Efficiency Task Force Report (1996) described the eco-industrial park concept as an outgrowth of industrial ecology principles in which industrial activities are interconnected with one another and their supporting ecological systems. The report, moreover, suggests the potential environmental, economic and societal benefits that individual companies may reap by working collaboratively in an eco-industrial park. Because the concept was so new and only recently being piloted in communities around the country, the Task Force did not define the term "eco-industrial park." To advance the dialogue about eco-industrial parks, workshop participants were asked to help generate a list of possible definitions of an "eco-industrial park." Following the workshop, participants were given an opportunity to vote on their first and second choice for a definition. Two definitions stood out in the voting of the 42 votes cast. Receiving 15 first place votes and 19 total votes was: "A community of businesses that cooperate with each other and with the local community to efficiently share resources (information, materials, water, energy, infrastructure and natural habitat), leading to economic gains, gains in environmental quality, and equitable enhancement of human resources for the business and local community." Receiving 11 first place votes and 19 total votes was: "An industrial system of planned materials and energy exchanges that seeks to minimize energy and raw materials use, minimize waste, and build sustainable economic, ecological and social relationships." Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park -- Baltimore, Maryland. The Fairfield EIP encompasses over 1300 heavy industrial zoned acres and approximately 60 operating companies located in the South Baltimore Empowerment Zone. The site's superior port, rail, and interstate access will be used to maximize the intermodal transit of raw materials and waste streams, which will facilitate the creation of an industrial "closed loop" production process. The Fairfield EIP strives to demonstrate superior environmental and industrial results through: expanding pollution prevention programs; integrating innovative environmental technologies; engaging in creative Brownfields redevelopment; expanding business networks; streamlining State and City permitting processes; and in implementing an extensive master planning and fiscal impact analyses. Moreover, the Baltimore Development Corporation, along with a diverse pool of business, government, academic, union, and community stakeholders, is designing a new regulatory framework through the EPA's Project XL for Communities. Early successes at the EIP include: securing funds and initiating plans for the demolition and site preparation of a vital 30 acre industrial site; initiating a state sponsored pollution prevention mentoring program; "jump starting" Port of Baltimore expansion at Masonville; implementing a land swap and ordinance process; initiating new road and rail construction; and revitalizing a series of abandoned sites through new building and industrial redevelopment projects.Brownsville Eco-Industrial Park -- Brownsville, Texas. The Brownsville project is based on a regional approach to materials exchange that will include connections to small businesses and agriculture. One key element is the design of an industrial process database to help in identifying potential linkages among existing and potential new companies. Riverside Eco-Park -- Burlington, Vermont. The Riverside Eco-Park is an "ecological-industrial park" whose mission is to demonstrate and promote the commercialization of technologies that effectively utilize indigenous renewable resources that may be transferred to other communities that are interested in sustainable and ecologically sound development. The focus is on biomass energy production integrated with living systems and urban agriculture technologies on the principle of maximizing the utilization of renewable resources to provide electricity and heat applied to living systems that add value to wastes and expand the ability to grow food and flowers locally. Projects integrating biomass energy, living technologies and urban agriculture can be applied to many sites throughout the world to retain existing or to develop new businesses that are challenged with issues of economical energy supply, food production, and waste disposal. Thus, technology transfer will be a very important feature of the Eco-Park. Burnside Eco-Industrial Park -- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. This is a six year multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional action research and education project involving an existing industrial park with cooperative partnerships among academic, government, owners, developers, and tenants. Port of Cape Charles Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park -- Cape Charles, Virginia. Managed by the Joint Industrial Development Authority of Northampton, the Park was designed as part of a comprehensive Sustainable Development Action Strategy. The EIP will incorporate industrial ecology linkages such as recycled water and by-product exchanges. Solar Building Systems, a manufacturer of photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight to electricity is the first tenant to locate. Civano Environmental Technologies Park -- Tucson, Arizona. An eighty acre commercial-industrial campus located within Civano, a 1,147 acre integrated development in Tucson's east side, is a private/public effort of Case Enterprises and the City of Tucson. The community will be the first major development in North America to unite Sustainable and New-Urban concepts in village planning. Civano will offer 3,000 homes in a full range of housing types and prices, extensive recreation and activities centers, a golf course, and green belts providing scenic pathways from homes to recreation and employment centers. The Environmental Technologies Park, which is planned as a center for sustainable technologies and practices, has begun construction for its first industrial tenant, Global Solar, a photo-voltaic cell manufacturer. All buildings in the park will be built to exacting "green" construction standards. Other firms currently in negotiation for relocation into the park include manufacturers of electric cars, wastewater/water purification systems, and passive solar water heaters. Chattanooga, Tennessee -- The Volunteer Site. The site is 7,000 acres of land that was formerly a TNT manufacturing plant. Individual sites of up to 2,000 acres are available for use. ICI Americas Inc. has managed the site since 1953 and is interested in developing an eco-industrial park on the site. Targeted partners include warehouse/distribution companies, heavy and light manufacturers, companies that focus on environmental services, and other industries that re-manufacture and re-use existing products. The overall goal is to create over 10,000 jobs at the site by the year 2020 and create economic benefits by opening access through the plant and allowing local governments to use the facilities to provide services. ICI Americas is using the "clusters" approach to identify businesses that could share wastes as a way to attract and select tenants for the site. They have created a Business Development Center to assist in the recruitment of new businesses and plan to develop utility cost data to demonstrate how the eco-industrial park concept is cost competitive with other locations. East Shore Eco-Industrial Park -- Oakland, California. The anchor for this EIP will be a resource recovery cluster encompassing reuse, recycling, remanufacturing, and composting companies. With this foundation, recruitment will target other tenants manufacturing from recycled feedstocks and renewable materials; firms making renewable energy equipment and systems; and environmental services ventures. The multi-county Economic Development Alliance for Business is sponsoring a project feasibility study to start in early 1997. Green Institute Eco-Industrial Park -- Minneapolis, Minnesota. This small EIP is undertaking a baseline study of more than 600 industrial companies in the vicinity of its 3.5 acre site. The baseline study will be used to promote material and energy exchanges among these existing companies and to focus the tenant recruitment and business development efforts of the Green Institute's incubator program. The Green Institute project is also unique as a grassroots, neighborhood effort that incorporates environmental education and youth participation into many aspects of its programs. Plattsburgh Eco-Industrial Park -- Plattsburgh, New York. With the assistance of Cornell University and U.S. Facilities Management, Inc., the Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation is designing an EIP for the 3500 acres of the decommissioned Air Force facility. The project emphasizes continuous improvement in economic and environmental performance through resource sharing, by-product exchanges, and an environmental management system conforming to ISO 14001. Elements of the EIP will include new development by manufacturers and transportation firms; ecological, cultural, and heritage tourism; environmental technologies; biomass generators; multi-modal distribution; and several "environmental enhancements" connected to the regional eco-system between Adirondack Park and Lake Champlain. Raymond Green Eco-Industrial Park -- Raymond, Washington. The Raymond Green Industrial Park will be developed within a second growth coastal forest that will continue to be selectively harvested. The site encompasses the entire upper drainage basin of Butte Creek, thus the water quality within the site can be uniquely managed. Targeted firms include those that can make use of local natural resources and have low impact manufacturing processes. Skagit County Environmental Industrial Park -- Skagit County, Washington. In the Fall of 1995, a feasibility study for the EIP was completed that identified potential sites, potential tenants, the projects economic prospects, and components of the EIP. It is expected that the park will include a recovery center built with energy efficient recycled content materials, manufacturing center, a community building, sales and marketing space, environmental businesses, and a closed loop system with minimal effluent and emissions. Shady Side Eco-Business Park -- Shady Side, Maryland. Key features for this park include the renovation of an existing facility in an underemployed and under served community; integration of successful community-based tools and approaches; and the demonstration of Business Ecology Round tables. The Round tables are an innovative series of workshops and tools designed to help business and community leaders integrate economic, social and environmental goals. Possible tenants include a micro brewery, fish and shellfish aquaculture, marine exploration and technology, oil recycling, water reclamation, solar and renewable energy, and composting. Stonyfield / Londonderry Eco-Industrial Park -- Londonderry, New Hampshire. Planners for the park are interested in using covenants to assure that industrial ecology is the model for future development. Using community and business input, Stonyfield Farms Inc. and the Town of Londonderry are working to develop the project. Trenton Eco-Industrial Complex -- Trenton, New Jersey. Trenton's EIP will not necessarily be a physical place, but likely a network of businesses with numerous opportunities for linkages. The Eco-Industrial Roundtable - a multi stakeholder steering committee guides the activities of the project. Cornell University is conducting a baseline assessment to determine possible linkages between existing and future businesses. Prior to the workshop, each community was asked to prepare responses to the following questions:- What are your EIP's key features?
- What constitutes success?
- What are your EIP's linkages?
- What is your recruiting process?
- What resources do you have available?
- What is your strategy to continue progressing?
- What is missing?
- What are your goals for the upcoming workshop?
Their responses follow. 1. FAIRFIELD ECOLOGICAL INDUSTRIAL PARKBaltimore, MDAddress: 36 S. Charles Street 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201 Managing Entity: Baltimore Development Corporation Contact Person' s Name: Michael J. Palumbo Phone: (410) 837-9310 ext. 341 Fax: (410) 837-6363 E-mail: Alternate Contact Person: Larisa Salamacha Phone: (410) 837-9310 ext. 340 Fax: (410) 837-6363 E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. - More than 1300 acres zoned for heavy industrial development. Approximately 60 businesses already operate within the ecological industrial park's primary boundary.
- Represents the only Empowerment Zone City grantee with a designed ecological industrial park.
- Pursuing a process to redefine the area's regulatory framework through EPA Project XL for Communities.
- Inter-modal transportation opportunities and mass transit commuting options which are intimately tied to economy redevelopment.
- Establishing business information networks within the park to expand collaborative efforts and material reuse opportunities.
- Playing a more active role in identifying industry education and training skill requirements and in establishing or coordinating linkages with training providers.
- Provides the State of Maryland to model a new voluntary compliance approach to Brownfields redevelopment.
- Completing a master planning exercise which will produce site ownership and environmental quality matrices, electric and natural gas line grids, inter-modal transportation and commuter alternatives, and infrastructure suggestions and priorities tied to promoting sustainable business practices.
What constitutes success?
- Demonstrate that environmentally motivated business networking leads to greater productive efficiency by lowering direct and indirect operational costs, while improving the cross-media environmental conditions of the site
- Preserve critical areas and decrease cross-media emissions and environmental impacts, improving the quality of living for neighboring residents.
- Create 2500 new jobs with above average wage scales over the next 5-10 years.
EIP linkages. Hold multi-stakeholder contact and conferences, for example, to consider detailed input/output information for consideration in a material reuse exchange. Explore connections to targeted waste exchanges and to recruit potential environmentally technology oriented firms which may be able to use the existing waste streams and/or provides the raw material feedstock. We also are exploring the possibility of joint treatment facilities to improve the economics of scale related to these types of investments. Recruiting process. The recruitment and redevelopment strategy for Fairfield provides a unique focus and allows for considerably more opportunities to leverage State and Federal funds than more traditional development approaches. In addition to the obvious benefits associated with the Empowerment Zone, The Ecological Industrial Park targets its recruitment toward three specific company types. As a complement to the recruitment plan, BDC also had instituted an active existing business expansion and infrastructure improvement program. It is this combination of approaches that truly delineates the Eco-Industrial Park concept. The types of businesses being recruited or targeted for expansion include: - Clean Manufacturing or Commercial Uses Which Practice Environmental Responsibility and Leadership:1-3 significant size companies (350-500 employees) to expand the industrial/ commercial base of the area.
- Environmental Technology Providers: 8-10 environmental technology providers (50-100) employees) to expand the pollution prevention, business networking, and closed loop capabilities associated with the Eco-park.
- "The Multipliers" or Service and Other Environmental/Recycling Companies: 10+ small service oriented company's (10-50 employees) to fill in strategic needs created by the increased markets and demand generated through the Business expansion.
