AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs) are a network of 15 regional centers that conduct targeted, multi-disciplinary education and training for health care providers. These sites are listed here, sorted first by the name of the center and then by the state served. This information provided by the HIV/AIDS Bureau at HRSA, which is the Federal agency that administers this program. Sorted by Name of AETC | | Sorted by State Served | | Listing of the AIDS Education and Training Centers by Region Served Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada | New Jersey | Pacific AIDS ETC University of California, San Francisco Department. of Family & Community Medicine 500 Parnassus Ave., MU-3 East, Room 302 San Francisco, CA 94143-0900 E. Michael Reyes, M.D., M.P.H. emreyes@itsa.ucsf.edu Ph. : (415) 502-8196 Fx: (415) 502-8200 | New Jersey AIDS ETC University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Center for Continuing Education 30 Bergen Street, ADMC #710 Newark, NJ 07107-3000 Linda S. Podhurst, Ph.D. podhurli@umdnj.edu Ph.: (973) 972-3690 Fx: (973) 972-3371 | Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming | New York and the Virgin Islands | Mountain Plains Regional AIDS ETC University of Colorado Health Science Center 4200 E. 9th Avenue, Box A-096 Denver, CO 80262 Donna Anderson, Ph.D., M.P.H. donna.anderson@uchsc.edu Ph.: (303) 315-2516 Fx: (303) 315-2514 | New York/Virgin Islands AIDS ETC Columbia University School of Public Health 600 West 168th Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10032 Robert E. Fullilove, Ed.D. ref5@columbia.edu Ph.: (212) 740-7292 Fx: (212) 795-4222 M. Lyndon Haviland, M.P.H. mlhll@columbia.edu Ph.: (212) 305-1928 Fx: (212) 305 3702 | Florida | Pennsylvania | Florida AIDS ETC University of South Florida USF Center for HIV Education and Research 13301 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33612 Michael Sharinus sharinus@hal.fmhi.usf.edu Ph.: (813 ) 974-4430 Fx: (813) 974-4406 | Pennsylvania AIDS ETC University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health 130 DeSoto Street G-15 Parran hall Pittsburgh, PA 15261 Linda Frank, Ph.D., M.S.N., ACRN frankie@unixs.cis.pitt.edu Ph.: (412) 624-1895 Fx: (412) 624-4767 | Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina | Puerto Rico | Southeast AIDS ETC Emory University School of Medicine Dep. Of Family & Preventive Medicine 735 Gatewood Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30322-4950 Ira K. Schwartz, M.D. schwartz@sph.emory.edu Ph.: (404) 727-2929 Fx: (404) 727-4562 | Puerto Rico AIDS ETC University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus PO Box 365067 Rm. A-956 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-5067 Daisy M. Gely, M.P.H.E dgely@rcmnt7.upr.clu.edu Ph.: (787) 759-6528, Fx: (787) 764-4951 Angel Bravo, M.P.H. Ph.: (787) 756-7931 Fx: (787) 764-4951 a_bravo@rcmaca.upr.clu.edu | Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin | Texas and Oklahoma | Midwest AIDS ETC (M/C 779) University of Illinois at Chicago 808 S. Wood Street, Rm. 173 Chicago, IL 60612-7303 Nathan L. Linsk, Ph.D. nlinsk@uic.edu Ph.: (312) 996-1373 Fx: (312) 413-4184 Barbara Schechtman, M.P.H. barbs@uic.edu Ph.: (312) 996-1364 Fx: (312) 413-4184 | AIDS ETC for Texas and Oklahoma The University of Texas 1200 Herman Pressler Street P.O. Box 20186 Houston, TX 77225 Richard Grimes, Ph.D. rgrimes@utsph. sph.uth.tmc.edu Ph.: (713) 500-9205 Fx: (713) 500-9198 | Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi | Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C. | Delta Region AIDS ETC LSU Medical Center 136 South Roman St., 3rd Floor New Orleans, LA 70112 Jane Martin, M.A., R.N., F.N.P. jmarti@lsumc.edu Ph.: (504) 568-3855 Fx: (504) 568-7893 Deirdre Danahar, MSW, MPH, BCSW ddanah@lsumc.edu Ph.: (504) 568-3366 | Mid-Atlantic ETC Virginia Commonwealth University HIV/AIDS Center P.O. Box 980157 Richmond, VA 23298-0157 Lisa Kaplowitz, M.D. Lkaplowi@hsc.vcu.edu Daphne Rankin drankin@saturn.vcu.edu Ph.: (804) 828-2447 Fx: (804) 828-1795 | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont | Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington | New England AIDS ETC 320 Washington St. 3rd Floor Brookline, MA 02146 Donna Gallagher, R.N., M.S., A.N.P. dgallghr@aol.com Ph.: (617 ) 566-2283 Fx: (617) 566-2994 | Northwest AIDS ETC University of Washington Center for Health Education and Research 901 Boren Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle Washington 98104 Ann Downer, Ed.D. downer@u.washinton.edu Ph: (206) 685-6841 Fx: (206) 221-4945 George R. Sharpe RN, MSN, ACRN gsharpe@u.washington.edu Ph.: (206) 685-6840 Fx: (206) 221-4945 | Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee | | Great Lakes to Tennessee Valley AIDS ETC Wayne State University 2727 Second Avenue, Suite. 142 Detroit, MI 48201 Ali M. Naqvi, Ph.D. Fredericka . Shea, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. Ph.: (313) 962-2000 Fx: (313) 962-4444 arep@sun.science.wayne.edu | | |