- Expanding Existing Employers: improve the regulatory environmental and operational conditions to help stimulate business expansion of existing firms, especially among those firms which possess excess property.
Resources available. We currently receive direct funding through the Empower Baltimore Management Corporation which distributes funds from the HUD Empowerment Zone Grant. The Fairfield EIP also received funds through the Baltimore Development Corporation. Outstanding funding proposals for specific activities outlined in the EIP Strategic Plan have been or will soon be submitted to the Economic Development Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Maryland Department of Economic and Business Development, the Maryland Department of the Environment, and the Department of Energy. In addition, private funding is being pursued through local and national lending institutions, social investment and venture capital funds, local foundations, and EIP membership obligations. Strategy to continue progressing. Our comprehensive redevelopment strategy is illustrated by the attached exhibit. What is missing? Assistance is needed in the following areas: - Secure and reliable site assessment information and support for Phase I site assessments.
- Information related to cost or efficiency improvements associated with environmental technology or pollution prevention integration.
- Creating significant and meaningful incentives to motivate firms to operate in a manner that would stimulate sustainable practice, i.e. market driven advantages for "green" or environmentally conscious manufacturing processes and products such as "preferable products" designation or public sector purchasing targets.
- Provide technical assistance or funding that would support the integration of pollution prevention, environmental technology, and material reuse integration, i.e. detailed input/output analyses which expose innovative ways to reuse resources.
- Provide collective waste water treatment, energy co-generation, and emission reduction models or strategies, analyses, or information.
- Provide funding for the creation of an eco-manufacturing research facility including education and training provisions to prepare workers for new occupational growth in environmental industries.
Goals for the upcoming workshop.
- To share ideas about conducting a wide variety of support activities which promote business expansion, job creation, and community redevelopment, while implementing the characteristics of an ecological industrial park.
- To share ideas and successes to demonstrate that economic growth can occur without having a greater negative impact on the environment.
- To build partnerships to ensure that the ecological industrial park concept becomes a traditional way of doing business in the 21st century.
2. BROWNSVILLE ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKBrownsville, TXAddress: 1205 N. Expressway, Brownsville, TX 78520 Managing Entity: Brownsville Economic Development Council Contact Person' Name: Rick Luna, Director of Communications/Research Phone: (210) 541-1183 Fax: (210) 546-3938 E-Mail: Alternate Contact Person: Jackie Lockett, Brownsville Information & Solutions Network Phone: (210) 546-1161 Fax: (210) 982-1876 E-Mail: EIP's key features: The Brownsville project is based on a regional approach to materials exchange (regional "industrial symbiosis" (IS). Establishment of a defined "eco-industrial park" is considered as one possible component of regional IS, but not the driving force. Brownsville IS also is inclusive of small businesses and agriculture. What constitutes success? Project will yield an industrial IS "road map" identifying opportunities to increase the operating efficiencies of existing industries and opportunities for recruitment of new industry in the Brownsville region. EIP linkages: We have developed an industrial process data base both of companies existing in Brownsville and Matamoros, Mexico and in industries elsewhere in the U.S. Our consultant has developed analytical procedures to identify potential materials exchange linkages among these industries for both existing and new companies. Recruiting process: Planning tools developed for the Brownsville project identify potential firms likely to benefit from participation in regional industrial symbiosis. Tools also quantify and value materials for exchanges. Then potential firms, new or existing, are contacted to discuss opportunities for cost savings. Resources available? U.S. Department of Commerce Brownsville Economic Development Council City of Brownsville, Port of Brownsville Strategy to continue progressing.
- Cost data need to be added to materials flow data base (consultant)
- Marketing plan is to be developed for strategy to evaluate and contact IS participants (BEDC)
What is missing?
- Additional process detail (input, output, utilities flows will increase rigor of planning tools)
- Cost data are yet to be developed
- A more efficient method of identifying "new" industry opportunities will speed process
Goals for the upcoming workshop.
- Brief other projects on status of Brownsville project.
- Demonstration of uniqueness of our approach.
3. RIVERSIDE ECO-PARKBurlington, VTAddress: The Intervale, Burlington, VT 05401 Managing Entity: Burlington Electric Department (interim) Contact Person' s Name: Steve Burroughs, General Manager Phone: (802) 865-7406 Fax: (802) 865-7400 E-mail: gmatbed @ Alternate Contact Person: Robert Skiff Phone: (802) 656-3833 Fax: (802) 656-8678 E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. The Riverside Eco-Park is an Agricultural-Industrial Park in an Urban setting. Its focus is two-fold: - Bio-Energy - green electricity generated using bio-mass fuels
- Living System - living machines, which capture available thermal energy for commercial greenhouse production of fish, organic vegetables, and water purification.
What constitutes success? Success will be the integration of these two existing but separate emerging technologies systems into one closed loop demonstration project which is transferable to the communities. Measurements for a positive outcome are qualitative and quantitative - reduced dispersion of generating station "waste" heat into the air and water
- improved environmental condition - soil and water quality, recycling volume increases
- increased self-sufficiency for the community in percent of food produced locally
- creation of sustainable jobs and training programs appropriate to our region
- increase of recreational and educational opportunities for area residents
EIP linkages. The two emerging technology systems of bio-energy and living systems have been analyzed for compatibility through the process of a feasibility study. This study took input and outflow data from both systems, as well as current procurement practices and waste dispersion, and matched them to achieve theoretical improvement in efficiencies for both systems, joined in closed-loop. Our next step will be the schematic engineering and cost analyses of this system, followed by an urban farm demonstration project to test and fine-tune viability. Recruiting process. Our EIP has identified an unique geographic area, and established its existing natural and economic resource strengths. The McNeil Generating Station, Living Technologies, Gardener's Supply Company, and the Intervale Foundation are located on a fertile tract of 680 acres of underutilized urban agricultural land. Additional companies will be added or recruited as the patterns, strengths, and weaknesses of the first demonstration project unfold. Our ultimate hope is to take our two base systems of bio-energy and living systems from research and development, through commercialization, to spin-off industry creation at this site. The creative products of this process will then be fed back to our eco-park structure for expansion, as well as to other sites, and the creation of other eco-industrial structures. Resources available. Sources for funding to date for our feasibility study are: - Community development Block Grant - $9500
- Burlington Electric Department - $9800
- Department of Public Works - $5000
- In-kind contributions for
- GIS CADD data base drawings and planning - Waste heat data analysis - Project administration Applications have been made to EPA and DOE for Phase 2 funding.Strategy to continue progressing. A multi-agency collaborative approach to funding and support is critical and sensible. We are working with the Department of Energy to design a process for federal agencies to cooperate on projects such as ours that cross the lines of Departments of Energy, Commerce, EPA, and USDA or others as examples. What is missing? Information and tools that would help us implement our plans might include: - Planning and zoning strategies for low-impact industries
- Funding sources for EIP planning and implementation
- Research and development data on EIP systems already in place
- Case studies on existing EIPs
- Interagency cooperation - a central clearinghouse approach to information and resources
Goals for the upcoming workshop. We are hoping to get a one-stop comprehensive snapshot of EIP development in the country, to evaluate and improve our own approach, and to share our best and most successful ideas with others. This should be an excellent forum, and may result in good ideas to continue the momentum of information exchange after October 18th. 4. BURNSIDE ECO INDUSTRIAL PARKHalifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaAddress: 1312 Robie Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H3E2 Managing Entity: Burnside Industrial Park as Ecosystem Contract Person's Name: Raymond Cote Phone: (902) 494-3632 Fax: (902) 494-3728 E-Mail: N/A Alternate Contact Person: W. Wayne Barchard Phone: (902) 426-4695 Fax: N/A E-Mail: N/A EIPs Key features. Burnside Project - 6 year multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional study of requirements;
- cooperative partnership among academics, 3 levels of government, owners, developers and tenants;
- phases/retrofitting and planning;
- innumerable, constantly changing SMEs.
What constitutes success? - Commitment from park owners;
- Flexibility in implementation of Environmental regulations;
- Participation by capital owners;
- Appropriate economic instruments;
- Active information, education and interpretation; and
- A technical extension service.
EIP linkages. - System Definition [Surveys and database]; Industrial, social, brainpower inventories
- Food Web [Materials Flow Database];
- Energy Conservation [Energy Audits];
- Resource Conservation [Waste Audits, and Materials Exchange];
- Scavengers and Decomposers [Recyclers and Waste Managers];
- Information Exchange [Cleaner Production Centre Business Leaders Forum, Newspaper Column].
Recruiting process. (Not yet developed) Resources available. - Federal-Provincial Sustainable Development Fund;
- The Donner Foundation;
- Halifax Regional Municipality; and
- Federal and Provincial Governments three Academic Institution
Strategy to continue progressing. - United Nation Environmental Program-Industrial Estate Guideline;
- Work with the new HRM Industrial Development Commission;
- Revision of the Regulatory Structure (Sewer Bylaw, Solid Waste Strategy, Provincial and Federal Acts);
- Federal and Provincial Pollution Prevention Strategies;
- Newest Phases of Burnside using some of the Design Criteria; and
- Continuation of Leader's Forum, regular Newspaper columns.
What is missing? - Firm commitment by the owners, builders and capital managers;
- A supportive Regulatory Structure; and
- Stable funding for the Extension Program.
Goals for the upcoming workshop. 5. PORT OF CAPE CHARLES SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIAL PARKEastville, VAAddress: P.O. Box 530, Eastville, VA 23347 Managing Entity: Joint Industrial Development Authority of Northampton Contact Person's Name: Timothy Hayes Phone: (757) 678-0477 Fax: (757) 678-0483 E-Mail: Alternate Contact Person: Thomas Harris Phone: (757) 678-0440 Fax: (757) 678-0483 E-Mail: EIPs Key features. - Provides the infrastructure for industrial ecology linkages among companies.
- Improves the economic, natural, cultural, and social and living environment of the site and the surrounding region.
- Designed by the community as part of a comprehensive Sustainable Development Action Strategy with mixed use, and a nature preserve.
- Zero Emissions Design.
What constitutes success? - Private for-profit investment in new companies and expansion of existing companies in the Park.
- Jobs created for local people.
- Employee-owned companies created by local people.
- Natural and cultural resources protected and maintained.
EIP linkages. - Providing for water recycling within the Park through a used water collection system, water recovery facility and recycled water distribution system.
- Plan to form a technical panel to analyze by-products of existing and proposed companies for potential use by other existing, and proposed companies.
- Mixed residential, commercial, industrial uses.
Recruiting process. - Providing the infrastructure necessary for companies to operate successfully - product.
- Providing land, utilities, services, amenities at competitive rates - price.
- Part of National Historic District - Town of Cape Charles.
- Surrounding town and county maintaining its spectacular natural, historic and living environment - place.
- Strategic alliance with Eastern Shore Economic Development Commission and Virginia Economic Development Partnership - promotion.
Resources available. - Local - Northampton County and Town of Cape Charles purchasing and providing land and partial design funds.
- Region - Easton Shore Resource Conservation and Development providing partial construction funding.
- State - Virginia Coastal Program, Development of Transportation, Department of Conservation and Recreation providing partial design and construction funding; Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.
- Federal - U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Strategy to continue progressing. - Project managed by County Department of Sustainable Economic Development/Joint Industrial Development Authority.
- Covenants to be established based on master plan and design and operation standards.
- Recruitment process focusing on industrial ecology components to be developed and implemented.
What is missing? - How to establish an effective process for developing, facilitating, managing an industrial eco-system.
- In conjunction with above, establishment of an effective marketing/recruitment program.
- Construction of Flex/Incubator space for lease to small/medium size companies within the park.
Goals for the upcoming workshop. - Start of an ongoing network of EIP developers/operators.
- Find out how other EIP's are achieving success and overcoming similar challenges as we are.
- Identification of potential additional funding/investment sources.
6. CIVANO INDUSTRIAL ECO-PARKTucson, AZAddress: 6280 S Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85706 Managing Entity: Community of Civano LLC Contract Person's Name: David Case Phone: (520) 889-8888 Fax: (520) 889-6207 E-Mail: Alternate Contact Person: John Laswick Phone: (520) 791-5093 Fax: (520) 791-5413 E-Mail: N/A EIPs Key features. The Civano business park is part of an integrated development that emphasizes human interaction and environmental responsibility. The businesses that are being sought will enable the Civano business park to become a center of sustainable technologies and practices. Civano will become more like an EIP as it becomes more like a "virtual corporation" where businesses with certain core capabilities (e.g., makers of PVs, electric vehicles, circuit boards, steel fabricators, design firms, renewable construction, etc.) come to coordinate their activities, share resources, and participate in joint operations, such as water treatment, and reduce dependence on transportation and increase competitiveness. What constitutes success? The current aim is to attract companies that fit into the general concept of a sustainable community. At present, the chief measure of success, besides simply being a viable business district, is to succeed in attracting critical "flagship" companies that both set the philosophical tone for the business development thru the use and production of renewable resource technologies and also promote the idea of a business park that is center for sustainable technologies. EIP linkages. Prior to the purchase of the Civano land by the current developer, the City of Tucson organized two major workshops on business development at Civano. These brought together business, financial, academic, and other organizations that are interested in the idea of a business district with distinctive characteristics. The Metropolitan Energy Commission, which originated Civano, and the City have developed new resource-efficient building codes and builder training programs for Civano which will be used to promote sustainable technologies and will likely form part of the economic incentive for certain types of businesses. The local and state economic development agencies are including Civano in their recruitment and expansion programs. Recruiting process. In addition to including Civano in the recruitment programs of the Greater Tucson Economic Council, a Civano Institute is being created to conduct training programs for local builders in the Civano building techniques and to promote the concept of sustainable building technologies throughout the community. Other agencies, such as a new university and the local community college have campuses in the area and both have sustainable technologies programs. Both have expressed an interest in working with Civano. Resources available. Original funding for developing the Civano concept came from a $600,000 grant/loan from the State of Arizona Department of Commerce. These funds were repaid when the current developer purchased the Civano property from the State. Of course, the developer is organizing aggressive marketing and recruitment campaigns. In addition, many thousands of hours of volunteer time have been contributed for at least 10 years to develop the concept of Civano and bring it to the current state. Strategy to continue progressing. Civano is an integrated residential development with an important business component. In that context, some of the key pieces include the development of a marketing plan, identifying and signing leases with "flagship" companies, and the implementation of the Civano Institute and the Civano builder program. What is missing? Chiefly, examples of EIPs that will show how to develop a marketing plan and infrastructure plan that will make Civano an attractive business property, without "breaking the budget." We need a better understanding of the characteristics of EIPs that provide competitive advantages over traditional business developments. Goals for the upcoming workshop. Understanding and examples. 7. THE VOLUNTEER SITEChattanooga, TNAddress: 6703 Bonny Oaks Drive (mail: P.O. Box 22608) Managing Entity: ICI Americas, Inc. Contact Person' s Name: Charles "Sid " Saunders Phone: (423) 855-7256 FAX: (423) 855-7270 E-mail: N/A Alternate Contact Person: T.R. AndrakeMatt Phone: (423) 855-7252 Fax: (423) 855-7270 E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. - 7,000 acre parcel of land interlaced with utilities and transportation infrastructure.
- Individual sites of up to 2,000 acres are available for commercial use.
- A business development center to help establish new businesses.
- A national environmental test center to develop environmental technologies are on site.
- Civilian organizations can use facilities, land equipment of this standby U.S. Army Ammunition Plant to produce their own services and products.
What constitutes success? - If we are able to create 10,000 jobs at the site by year 2020.
- Establish cooperative arrangements with local governments to use the facilities to provide services.
- If the Volunteer Site can become a model for converting National military assets to the civilian sector.
- Maintain capabilities for the Volunteer Site at no cost to the Army.
EIP linkages. - The Volunteer Site is using the "cluster" approach to target specific industries.
- Provide a National Environmental technology demonstration center to perform research, testing and evaluation.
- Establish an academic center of excellence for sustainable development and environmental management.
- "Phased development" is being implemented with parcels of land allocated to each phase. The 650 acre "Brownfield" site is being commercialized first.
Recruiting process. - Using the "Center" industry approach where industries can share common utilities.
- Utilize the U.S. Army's strategic environment research and development environmental test site at Volunteer to recruit new and emerging environmental technology businesses.
Resources available. Under the Congressionally funded Armament Retooling Manufacturing Support (ARMS) initiative, over $100 million has been expended since 1993 to facilitate implementation of the facilities - use strategy, over $10 million of these ARMS funds are scheduled for use at the Volunteer Site in 1996. Strategy to continue progressing. - Increase the Business Development Center activities to assist in recruitment and establishment of new businesses.
- Develop utility cost data and identify ways to be cost competitive with other locations.
What is missing? - Information/models to assist in identifying "cluster" industries as prospective tenants for the Volunteer Site.
- Sources of financing to assist new business start-ups comings to the site.
Goals for the upcoming workshop. - Share information about the Volunteer EIP site.
- Learn about the activities at other EIP's.
- Establish contacts with parties that can help the Volunteer Site reach projected goals.
8. EAST SHORE ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKOakland, CAAddress: 6423 Oakwood Dr., Oakland, CA 94611 Managing Entity: Indigo Development and Urban Ore Contact Person' s Name: Ernest A. Lowe (Indigo) Phone: (510) 339-1090 Fax: (510) 339-9361 E-mail: Alternate Contact Person: Dan Knapp (Urban Ore) Phone: (510) 235-0172 Fax: (510) 235-0198 E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. - The anchor for this EIP will be a resource recovery facility encompassing reuse, recycling, remanufacturing, and composting. (We have five companies now looking to move and expand their operations.)
- Our recruitment strategy will build from this base to include other companies including plants in the park's vicinity, whose participants and energy inputs or outputs will help build a web of by-product exchange. Other potential recruits will be in areas of new renewable materials and energy manufacturing.
- The project will demonstrate the potential for reindustrialization based on emerging trends toward a resource efficient and renewable energy and materials economy.
- Site selection and planning will emphasize ecological values in balance with economic issues. The site will be "landscaped" to reflect native ecosystem characteristics.
- Design of the park infrastructure and buildings will emphasize energy efficiency, use of renewable energy and material, and pollution prevention.
What constitutes success? - Traditional economic development and financial values will be met in balance with ecological values.
- Park performance objectives will reflect this balance and insure continuous improvement.
- Community support for the project will be strong because it will provide jobs for those who need them in industry that safeguards their environment.
EIP linkages. - The by-product exchange network strategy will be implemented through a survey of potential recruits, surveys of neighboring businesses, study of county waste stream reports, and workshops with potential recruits. In addition a business incubator will be set up to support development of new businesses to fill niches in the exchange.
Recruiting process. - A coalition of the Recycling Market Development Zone, the Alameda County Waste Management Authority and Recycling Board, and local and state economic development agencies has already been established.
- The business incubator and entrepreneurial support network will support development of successful new firms for the park.
Resources available. Initial organization has been supported by in-kind contribution of the Economic Development Advisory Board. We are seeking Economic Development Administration and/or local foundation funds for site selection and feasibility studies. Our intention is to do the actual real estate development through private investment. Strategy to continue progressing. - Basically we will use standard real estate development management strategies, while tracking all of the environmental/ecological issues involved.
- FIWP funding for feasibility study.
- Evaluation and selection of sites. Environmental impact assessment.
- Move quickly enough to meet the needs of the resource recovery firms planning expansion.
What is missing? An adaptation of standard development pro formals to reflect values like life cycle costing of alternative park and building infrastructure options that may cost more initially but yield major savings over the lifetime of the facility. And to back that up, lenders and investors need encouragement to recognize this more systemic financial analysis. Goals for the upcoming workshop. Better understanding of how other projects are addressing EIP development, what they're learning, how they define their projects. 9. GREEN INSTITUTE ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKMinneapolis, MNAddress: 433 E. Franklin Avenue, Suite 7A, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Managing Entity: Green Institute Contact Person' s Name: Michael Krause Phone: (612) 874-1148 Fax: (612) 874-6470 E-mail: N/A Alternate Contact Person: Annie Young Phone: (612) 874-1148 Fax: (612) 874-6470 E-mail: EIP's key features. This project was not initiated by a government agency or institution of higher learning, but by a grassroots, neighborhood effort. It is unique in its attempt to develop an EIP on a small site of just 3.5 acres by integrating existing businesses into the project. The project is also unique in its commitment to incorporate environmental education into all aspects of the project. What constitutes success? The Green Institute is employing the EIP and green business incubator and a sector strategy to create 200 living wage jobs. We will measure success by the number of jobs created and by the ability of people from the Phillips neighborhood, the poorest and most diverse neighborhood in Minnesota, to get and keep those jobs. EIP linkages. We are designing a baseline study this fall with implementation to follow in early 1997. The study is being designed by Green Institute staff and a student/faculty team at the University of Minnesota. The baseline study will look at existing core and secondary businesses within the vicinity of the proposed EIP and analyze raw material uses and waste generation as well as basic economic data. The study is expected to identify opportunities for material reduction, reuse and exchange with other businesses. It will also focus the tenants' recruitment and business development efforts of the project by identifying gaps in closed potential loop business cycles. Recruiting process. The Green Institute is drafting criteria for tenants in the industrial park and has established a business development program targeted at "green businesses." The main strategy for integrating existing businesses into EIP is through the baseline study described above and existing programs such as the Materials Exchange (MAX) program, and the Minnesota Technical Assistance Project (MATAP) . Tenant recruitment is part of the work responsibilities of a Business Development Specialist staff position. In addition, signage on the proposed site and earned media have generated a substantial number of inquiries from firms engaged in environmental industries. Resources available. - The Green Institute EIP has received funding through the Federal Enterprise Community program and the local Neighborhood Revitalization Program. The project has also been supported by foundations, including the Minneapolis Foundation and the Northwest Area Foundation. Construction costs for the EIP are estimated at $6 million of which about $1 million has been identified from government and foundation sources.
- About $2 million will be financed as debt on the project leaving $3 million to be raised as part of a capital campaign in 1997.
Strategy to continue progressing. A detailed work plan and time line are being developed for the staff and board in 1997. The critical next steps include: 1) contract for services with the architectural team recently selected; 2) design and implementation of the baseline study; 3) initiate and implement a capital fundraising campaign; and 4) establish a business development program and build staff capacity. What is missing? - Models of tenant mixes that would constitute an eco-industrial park of various sizes from a few acres to thousands of acres.
- Strategies for overcoming concerns about proprietary information and regulatory burdens when analyzing the material inputs and waste generation of private businesses.
- Market analyses of the potential for optimal tenants within a given geographic area.
Goals for the upcoming workshop. Establish contacts with other EIPs and learn about other strategies and obstacles to development. Identify capital sources and other resources that can assist in development. Answer some detailed questions with some one-on-one meetings with key EIP participants. 10. PLATTSBURGH ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKPlattsburgh, NYAddress: 426 U.S. Oval, Suite 1000, Plattsburgh, NY 12903 Managing Entity: Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation Contact Person Name: Mark L. Barie Phone: (518) 561-0232 Fax: (518) 561-0686 E-mail: N/A Alternate Contact Person: R. Bruce Steadman Phone: (518) 566-6210 Fax: (518) 561-2422 E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. - Inter-modal/multi-modal capabilities including air, rail, highway, water.
- Former Air Force Base on Lake Champlain.
- ISO 14000/EMS Umbrella Program.
- 3500 contiguous areas with research, commercial, recreational, and industrial facilities.
- Emphasis on resource and waste management and sustainability.
- Proximity to Canadian Border and 1-hour to Montreal.
- Emphasis on lowered environmental cost and improved environmental performance.
What constitutes success? - Achieving the Environmental and Economic goals stated in our plan.
- Becoming the first multi-modal EIP with ISO 14000/EMS Programs in U.S.
- Attraction of Global Companies using our EIP to redistribute goods, set-up a Manufacturing operation, or use regional resources for R&D.
- Successful linking of our Regional Resources into innovative R&D opportunities
EIP linkages. - Input/output analysis of Regional Economy/Resources.
- Stakeholder interviews and focus groups to foster creative thinking.
- Facilitating Partnerships and Joint Ventures between Regional Resources.
- Marrying Economic and Environmental Goals at the beginning of Redevelopment.
- Emphasizing continuous improvement in achieving Economic and Environmental Goals.
Recruiting process. - Inputs/outputs of Region being marketed to users/providers from outside Region.
- Emphasizing Region's commitment to quality by adopting an EIP with ISO 14000/EMS Programs to lower environmental cost and improve performance.
- Facilitating communication between Regional Resources to identify leads opportunities, partnering opportunities and projects.
Resources available. - EPA Region I has financed Phase I of Action Plan with $70,000.
- Opportunities for NY State Environmental Bond Act $$ and Federal $$ are being pursued.
- Regional Resources are being pursued through public outreach programs.
- PARC has committed in-kind resources to help in establishing our goals.
Strategy to continue progressing. - Completion of Phase I Baseline Study.
- Completion of concurrent marketing plan to attract prospects
- Establishment as # 1 US EIP based on location, infrastructure, action plan, commitment, activities, management team, and progress.
- Location of implementation funds for Phase III ( see our strategic plan).
What is missing? - Expanded public outreach and stakeholder involvement in generating leads for prospects, innovative ideas, partnering opportunities.
- Model EMS program based on ISO 14000 to lower environmental costs and improve performance, EPA and NY SDEC and Air force must buy into this EMS to help attract prospects.
Goals for the upcoming workshop. - Networking with Federal and PCSD officials, who may provide support, input, and implementation funding.
- Exposure to prospects will find the multi-model, ISO 14000, Northeast EIP attractive for business (costs down/profits up) and environmental reasons.
11. RAYMOND GREEN ECO- INDUSTRIAL PARKRaymond, WAAddress: 230 Second Street, Raymond, WA Managing Entity: City of Raymond Contract Person's Name: Rebecca Chaffee Phone: (260) 942-3451 Fax: (360) 942-5616 E-Mail: N/A Alternate Contact Person: Jim Neva Phone: (360) 942-3422 Fax: (360) 942-5865 E-Mail: N/A EIPs Key features. The Raymond Green Industrial Park will be developed within a second growth coastal forest that will continue to be selectively harvested. The site encompasses the entire upper drainage basin of Butte Creek. Thus, the water quality within the site can be uniquely managed. The park will not be linked to traditional offsite wastewater and solid waste infrastructure systems. Waste streams will be treated and recycled on the site. What constitutes success? This project will be successful if the natural biodiversity and productivity of the forest can be maintained while sharing the same site with environmentally sensitive manufacturing businesses which create jobs and expand the local natural resource-based economy. EIP linkages. This project had focused on waste handling both for manufacturing businesses within the park and for the surrounding region. A basic premise of the project is that wastes generated will not be transported to already overloaded local wastewater and solid waste facilities. Recruiting process. Firms will be targeted that make new uses of local natural resources with low impact manufacturing processes. Resources available. To date this project has been initiated through a local partnership between the City of Raymond, the Port of Willapa Harbor, Weyerhaeuser Company, Ecotrust, a non-profit corporation dedicated to developing a sustainable economic base in the coastal forests of the Pacific Northwest, and Shoretrust Trading Group. Planning resources and technical assistance have been provided by the State of Washington. Strategy to continue progressing. This green industrial park had been successfully kept on track through the efforts of an active local task force and frequent newspaper coverage. The task force is working with state and federal staff in a process created by President Clinton's timber initiative which focuses resources on priority community economic development projects. The green industrial park is the top ranked project in Pacific County. What is missing? This project requires additional technical and financial assistance to plan and develop the onsite infrastructure needed to support the resources processing businesses that will be located in this green industrial park. Goals for the upcoming workshop. Our goal for the workshop is to bring new ideas, information and resources home to help in our effort to build a viable sustainable economy in our rural Wills' community. 12. SKAGIT COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIAL PARKSkagit County, WAAddress: (No address, still in planning) City: Mt. Vernon State: WA Zip: 98273 Managing Entity: TBA Contact Person' s Name: Kevin Morse Phone: (360) 336-6114 Fax: (360) 336-6116 E-mail: Alternate Contact Person: Don Wick Phone: (360) 336-6114 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. The key features of our EIP that differentiates it from a typical industrial park are: - a recovery center built with energy efficient recycled content materials
- a manufacturing center
- a community center
- a sales and marketing center
- an environmental business center
- a closed loop system with minimal effluent and emissions
- highly visible park
What constitutes success? Success for our EIP project will be indicated by: - Land acquisition and infrastructure development
- The creation of safe, healthy, family wage jobs
- Minimal environmental impact
- Community support
- The self-sustenance of the venture
- The provision of recyclables to vital outlets
- The provision of revenues to replace money originally extracted from the now non-operational resource recovery facility
EIP linkages. Development Steps: - Feasibility study completed Fall of 1995
- Identified three potential sites - Potential tenants - Local expansion and out of state relocation - Outlined components of EIP (see Executive Summary) - Economic Feasibility - Recruitment of anchor tenants (in process)
- Recruitment of capital and development partners (in process)
- Working with state legislators to create incentives for green industries
Recruiting process. We have done a feasibility study identifying local businesses interested in expansion or relocation to an industrial park. Currently, we are working with existing companies to acquire capital for expansion and equipment purchases. Throughout the history of the organization we have worked closely with the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development. Attempting to recruit new companies and gather information, we have attended many trade shows and conferences. Resources available. - The Environmental Industries Park has pulled funding from a number of sources.
- The Skagit County Government and the Economic Development Administration funded a feasibility study. Currently, we are seeking to fund land acquisition and infrastructure development. We have also received funding from the Forest Service for community revitalization. This contract will fund anchor tenant recruitment efforts.
Strategy to continue progressing. In order for the Environmental Industries Park to progress, development partners will need to make a serious commitment of their capital and time. Until this is accomplished, progress will be slow. What is missing? Expertise in industrial development would help implement our EIP plans. Financing is crucial for our EIP's survival. An executive loan program would be welcomed. An industrial specialist from the public or private sector lent to our program for two years would make a world of difference. Goals for the upcoming workshop. I hope to learn from the struggles of other EIP developers and get more contacts within the EIP community. While there, I hope to make contacts for receiving funding and development assistance. I want to provide insight and lessons learned to policy makers so they can generate federal assistance. 13. SHADY SIDE ECO-BUSINESS PARKShady Side, MDAddress: 4800 Atwell Road, Shady Side, MD 20764-9546 Managing Entity: Business Ecology Network (BEN) Contact Person' s Name: Joe Abe, President Phone: (410) 867-3596 Fax: (410) 867-7956 E-mail: Alternate Contact Person: Gregg Freeman, Development Director Phone: (410) 266-3216 Fax: (410) 266-8950 E-mail: EIP's key features. - Renovation of an existing facility in an underemployed and under served community.
- Integration of successful community-based tools and approaches from U.S. and abroad such as visioning, strategic planning, mapping of important resources and sites, and sustainable indicators.
- Refinement and demonstration of Business Ecology Round tables, an innovative approach for integrating profitability, stakeholder participation, and environmental performance
- Park ecosystem may include the following business: micro brewery, fish and shellfish aquaculture, a marine exploration and technology firm, an oil recycling business, an ecologically-designed water reclamation system, solar and renewable energy, and a compost business.
- Integration of the Internet, video and audio tapes, local printed media, and town meetings to reach stakeholders and communicate projects' progress.
- Demonstrating linkages among ecosystem healths, the food system, community health, and economic opportunity.
What constitutes success? - Economic, social and environmental goals are mutually achieved, creating powerful synergies that ripple within and outside the community.
- The community, businesses and the environment are so intertwined and mutually supportive that it's difficult to see where the boundaries between these systems begin and end.
EIP linkages. - Define the context, stakeholders and vision.
- Develop and implement a communications strategy.
- Develop a strategic plan for an eco-business park/community development center.
- Implement the strategic plan.
- Maintain the integrity and viability of the eco-business park/community development center.
Recruiting process. This is proprietary information. Resources available. This is proprietary information. Strategy to continue progressing. This is proprietary information. What is missing? BEN has developed its Round tables process to support eco-business park development. Goals for the upcoming workshop. - Create strategic alliances and new opportunities.
14. STONYFIELD LONDONDERRY ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKLondonderry, NHAddress: 50 Nashua Road, Suite 100, Londonderry, NH 03053 Managing Entity: Town of Londonderry Contact Person' s Name: Peter C. Lowitt Phone: (603) 432-1134 Fax: (603) 432-1128 E-mail: N/A Alternate Contact Person: Nancy Hirshberg Phone: (603) 437-4040 x270 Fax: (603) 437-7594 E-mail: N/A EIP's key features. - Use of covenants to assure Industrial Ecology is model for the development.
- Adherence to Vision Statement.
- Eco-Auditing system to evaluate performance.
What constitutes success? - Park tenants
- Jobs (500-2000)
- Increase community's tax base
- Positive Economic Impact as measured by independent study.
EIP linkages. - Use of Covenants and Eco-Performance Standards
- Design guidelines being developed
- Active citizen participation processes
- Use of Advisory Board
Recruiting process. - We have a committee developing a target industry strategy. This includes working with Businesses for Social Responsibility (BSR), local businesses and Realtors and an active multimedia promotion campaign.
- Existing Anchor tenants who will promote the park to like-minded corporations.
Resources available. Town of Londonderry owns the land. Stonyfield Farms Inc. and Londonderry provide staff and seed money. Advisory Board includes EPA Region I, NH Charitable Foundation, MIT; NH Public Health; the Business Environment Network; UNH College of Life Science and Agriculture's Sustainable Living Core Group; the Nature Conservancy, Businesses Social Responsibility and Area Citizens. Strategy to continue progressing. - Complete covenants and organizational structure
- Public Hearing for Town Council to ratify above
- Begin marketing
What is missing? Model covenants, screening procedures for tenants, targeting, environmental performance standards all would be useful. Ownership models, lease, incubators, would all be useful. Goals for the upcoming workshop. Input from colleagues and other models. 15. TRENTON ECO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXTrenton, NJAddress: 319 E. State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608 Managing Entity: City of Trenton, Division of Economic Development Contact Person' s Name: Jill Hallie Edwards Phone: (609) 989-3509 Fax: (609) 989-4243 E-mail: Alternate Contact Person: Matt Polsky, NJ Department of Environmental Protection Phone: (609) 777-0319 Fax: (609) 292-7340 E-mail: MPOLSKY@DEP.STATE.NJ.US EIP's key features. - Trenton's EIP will not necessarily be a physical place, but may be a network of businesses; firms won't need to be located next door to each other to participate; there will be a management structure to assist businesses with these linkages, matchmaking, and other technical assistance.
- Another key feature is the diversity of our Eco-Industrial Round table and the process it has undertaken to develop an EIP. The Round table is a multi-stakeholder steering committee comprised of representatives from government, business, non-profit and educational institutions.
What constitutes success? - Success will be creating new jobs for our residents, increasing tax ratabilities, utilizing our Brownfields sites, creating value-added products that generate additional money in our local economy.
- Success will be more easily measured in terms of economic development, but at the same time we will improve the environment through less waste, less pollution and cleaner industries being recruited. We also hope to position Trenton as a "green" city.
- Success may initially be determined by expressions of interest from developers and attention by the media for this unique form of industrial development.
EIP linkages. - Bruce Herrick, Ph.D., a Round table member, prepared a working paper that outlines the Round table's progress to date and its plan of action. The report also lists the potential linkages that the Round table had brain stormed.
- We hired Cornell University Work and Environment Initiative to conduct feasibility study and baseline assessment. We will survey the businesses that already exist in the region and their processes, inputs and outputs. We will then determine what other businesses can build off of those.
Recruiting process. - We have produced one brochure on the project and recently sent out our first news release (our last Round table meeting was covered by a TV local Station and newspaper). We will continue a public relations campaign to attract business and developer's attention to the project.
Resources available. - City of Trenton and NJ DEP - Contributing in-kind staff time to coordinate Round table activities. Also covers postage, photocopying and printing.
- DEP contributed $2,400 for preliminary Report.
- New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Assistance Fund - $25,000 Grant
- United States Economic Development Administration - $25,000 Technical Assistance Grant.
- Application to United States Environmental Protection Agency - $100,000 Sustainable Development Challenge Grant.
Strategy to continue progressing. - Round table has outlined a time line in its first work paper.
- Must complete baseline study.
- Must secure additional $50,000 to continue study.
- Must continue to increase the business and development community's interest as the planning proceeds.
- Must secure funding to set up management structure and hire manager(s).
- Must recruit businesses and work with existing business to development networks.
What is missing? - Interim and periodic successes to keep the Round table going.
- An input/output analysis of existing industrial processes and potential new recruits.
- Determine the best "mix" for Trenton that will build off of our competitive advantages.
- Evaluation method to determine success and/or failure.
Goals for the upcoming workshop. - Create network of EIPs for information exchange and to share leads on potential business opportunities.
- Learn what obstacles others are facing and how they are dealing with them.
- Find out what resources there are to help (grants, technical assistance).
- Learn how to identify potential businesses and recruit them.
- Learn about management structures and how to pay for EIP management.
- Learn What Project XL can do for us.
During the first set of break out sessions, workshop participants divided into roughly equal groups to brainstorm and share ideas about the following topics: Forming an Industrial Ecosystem Recruiting New Firms and Retaining Existing Firms Governance and Management Structures Strategies for Successful Community Involvement Finance Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards The ideas were recorded on flip charts and later transcribed to be included on the following pages. (1 OF 1) A. Crafting Industrial Ecosystems |
Key Activities and Critical Stages:- Community involvement and vision
- Park as a "relationship", not a piece of real estate
- Understand materials and energy flows
- Agile infrastructure
- Communication and learning
- Economics and economic incentive
- Accessibility of information to community and industries
- Reduce and address risk
- Expedite implementation
- Confidentiality/confidence
(1 OF 2) B. Recruiting New Firms and Retaining Existing Companies |
Know Product:- Site characateristics
- Location
- Access to capital
- Infrastructure
- Community participation
- Employment & education & training
- Regulations: flexible re*
- Speed of permitting
- Networks (waste, business, vendor)
- Competitive edge
- Cost savings
- Political will/synchronized
| (2 OF 2) Recruitment Tools:- Incentives/wage subsidies
- Links to agencies and utilities
- Technical transfer and spin off opportunities
- Retention and expansion
- Predictable sites (buildings, infrastructure)
- Support systems ("labs", universities)
- Competition/community profiles
- Patience/diligence
- Employment mix
- Learning information, experience, and feedback
- Community fit
- Business retention
- Familiarity -Links
(1 OF 9) Governance and Management Structures |
- Ownership of Structure
- Government (state, local, county)
- Industrial development authority
-Public/private partnership - Private developer
- Non-profit organization/developer
-Community development corporation - 501 (c) (3) - Chamber of Commerce - Co-op/condo. of private owners
- Combination
| (2 OF 9) Structure:- Regional approach - network linking businesses in region
- Not co-located - Physical site
- Incorporates businesses in neighborhood around the site - Sort of co-located - Small discreet area- Single site co-located
- 3.5-10 acres / 80 acres
| (3 OF 9) Financing of Management:- Association fee
- Fee for service (e.g. waste exchange)
- Leases
- Income from hiring management own and operate EIP, regional utility or other profit making enterprise (i.e. nursery, food, fish product)
- Barter system
- Credits (Clean Air Act, development rights)
- Royalties from new developments/outcomes of co-op
- Foundation grants
- Stock options/shares
| (4 OF 9)
- Impact fees for infrastructure/rebate for improved performance
- Must be region/state-wide - Tax/T.I.F./dedicated portion of sales tax
- Interest from investments
-Endowment/trust fund - Franchise
- EIP management expertise - Vendor matching - Proprietary computer software - Government grants
- Miracle *
- Donations (if management is 501C (3))
- Community Reinvestment Act money
- In=kind contributions
| (5 OF 9) Management of EIP Outline:- Structure of park (S)
- Functions and benefits (F)*
- Manager/staff - Tenant association/board - Management of structure (M)
- Financing (FM)
| (6 OF 9) Functions:- Qualify prospective tenants
- Tenant selection
- Matchmaking - Meet criteria/performance standards - Marketing/advertising/public relations
- Recruitment
- By-Laws/governance structure/rules
- Support inter-firm collaboration
- Negotiate with regulators
- Manage/maintain infrastructure and common property (landscaping, signage)
- Managing common facilities
- Conference center - Day care - Cafeteria - Recreation facilities/trails - Recycling center - Computer center - Civic space/event space (focal point for community)
| (7 OF 9)
- Enforce standards of EIP
- Monitor energy/material flows
- Provide feedback for continual improvement - Emergency response system operate (fire, spills, explosions)
- Bulk purchasing/co-op procurement (services and goods)
- Handle tenant leases
- Hold portion of intellectual proerty rights (patents, trademarks)
- Related to industrial ecology/co-location (not within business) - Permit holder/flexibility (issues of trust, opt out, provisions)*
- Collaborative permitting/hold credits (air quality, energy savings) - Group insurance policy (health, liability)
- Like in incubator
| (8 OF 9)
- Education and training
Technical support/library of information - Transportation management
- Workers' housing/communal opportunities/retail on-site
- Community outreach (newsletter, World Wide Web site)
- Links between community and EIP
- Tourist/civic attraction/tours of EIP
- Grant writing
- Facilitating partnerships
- University/college/high school - Interns - Research - Liaison with board of directors/Round table/other advisers
- Encourage other Green initiatives
| |
(9 OF 9)
- Security
- Develop financing tools
- Gap financing - Grants - Guaranteed loans/letters of credit - Credit enhancements - Single letter of credit for whole park - Working credit - Shared research and development
- Create new technologies
(1 OF 10) D. Strategies for Successful Community Involvement |
- Community Involvement is Key, Especially for Successful Recruitment/Support
- Visioning as one of the first steps in planning - Design charrettes as one method - "Design" community uses these regularly - Future search conferences - Surveys
| (2 OF 10)
- Tie the vision to the actions people pledge to take
- Remember to show elected officals that the numbers of people who support your project are also votes
- Democracy to economic sector
- That is what we are trying to do - How can we show that it will help companies - Key data can help focus on problems, opportunities and expand people's horizons and contexts
- Thank the community first
- Give them the credit for success
| <3 OF 10) When People Do Not Come, It Is Our Communication Efforts That Need FixingIt is our responsibility to make our agenda compelling - The choir will always show - we need to accept that our agenda will change when the non-choir shows up - Maintain our values, but be open to other views | (4 OF 10)
- Key is initial seed funding
- Needs to be leveraged within the community - Federal funding needs to be flexible enough to apply to these broader projects
| (5 OF 10)
- Equity
- Benefits should include opportunities for all - People as ultimate resource of the community (outreach link) (6 OF 10)
- Find/orchestrate small successes everyone can be proud of
- Agree to a measure of success that can prove progress - Commitment and long term framework necessary so people do not cop out and pit economy/jobs against environment (i.e. dirty jobs are okay because they are jobs)
- In the long run this is a losing proposition
| <7 OF 10)
- If EIP market is communities in need - many disenfranchised (dumped-on) communities
- Remember youth - future leaders
- Find innovative ways to get people to connect and create community (murals, art, stories)
- Tie it to actions, meeting, issues that move the project - Put up everyone's ideas first, then move to prioritizing in a group process
- Identify experts who are from the community to answer questions
| (8 OF 10)
- Realistic time lines/check-in times, closure-process balance
- Involvement is simply good organizing (call, talk, cajole)
- Language is a powerful ally or enemy
- Depends on if you use the right words to convey information and connect the project to people's needs/values/concerns - Develop local "champions" for your work who add legitimacy
- Make it easy to get involved
- Not always meetings - time
| (9 OF 10) Inclusion/Outreach- Open to all
- Ongoing process/follow-up
- Identify partners/research
- Target special outreach to those who rarely come
- Ask people for their views before you launch to encourage buy-in
- Have others join in as those with outreach responsibilities - Give people a stake in your success/ownership
| (10 OF 10) :- How do you overcome business sector skepticism?
- How can you neutralize the impact of naysayers if they can not get them on-board?
- Try all inclusionary strategies first - How can we clearly articulate the benefits of community involvement?
- To business - To politicians
(1 OF 7) E. Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards |
Performance Measures: - Economic
- Environmental
- Quality of life
- Not focused on Command and Control (C&C) - Going beyond C&C is challenging - Reach production managers, community - Need to think about how to accomplish
| (2 OF 7)
How to Balance Credible Reporting with Company Reporting?
How to Build in Constituencies?- New approach - report for performance may reduce burden on companies
- Need incentives - economic (cost of material waste)
- Emission/environmmental measures - Willingness to be flexible linked to economic condition
- What criteria to access park?
- Is a 50% reduction in emissions adequate? - Is 50% window dressing - To Answer: Is park zero-emissions or is facility zero-emissions (symbiosis matters)?
- Community needs consistency and commitment to original terms of park
| (3 OF 7)
- Performance linked to continuous improvement
- Given - meet regulations
- Beyond compliance - company discretion
- Only criteria
- Continuous improvement - Self managed - Inspect audits - Need to start with community based goals and standards
- Ground rules needed on boundaries of community
- Changed condition might change community boundaries - What are standards?
- Community buy-in
| (4 OF 7)
- Trade-off
- Too high of a hurdle for entry to EIP, may drive off prospective tenants - Agreement should balance results/burden
- Perhaps - different tiered parks (e.g. Cape Charles - Level I, Level II)
- Perhaps - permit at park level
- Park officer/internal policing - Differentiate what is possible today and what is possible tomorrow
- We are raising high expectations, but may not be able to deliver - Incentives
- Decrease the cost - Increase the revenue - EIP - ISO certified
| (5 OF 7) What Next?- Government
- Coordinate program - Provide resources proportional to business commitment to beyond compliance - Audit compliance privilege issues need to be worked out - Assurance up-front - Superfund liability - "fear of" is barrier - ISO audits face similar issues - Define performance
- Expectations for trade-offs
- Who defines: stakeholders
| (6 OF 7)
- Technical assistance to communities to set performance (e.g. ICMA)
- Consider mitigation banking w/n park emissions trading *
- Explore link between environment regulations and zoning
- Voluntary programs need structure to serve business self interest
- Measures - indexed measures
- Figure out how to integrate ISO/14000, environmental management, with environmental regulations - forum
- Maximize true environmental costs
- Minimize transactions costs
- Tax incentive fix
- Tier 1, 2, 3 parsk
| (7 OF 7)
- Obstacle
- Planning/zoning do not always have resources to monitor and track
During the second set of break out sessions, workshop participants were again divided into roughly equal groups to brainstorm critical questions and next steps. Each group was given the same charge. By assigning the same question to multiple break out groups, it was possible to identify common questions and recommendations. The EIP working group used this approach to create recommendations found in the executive summary. The ideas were recorded on flip charts and later transcribed to be included on the following pages. (1 OF 2) Group 1 - Session 2 |
Critical Issues- Relation to service economy
- Need for umbrella to follow-up on PCSD
- Green infrastructure
- How to broaden the discipline, base concept of sustainable development in curriculum
- What should the Federal vote be
- Real estate issues
- Public outreach and information at local level
- Training for local residents
- Defining and integrating baseline
- Hands on technical resources
- Political will (long term)
- Propagation
- Community integration into larger system
| (2 OF 2) Needs- Buildings
- Credit Union
- Long range plan
- Resources at Federal level to examine market
- Public education/educate public
- Federal sources for startup
- Create strategic advantages
- Lower transactional/regulatory costs
(1 of 3) Group 3 - Session 2 |
What Next?- Collaborative interagency approach to federal funding
- Industrial ecology international agriculture trust fund exists* - Need at state level also (e.g. VOCIT) * - Pool resources
- Create entity that can deliver resources as well as concepts for EIP development support - Develop protocol for defining input/output
- Have the group at this workshop stay together as group
- Ongoing network to share what works/what did not - "Best practices" CD ROM
- Articulate attainable goals and assessment of return on investment
- Set mechanisms in place to measure progress/success
- Include social, economic, environmental - Measure benefit to the local community
- Set up vehicle to help community evaluate potential/make smart decisions
- Must include industry in the process
- Get everyone at the table who should be at the table
- Education
- Create regional centers for EIP development
- Must back intentions with appropriate level of funding
- Also, decrease funding for non-sustainable development (penalties/disincentives)
- More examples, demonstrate successes
- Business extension service (SBDC's?)
- Create and highlight examples of business linkages
- Promote linkages while solving businesses' problems and meeting needs
| (2 OF 3) Issues/Needs- Funding
- Identify sources
A. Federal - need list (who? what?) - Many sources - Many agencies - Eco-industrial development
- Get higher on national agenda - E.G.P.
| (3 OF 3)
- Fund lots of industrial parks, but no incentives for eco-industrial parks - How would EDA or others distinguish eco-industrial parks from others
- What are the criteria?
- Categories of EIPs
- Tier 1 - Tier 2 Tier 3 - Get tenants looking for parks
- Improve economic, environment, and equity/able performance *
- Set criteria loosely
- Skill transfer from companies/jobs as they are created
- Keep the momentum of job development
- Group incentives
- Groups of companies, not just individual - Waste to raw materials groups
- Industry groups
- Example - Industrial by-products task force in Virginia (Virginia Center for Innovative Technology)
- Need database (characteristics of industries)
- What are the potential interactions
- Brownsville - Input/Ouput Model - Potential linkages
- Who is moving the sustainable development agenda at the local and regional level
- Northwest Council - Joint Center for Sustainable Development * NACO/ICMA
- Communicate what is happening (CD ROM)
- Access to information
- Emphasize site specific
- Ground action/policy on good business sense
- Profit motive must be driver
- Encourage access to local markets
- "UDAG" approach to funding EIP's
- Re-invent government approach to funding
(1 OF 2) Group 4 - Session 2 |
Needs- Money
- Political support
- Community Involvement
- Early Success and Progress
- Education of all players
- Fudning agencies/lenders
- Federal Government/Congress/Policy Makers - State/Federal Agencies - Foundations - Industries - National Associations - Educators - Streamline Federal/State Involvement
- Interagency - One-stop Shopping - Champions in High Places
- Leadership - Prototype material/energy systems (ecosystems)
- Develop "start up" Strategies
- Socio-Economic Analysis (to determine impacts and gaps)
- Protection of Intellectual Property
- Partnerships
- Establish time line/Milestones
- Publish Resource Guides
- Assist Businesses in Developing Strategic Business Plans
- Clearinghouse/Network for Information
- Flexibility
- Material Input/Output of All Industries - Energy
- Community Training Programs
- Input from System's Engineers/Logisticians
| (2 OF 2)
- Create Association of EIPs (National
- Address money, political support (e.g. All Needs) - One entity - One stop shop for financial support and information - Clearinghouse and network functions - Non-profit based A. Centralized nationally with local/community chapters B. Memberships C. Technical specialists - Interdisciplinary - Establish as a national goal to get EIPs as an agenda item for a Cabinet level meeting
- Task major industry to champion cause -- go to industry group with cocnept to generate their interest/support
- Determination of which entities are the best to progress the concept of EIP
- Federal and State Government? - Private Sector and Industry? - Non profit national association? - Develop template for community involvement
- Workbook with resolutions - List of options - Community visioning process
- Values - Commitment - Trust - Community ownership/equity
(1 OF 5) Group 5 - Session 2 |
Group 5 identified key recommendations for five of the six discussion areas.Governance and Management
- Private sector should take the lead in development of EIPs because of the profit potential and management requirements. Community based associations should offer advice and assist in the development of performance standards.
- Other ways of assisting in governance and management might include:
A. Executive loan programs B. Involvement by financial services community
| (2 OF 5) Performance Standards and Regulatory Flexibility- Resource sharing of energy, and non-hazardous wastes is doable, however hazardous wastes area problematic because of regulatory and economic hurdles. Recommendation is that a new pilot project to test idea of regulatory relief to facilitate understanding of pollution prevention and hazardous waste exchanges. Ongoing efforts prior to this might include collecting data from current industries that operate in similar types of industries such as hazardous waste handlers.
- Because all EIPs do and will differ in approaches community must agree on performance goals as these will affect recruitment strategies.
| (3 OF 5) Finance- Develop a tool kit of how to finance these types of investments. Included in this packet should be a process for education of financial services and the community. Further, tool kit should demonstrate the safety of EIPs, Brownfields investments. If appropriate a quantitative economic study should be organized.
| (4 OF 5) Recruitment- Suggested programs to meet financial needs include an executive loan program for planning, starting up new businesses, and management. Further, incubator services can be used to provide guidance and support.
| (5 OF 5) Industrial Ecosystems- Communities have different concepts of what makes up their industrial ecosystems. A tool to develop links between energy/material flows in different sectors would be helpful. Strategies for developing an industrial ecosystem ranged from computer modeling possibilities to local interviewing to feasibility studies.
(1 OF 4) Group 6 - Session 2 |
Needs- Address diversity of projects including refined definitions
- Eco-industrial development is not just EIPs - Communities can refine definitions - Definitions should be broad enough but assure that projects adhere to clearly articulated values - Articulation of how EIPs help private sector -- should be specific in outcomes.
- Clear communication to targeted sector actors.
- Community involvement anda equity piece needs to be elevated.
- Range of job levels from "high-tech" to entry level.
- Partnerships, especially unlikely partners in projects (utility companies, transportation firms, etc.)
- Address of the layers of governance and management issues for the diversity of eco-industrial development scenarios
- Financing needs to be market based, not just a government program.
| (2 OF 4) Strategies- Public policy incentives that promote well defined EIPS.
- Criteria for financing, zoning, regulations - Loan guarantees (i.e. housing) - Workforce training for underemployed, flex time - Public education so residents understand and can articulate shared community goals.
- Community organizing
- Community mission statements
- Export opportunities to tap growing markets--global trade connections are commplex
- Visioning, charrettes, county meetings to solicit buy in, ideas, and common purpose
- Constantly underscore that EIPs are free market based enterprises.
| (3 OF 4) Strategies for Follow Up- Meetings with modular tracks to detail specifics and encourage collaboration
- Discussion on criteria and real definition of EIPs or eco-industrial development
- Focused discussion on the clear links between equity and our larger societal goals
- Need groups' information summaries
- Meet with national Business Incubators Association
| (4 OF 4) Next Steps- Create and find good "hubs" of information on these issues
- Organized information on origins of funding but emphasize the replicability without federal dollars
- Focus group of employers to get real world check
- National waste exchange with state participation also.
| At the Workshop, various resources were mentioned by speakers and during small group sessions. The number and types of resources on industrial ecology, design for the environment, eco-industrial parks, and eco-industrial development is rapidly emerging. The resources presented below are not an exhaustive list, but intended to give the reader a launching point for finding more information on this emerging field of thought and activity. Books, Journals, PapersThis list includes a number of books, journals, and papers on eco-industrial development and related topics. Where it may be difficult to obtain materials, a contact reference has been included.Allenby, Braden and Deanna Richards (eds). 1994. The Greening of Industrial Ecosystems. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Bowes, David. 1996. Creating Globally Competitive Communities. This special section of Industry Week is available from David Bowes at Oak Leaf Associates (202) 833-2451 or by e-mail: Cohen-Rosenthal, Ed, Mike Palumbo, and Bruce Fabens. 1995. The Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park, Baseline Study. This document discusses baseline information about Baltimore's EIP project. To obtain copies of the report, contact the Work and Environment Initiative (607) 254-5089. Cohen-Rosenthal, Ed., Tad McGalliard, Michelle Bell. 1996. "Designing Eco-Industrial Parks." This paper to be published in the Spring edition of the United Nation's journal, Industry and the Environment, is available from the Work and Environment Initiative, (607) 254-5089. Cote, Raymond, Robert Ellison, Jill Grant, Jeremy Hall, Peter Klynstra, Michael Martin, and Peter Wade. 1995. Designing and Operating Industrial Parks as Ecosystems. This report examines industrial parks, the Burnside Eco-Industrial Park project, and discusses a set of principles for designing and operating industrial parks. For more information, contact Professor Raymond Cote at Dalhousie University, (902) 494-3632. "The Liberation of the Environment. Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Summer 1996. This special issue contains articles on industrial ecology and design for the environment. Dalhousie University. 1995. The Industrial Park as an Ecosystem: Updated Bibliography. This document contains a number of resources and uses an annotated bibliography format. For more information, contact Professor Raymond Cote at Dalhousie University, (902) 494-3632. E.D. Hovee and Company, O'Brien and Company, and Shapiro and Associates, Inc. 1995. Skagit County Environmental Industrial Park Feasibility and Planning Study. This report discusses the feasibility of EIP development in Skagit County. For more information contact Economic Development Association of Skagit County, (360) 336-6114. Ehrenfeld, J. R. and Nicholas Gertler (Forthcoming) "Industrial Ecology in Practice: The Evolution of Interdependence at Kalundborg," Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 1, No. 1. Gertler, Nicholas and John R. Ehrenfeld. 1996. "A Down-to-Earth Approach to Clean Production." Technology Review, February/March. Gertler, Nicholas. 1995. "Industrial Ecosystems: Developing Sustainable Industrial Structures." Master's Thesis, MIT. Graedal, T.E. and B.R. Allenby. 1995. Industrial Ecology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Herrick, Bruce. 1995. "Eco-Industrial Round table: An Industrial Park in Trenton, Progress to Date and Plan of Action." Industrial Ecology Associates. This report focuses on the activities of Trenton's Eco-Industrial Round table. For more information on this effort, contact Jill Hallie Edwards, Trenton Economic Development, (609) 989-3509. Lau, Sabrina. 1996. Investigating Eco-Industrial Park Development. This report is based on an informal survey of several EIP sites. For more information contact the Green Institute, (612) 874-1148. Lowe, Ernest and John L. Warren. 1996. The Source of Value: An Executive Briefing and Source Book on Industrial Ecology. For information on obtaining a copy of this document, search the following World Wide Web site Lowe, Ernest., Stephen R. Morrow, and Douglas Holmes. 1996. Field book for Development of an Eco-Industrial Park. For more information, search the following World Wide Web site Martin, Sheila, Robert A. Cushman, Keith A. Weitz, Aarti Sharma, and Richard Lindrooth. 1996. Eco-Industrial Parks: A Case Study and Analysis of Economic, Environmental, Technical and Regulatory Issues. For more information, contact Sheila Martin at the Research Triangle Institute (919) 541-5847. President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) 1996. Sustainable America. This report represents the findings from over three years of work by the PCSD. To obtain copies, contact the PCSD (800) 363-3732. President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). 1996. Eco-Efficiency Task Force Report. This document contains information on eco-efficiency and includes sections on the four PCSD eco-industrial park demonstration sites. To obtain copies, contact the PCSD (800) 363-3732. Salvesen, David. 1996. "Making Industrial Parks Sustainable." Urban Land (February), pp. 29-32. Van Der Ryn, Sim and Stuart Cowan. 1996. Ecological Design. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. OrganizationsA number of organizations can provide valuable information on eco-industrial development including EIPs.Government The President's Council on Sustainable Development. 730 Jackson Place, NW, Washington, DC, 20503. Telephone: (202) 408-5296. Fax: (202) 408-1655. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 5222, Washington, D.C., 20230. Telephone: (202) 482-4290. Fax: (202) 482-2663. Contacts: John K. Bullard. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Urban and Economic Development Division. 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460. Contact: Suzanne Giannini-Spohn. Telephone: (202) 260-7568. Fax: (202) 260-0174. E-mail: U.S. Department of Energy, Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development, Golden Field Office, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado, 80401-3393. Telephone: (303) 275-4714. Fax: (303) 275-4788. E-mail: Contact: Jerry Kotas. Other Organizations Bechtel Corporation R & D. P.O. Box 193965, San Francisco, CA 94119. Telephone: (415) 768-4261. Fax: (415) 768-2743. E-mail: Contact: David Cobb. The Business Ecology Network. P.O.Box 29, Shady Side, Maryland, 20764. Telephone: (410) 867-3596. Fax: (410) 867-7956. E-mail: World Wide Web URL: Contacts: Joe Abe, Greg Freeman, Patricia Dempsey. Cornell University, Center for the Environment, Work and Environment Initiative. 105 Rice Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853. Telephone: (607) 254-5089. Fax: (607) 255-0238. E-mail: World Wide Web URL: Contacts: Ed-Cohen Rosenthal, Bruce Fabens, Tad McGalliard. Dalhousie University, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1B9, (902) 494-3632, Fax (902) 494-3728. Contact: Raymond Cote. The Green Institute. 1433 E. Franklin Avenue, Suite 7A, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55404. Telephone: (612) 874-1148. Fax: (612) 874-6470. Contacts: Michael Krause, Sabrina Lau. Indigo Development. 6423 Oakwood Drive, Oakland, California, 94611. Fax: (510) 339-9361. E-mail: World Wide Web URL: Contact: Ernest Lowe. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Industrial Ecology Center, 7000 East Ave. Livermore, CA, 94551. Contacts. Jill Watz, (510) 424-4811. Karen Blades;; (510) 422-4594 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technology, Business and Environment Program, Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development, 77 Massachusetts Avenue , MIT Building E40-241, Cambridge, MA, 02139-4307. Telephone: (617) 253-1694 Fax: (617) 253-7140 Contact: John R. Ehrenfeld, Director. E-mail TBE Internet Homepage WWW URL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for Global Environmental Studies. P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831-6250, Telephone: (423) 576-7785. Fax: (423) 576-9977. Contacts: Michael P. Farrell. Research Triangle Institute, Center for Economics Research, 3040 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 27709. Telephone: (919) 541-5847. World Wide Web URL: Contact: Sheila Martin. University of Tennessee, Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies. 600 Henley Street, Suite 311, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996. Telephone: (423) 974-8979. Fax: (423) 974-1838. Contact: Gary Davis. U.S. Facilities Management Inc. P.O. Box 2738, Plattsburgh, New York, 12901. Telephone: (518) 566-6210. Fax: (518) 561-2422. Contact: Bruce Steadman.
- Baltimore, MD/Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park
- Michael J. Palumbo
Baltimore Development Corporation 36 S. Charles Street, 16th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 837-9310 x341, Fax (410) 547-7211 Email: Larisa Salamacha Baltimore Development Corporation (410) 837-9310 x340 - Brownsville, TX
- David A. Cobb
Bechtel Corporation R&D P.O. Box 193965 San Francisco, CA 94119 (415) 768-4261, Fax (415) 768-6663 Email: dacobb@bechtel.comMichel A. Thomet Bechtel Civil Company 50 Beale Street, P.O. Box 193965 San Francisco, CA 94119-3965 (415) 768-8521, Fax (415) 768-2852 Email: Rick Luna Brownsville Economic Development Council 1205 N. Expressway Brownsville, TX 78520 (210) 541-1183, Fax (210) 546-3938 Email: Jackie Lockett City Commissioner, City of Brownsville President, Brownsville Information & Solutions Network 143 E. Price Road Brownsville, TX 78521 (210) 546-1161 Cindy Wall Regional Director Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center The Texas A&M University System 301 Tarrow, Suite 119 College Station, TX 77843-8000 - Burlington, VT
- Mayor Peter Clavelle
City of Burlington, Room 34, City Hall Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 865-7272, Fax (802) 865-7024 Email: clavelle@vbimail.champlain.eduBruce Seifer, Assistant Director, Community and Economic Development Office, City of Burlington, City Hall Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 865-7179, Fax (802) 865-7024 Judith Bell Harris, Consultant, Burlington Electric Department Rural Route 1, Box 1610 Lincoln, VT 05443 (802) 453-6384, fax (802) 453-3628 - Burnside Industrial Park /Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Wayne Barchard, Environment Canada
5th Floor, 45 Aldemey Drive Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2V 2NG (902) 426-4695, Fax (902) 426-8373 Email: - Cape Charles/Northampton County, VA
- Timothy E. Hayes, Director
Sustainable Economic Development Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 538 Eastville, VA 23347 (757) 678-0477, Fax (757) 678-0483 Email: - Chattanooga, TN
- David Daugherty
The Volunteer Site ICI Americas, Inc. 6703 Bonny Oaks Drive (mail: P.O. Box 22608) Chattanooga, TN 37422-2608 (423) 855-7253, fax (423) 855-7270 - Civano Eco-Industrial Park /Tucson, AZ
- Tres English, Tucson Environmental Council
129 S. Irving Tucson, AZ 85711 (520) 881-8712, Phone and Fax - East Shore Eco-Industrial Park Project/San Francisco Bay
- Ernest Lowe
Indigo Development 6423 Oakwood Drive Oakland, CA 94611 (510) 339-1090, Fax (510) 339-9361 Email: - The Green Institute/ Minneapolis, MN
- Michael Krause / Sabrina Lau
The Green Institute 1433 E. Franklin Avenue, Suite 7A Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 874-1148, Fax (612) 874-6470 - Plattsburgh Eco-Industrial Park
- Mark L. Barie, CEO
Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corp. 426 US Oval, Suite 1000 Plattsburgh, NY 12903 (518) 561-0232, Fax (518) 561-0686R. Bruce Steadman U.S. Facilities Management Inc. P.O. Box 2738 Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518) 566-6210, Fax (518) 561-2422 - Raymond Green Industrial Park
- Rebecca Chaffee, City Engineer
City of Raymond 230 Second Street Raymond, WA 98577 (360) 942-3451, Fax (360) 942-5616Jim Lowery Pacific County Economic Development Council 408 Second Street Raymond, WA 98577 (360) 942-3629, Fax (360) 942-3688 Lorraine Wrona City of Raymond 230 Second Street Raymond, WA 98577 (360) 942-3451, Fax (360) 942-5616 Jim Neva Port of Willapa Harbor 1725 Ocean Avenue Raymond, WA 98577 (360) 942-3422, Fax (360) 942-5865 - Shady Side Eco-Business Park and
Community Development Center / Shady Side, MD - Joe Abe
Business Ecology Network P.O. Box 29 Shady Side, MD 20764 (410) 867-3596, Fax (410) 867-7956 Email: abe@naturaledge.orgPatricia Dempsey Business Ecology Network P.O. Box 29 Shady Side, MD 20764 (410) 867-3596, Fax (410) 867-7956 Gregg Freeman Business Ecology Network 2907 Winters Chase Annapolis, MD 20764 (410) 266-3216, Fax (410) 266-8950 Email: - Skagit County Eco-Industrial Park
- Kevin Morse
Economic Development Association of Skagit County P.O. Box 40 Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 336-6114, Fax (360) 336-6116 Email: eip@edasc.orgDon Wick Economic Development Association of Skagit County P.O. Box 40 Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 336-6114, Fax (360) 336-6116 Email: - Stonyfield Farm/Londonderry NH Eco-Industrial Park
- Peter C. Lowitt
Director, Planning and Economic Development Town of Londonderry 50 Nashua Road, Suite 100 Londonderry, NH 03053 (603) 432-1134, Fax (603) 432-1128 Email: 103504.1403@compuserve.comNancy Hirshberg Stonyfield Farm, Inc. 10 Burton Drive Londonderry, NH 03053 (603) 437-4040, Fax (603) 437-7594 Fenn, Anne H. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Boston JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 (617) 565-3927, Fax (617) 565-4939 Email: - Trenton Eco-Industrial Roundtable/Trenton, NJ
- Jill Hallie Edwards
City of Trenton, Division of Economic Development 319 E. State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 (609) 989-3509, Fax (609) 989-4243 Adesanya, Dr. B.A. Environmental Justice Information Center GIS Lab, Hampton University 27 W. Queensway, Suite 102 Hampton, VA 23669 (757) 728-3958, Fax (757) 728-9058 Email: Yemi@hamptonU.eduAlvarez, Ramon Environmental Defense Fund 44 East Avenue, Suite 304 Austin, TX 78701 (512) 478-5161, Fax (512) 478-8140 Email: Antonishek, Brian Concurrent Technologies Corporation 1450 Scalp Avenue Johnstown, PA 15904 (814) 269-2636, Fax (814) 269-2666 Email: Bannon, Christopher Council Member Cape Charles 9 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757-331-2206 Barber, Neal J. Virginia's River Country P.O. Box 286 Saluda, VA 23149 (804) 758-2311, Fax (804) 758-3221 Beach, Tyrone L. Senior Planner, Economic Adjustment Division Economic Development Administration U.S. Department of Commerce The Curtis Center, Suite 140 South, Independence Square Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 597-7883, Fax (215) 597-6669 Email: Tyrone L.Beach@plng@edaphi Beckwith, Sidney A. Port of Brownsville Brownsville Navigation District 1000 Foust Road Brownsville, TX 78521 (210) 831-4592, 1-800-378-5395, Fax (210) 831-5006 Bennett, David HOH Associates (Master Planner for Baltimore EIP) 1505 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 683-8363, Fax (703) 549-2614 Bennett, Oliver H. Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Berge, Paul F. Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission P.O. Box 417 Accomack, VA 23301 (757) 787-2936, Fax (757) 787-4221 Email: Bowes, David B. The Manufacturing Institute and Partners for Livable Communities 2555 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, #618 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 833-2451, Fax (202) 833-2451 Email: Briechle, Kendra J. International City/County Management Association 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-4201 (202) 962-3685, Fax (202) 962-3605 Email: Bruckheimer, David Espey, Huston & Associates 11838 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 250 Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 596-8267, Fax (757) 596-8660 Email: Bullard, John K. Office of Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, Room 5222 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-3384, Fax (202) 482-2663 Email: Mr. W. Vincent Campbell Bayshore Concrete, Inc. P.O. Box 230 Cape Charles, VA 23310 Carter, Dr. Arthur T. Chairman, Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Chambers, John McKenna & Cuneo 1900 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20720 (202) 496-7698, Fax (202) 496-7756 Email: Charlton, Campbell Redfield Investments Ltd. 629 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-8208, Fax (757) 331-4502 Chertow, Marian Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 205 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-6197, Fax (203) 432-5556 Email: Chubb, John Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore Box 882 Eastville, VA 23347 (757) 678-5469, Fax (757) 678-7216 Clarke, Donald L. Town of Cape Charles 2 Plum Street Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-3259, Fax (757) 331-4820 Cohen-Rosenthal, Ed Work and Environment Initiative Cornell University 105 Rice Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-8160, Fax (607) 255-0238 Email: De Lima, Daniel BioProteus, Inc. P.O. Box 73 Hacksneck, VA 23358 (804) 442-9543 Dillon-Ridgley, Dianne, Council Member President's Council on Sustainable Development 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 320 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 332-2200, Fax (202) 332-2302 Email: Dodd, Ray A. Councilman, Town of Cape Charles 6 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-3228 Egts, David D. Concurrent Technologies Corporation 1450 Scalp Avenue Johnstown, PA 15904 (814) 269-2631, Fax (814) 269-2666 Email: Eugster, Glenn US EPA - CBPO 410 Severn Avenue, Suite 109 Annapolis, MD 21403 (410) 267-5722, Fax (410) 267-5777 Email: Eustis, Christine E. Office of Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, Room 5222 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-4290, Fax (202) 501-8066 Email: Evans, Bruce Chairman, Joint I.D.A. of Northampton County 645 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-4920, Fax (757) 331-4959 Fabens, Bruce Cornell University Work & Environment Initiative 105 Rice Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 254-5466, Fax (607) 255-0238 Email: Flanagan, Susan International City/County Management Association 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-4201 (202) 962-3540, Fax (202) 962-3605 Email: Friday, Paul M. Concurrent Technologies Corporation 1450 Scalp Avenue Johnstown, PA 15904 (814) 269-6426, Fax (814) 269-2620 Froehlich, Maryann U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW MC2121, Room 1005WT Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-4034, Fax (202) 260-0780 Email: George, David National Association of Counties 440 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 942-4243, Fax (202) 737-0480 Email: Giannini-Spohn, Suzanne, Ph.D. Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-7568, Fax (202) 260-0174 Email: Girouard, Daniel Enterprise Zone Coordinator State of Virginia 501 N. 2nd Street Richmond, VA 23219-1321 (804) 371-7065, Fax (804) 371-7093 Harrell, Robert W. Jr. Regional Director, Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology Greenbrier Corporate Center 825 Greenbrier Circle, Suite 204 Chesapeake, VA 23320 (757) 523-2920, Fax (757) 523-6290 Email: Harris, Thomas E. County Administrator Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Hoag, John B. AIA, APA, ASLA Hoag Associates 1104 Yale Avenue St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 647-5374, Fax (314) 647-0484 Hoffman, Frances Institute for Responsible Management 46 Bayard Street, Suite 401 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (908) 296-1960, Fax (908) 296-1972 Email: Hooper, Theresa 3M 1101 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 331-6949, Fax (202) 331-2805 Email: Hoover, Eliza Industrial Development Authority 123 Peach Street Cape Charles, VA 23310 (804) 331-2709 Hubbard, Richard L. Vice Chairman, Joint Industrial Development Authority of Northampton County 209 Mason Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-2470, Fax (757) 331-2470 (must call first) Johnson, Thomas Espey, Huston & Associates 11838 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 250 Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 596-8267, Fax (757) 596-8660 Email: Jones, Owen Michael Redfield Investments Ltd. 629 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-8208, Fax (757) 331-4502 Knickmeyer, John, AIA Burt Hill Koser Rittelmann Associates 1056 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 333-2711, Fax (202) 333-3159 Kotas, Jerry Senior Environmental Scientist Golden Field Office U.S. Department of Energy 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, CO 80401-3393 (303) 275-4714, Fax (303) 275-4788 Email: Leach, Philip J. Executive Vice President Atlantis Energy Systems, Inc. 5432 Bayside Road Exmore, VA 23350 (804) 442-3509, Fax (804) 442-3755 Email: Solar Building @ Levitt, David Jager Management 1719 Delancey Place Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 546-0175, Fax (215) 546-0175 Email: Linett, Robert A. Science Applications International Corporation 1710 Goodridge Drive (MS 1-11) McLean, VA 22102 (703) 917-7938, Fax (703) 903-1372 Email: Mapp, Ms. M.E. Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Marquis-Lavoie, Suzanne MAB/CIIS Graduate 2816 Strauss Terrace Silver Spring, MD 20904 (301) 890-1788, Fax (301) 890-3951 Email: Matsinger, Josie U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III 841 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 566-3132, Fax (215) 566-3001 Email: Mauermann, Sue Department of Ecology State of Washington P.O. Box 47775 Olympia, WA 98504-7775 (360) 407-6307, Fax (360) 407-6305 Email: McBroom, Judy Camber Corporation 101 Donner Drive Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (423) 483-7339, Fax (423) 483-7439 Email: McGalliard, Tad Cornell University Work & Environment Initiative 105 Rice Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 254-5089, Fax (607) 255-0238 Email: McKay, Laura Virginia Coastal Resources Management Program 629 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 698-4323, Fax (804) 698-4319 Email: Mills, Natalie Economic Development Administration/Economic Adjustment Division U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 7327 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-2659, Fax (202) 482-0995 Email: Natalie Mills@EAD@EDA Mittelholzer, Michael Maryland Department of the Environment 2500 Broening Highway Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 631-3772, Fax (410) 631-3896 Monteferrante, Frank J. Economic Development Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 7019 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-4208, Fax (202) 482-0995 Montgomery, John IBM 5 Bedford Farms Bedford, NH 03110 (603) 472-4102, Fax (603) 632-9045 Nagson, Norman D. Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore P.O. Box 882 Eastville, VA 23347 (757) 678-7157, Fax (757) 678-7216 Norris, Greg Decision Dynamics 504 Nelson Drive Vienna, VA 22180 (703) 319-3944, Fax (703) 319-3943 Email: Nottingham, John Jr. Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Noyes, Neal Economic Development Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 704 E. Franklin Street Richmond, VA 23219 Osdoba, Tom Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance 520 Lafayette Road N., 2nd Floor St. Paul, MN 55155-4100 (612) 215-0263, Fax (612) 215-0246 Email: Papa, Dennis Espey, Huston & Associates 11838 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 250 Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 596-8267, Fax (757) 596-8660 Email: Park, Angela President's Council on Sustainable Development 730 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20503 (202) 408-5346, Fax (202) 408-1655 Email: Parker, Stephen N. The Nature Conservancy P.O. Box 158 Nassawadox, VA 23413 (757) 442-3049, Fax (757) 442-5418 Email: Parry, Alex Mayor of Cape Charles Cape Charles Town Council P.O. Box 391 Cape Charles, VA 23310 (804) 331-3285, Fax (804) 331-4820 Pearson, Anne Alliance for Sustainable Communities 5103 N. Crain Highway Bowie, MD 20715 (410) 741-0125, Fax (301) 262-3425 Perry, Russell William McDonough & Partners 410 East Water Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (804) 979-1111, Fax (804) 979-1112 Email: Peters, Cherylynn Economic Development Administration/Public Works U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 7326 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-4290, Fax (202) 482-3742 Email: Cherylynn Peters@PW@EDA Pirrotta, Richard D. Concurrent Technologies Corporation 1450 Scalp Avenue Johnstown, PA 15904 (814) 269-2810, Fax (814) 269-2798 Email: Pophal, Steve Espey, Huston & Associates 11838 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 250 Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 596-8267, Fax (757) 596-8660 Email: Powell, Mary Beth Center for Urban & Regional Studies CB#3410, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3410 (919) 962-3076, Fax (919) 962-2518 Email: Putnam, Gordon H. Sustainable Development New Industry Task Force 6166 Winter Rose Court Exmore, VA 23350 (757) 442-4032, Fax (757) 442-4399 Ruffin, Rev. Anthony L. Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Runyon, Cheryl National Conference of State Legislatures 1560 Broadway, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 830-2200, Fax (303) 863-8003 Email: Sessoms, Mayor Felton T. Mayor of Nassawadox P.O. Box 183, 8051 Sessoms Lane Nassawadox, VA 23413 (757) 787-5886 x271, Fax (757) 787-5841 Sheeler, Michelle B. Delmarva Power Christiana Building, 252 Chapman Road P.O. Box 6066 Newark, DE 19714-6066 (302) 452-6289, Fax (302) 452-6393 Email: Slone, Daniel K. McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe One James Center Richmond, VA 23060 (804) 775-1041, Fax (804) 698-2175 Email: Smith, Tom Department of Conservation and Recreation Commonwealth of Virginia 1500 East Main Street Suite 312 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-4554, Fax (804) 371-2674 Email: Spady, Joanne Cape Charles Town Council P.O. Box 391 Cape Charles, VA 23310 (804) 331-3285, Fax (804) 331-4820 Spitzer, Marty President's Council on Sustainable Development 730 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20503 (202) 408-5296, Fax (202) 408-6839 Email: Stiles, Barbara Cape Charles Town Council P.O. Box 391 Cape Charles, VA 23310 (804) 331-3285, Fax (804) 331-4820 Straub, Chester J., Jr. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Program Operations Economic Development Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 7824 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-3081, Fax (202) 501-8007 Email: Studholme, Ned Science Applications International Corporation 1710 Goodridge Drive McLean, VA 22102 (703) 917-8442, Fax (703) 903-1371 TeLego, Dean Jeffery (Jeff) Environmental Bankers Association 110 North Royal Street, Suite 301 Arlington, VA 22314 (703) 549-0977, Fax (703) 548-5945 Email: Thomas, Elizabeth L. Vice Mayor, Town of Cape Charles 5 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310 (757) 331-9000 work, (757) 331-2377 home, Fax (757) 331-1436 Treadwell, Dwight Camber Corporation 101 Donner Drive Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (423) 483-7339 x240, Fax (423) 483-7439 Tregoning, Harriet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-2778, Fax (202) 260-0174 Email: Turner, Bruce Federal Highway Administration 1504 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 205 Richmond, VA 23229 (804) 281-5111, Fax (804) 281-5101 Walker, Ann Hayward and Bill Scientific and Environmental Associates, Inc. (SEA) 4605 H Pinecrest Office Park Drive Alexandria, VA 22312 (703) 354-5450, Fax (703) 354-4467 Email: Weinberg, Leo Brown & Root P.O. Box 3 Houston, TX 77001 (713) 676-5950, Fax (713) 676-5883 Email: Wendell, Frank, Sr. Cape Charles Town Council P.O. Box 391 Cape Charles, VA 23310 (804) 331-3285, Fax (804) 331-4820 Wescoat, Suzanne S. Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 White, John W. Vice Chairman, Northampton County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 66 Eastville, VA 23347 (804) 678-0440, Fax (804) 678-0483 Witschi, David F. Economic Development Administration/Economic Adjustment Division U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Avenue, Room 7327 Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-2659, Fax (202) 482-0995 Email: David Witschi@EAD@EDA Yancey, Tom Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 803 Front Street Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 441-7775, Fax (757) 441-7646 Email: ThomasNYancey@pl@nad Zosel, Thomas W. 3M P.O. Box 33331 St. Paul, MN 55133 (612) 778-4805, Fax (612) 778-7203 Email:
- Co-Chairs
- A.D. Correll, Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Fred Krupp, Environmental Defense Fund - Members
- John Adams, Natural Resources Defense Council
D. James Baker, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce Scott Bernstein, Center for Neighborhood Technology Carol Browner, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency David T. Buzzelli, Dow Chemical Henry Cisneros, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, Zero Population Growth Judith Espinosa, Alliance for Transportation Research Samuel C. Johnson, S.C. Johnson and Son Inc. Jonathan Lash, World Resources Institute Kenneth Lay, Enron Corp. Hazel R. O'Leary, U.S. Department of Energy Harry Pearce, General Motors Corporation Michele Perrault, Sierra Club William Ruckelshaus, Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. Ted Strong, Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission - Liaisons
- Marcia Aronoff, Environmental Defense Fund
Frances Beinecke, Natural Resources Defense Council Rob Bradley, Enron Corp. John Bullard, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce Marc Chupka, U.S. Department of Energy Wilma Delaney, Dow Chemical Richard Goodstein, Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. Jeffrey Hunker, U.S. Department of Commerce Jane Hutterly, S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Michael McCloskey, Sierra Club Judith Mullins, General Motors Corporation John Platt, Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission Susan Vogt, Georgia-Pacific Corporation Marc Weiss, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Donna Wise, World Resources Institute Robert Wolcott, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ben Woodhouse, Dow Chemical - Additional Task Force Members
- F.H. Brewer III, S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Maryann Froehlich, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clare Lindsay, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Rebecca Moser, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce Robert Roberts, Environmental Council of the States Tim Stuart, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Ramon Alvarez, Environmental Defense Fund John Bullard, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce Ed Cohen-Rosenthal, Work and Environment Center, Cornell University Christine Eustis, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce Susanne Giannini-Spohn, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Timothy Hayes, Northampton County, VA Jerry Kotas, U. S. Department of Energy Rick Luna, Brownsville, TX Amy Manheim, U.S. Department of Energy Jerry McNeil, National Association of Counties Natalie Mills, Economic Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce Jackie Prince-Roberts, Environmental Defense Fund Harriet Tregoning, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Task Force Coordinator Martin Spitzer, JD., Ph.D.
APPENDIX A: ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARK PRESENTATIONS(Slide presentation charts available upon request.)
PLENARY PRESENTATIONS Six speakers were each invited to give a ten minute presentation on the topic areas participants identified as most important in developing eco-industrial parks. Speakers who gave presentations on the following three topic areas submitted overheads and summaries, which are included in this appendix, and available upon request.A. Crafting Industrial Ecosystems B. Recruiting New Firms and Retaining Existing Companies C. Finance