I. Demographic Presentation
Presenter: Dr. Reynolds Farley
Vice President, Russell Sage Foundation, New York
Presentation Highlights: Dr. Farley described the demographic trends now changingthe nation's racial composition. He pointed out that current birth and death rates lead to slowgrowth for the non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic African-American populations, butcontinuation of current levels of immigration and higher fertility rates lead to rapid growth forHispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander populations. He presented projections that the Hispanicpopulation will likely become the largest minority group shortly after the turn of the century. Non-Hispanic whites likely decline as a share of the total population to a little more than50% by about 2050. The African-American population will neither increase or decrease and willlikely make up about 12% of the total population.
Dr. Farley's PresentationII. Presentation on Attitudes Concerning Race (Polling)
Presenter: Dr. Lawrence Bobo
Professor of Sociology and African-American Studies,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Presentation Highlights: "What We Think About Race"
Dr. Bobo demonstrated major patterns in racial attitudes in the United States by discussing 1)the consensus on principles of racial equality and integration; 2) the complexity of moving fromprinciples to practice; 3) Americans' views on the prevalence of discrimination and causes ofracial inequality; 4) the problem of persistent stereotypes; and 5) the problem of Black cynicismand alienation. His conclusions included the bad news, which is the gulf in perceptions andthe difficulty of effective discourse that results; the good news, which is the consensus onprinciples, rising openness to integration beyond token levels, and each group's interests are notseen as irreconcilable; a final comment on attitudes and behaviors (i.e., interpersonalinteractions; larger social trends).
Dr. Bobo's PresentationIII. Presentations on Attitudes Concerning Race (Psychological Perspective)
A. Presenter: Dr. James Jones
Professor of Psychology, University of Delaware
Director, Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association
Presentation Highlights: "The Embedded Nature of 'Race' Requires a Focused Effort to Remove the Obstacles to a United America"
Dr. Jones stated that America must confront the issue of race. He asserted that race can bea divisive concept and has been used to categorize people along a value-based continuum, whichis usually based on faulty analysis and self-interested motives. Consequently, he concludedthat a national conversation on race will be difficult, but ignoring it is not an option.
Dr. Jones' Presentation
B. Presenter: Dr. John Dovidio
Professor of Psychology,Colgate University
Presentation Highlights: "Understanding Contemporary Racism: Causes, Consequences, Challenges"
Over the past 35 years, the United States has addressed overt forms of racism through its lawsand mores. Dr. Dovidio asserted that subtle forms of racism persist, which contribute todistrust and tension between the races because they are often unintentionally expressed. Furthermore, Dovidio alleged that in its contemporary form, it is difficult to prove racism asthe determining factor for any particular action. He argued that people may not be awareof their own racial bias because of its subtlety. Nevertheless, according to Dovidio, minoritiesmay attribute intentionality to these unintended and unconscious biases. His effective approachto race relations is the acknowledgment of the existence of alternative, potentially competingperceptions and experiences; understanding of the different perspectives; and the motivation toovercome real and perceived barriers to true equality.
Dr. Dovidio's Presentation
C. Presenter: Dr. Derald Wing Sue
Professor of Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology-Alameda
Professor of Psychology, California State University, Hayward
Presentation Highlights: "Creating Conditions for a Constructive Dialogue on 'Race': Toward Equal Access and Opportunities"
Dr. Sue asserted that a national dialogue on race will succeed only if Americans are able to putaside our biases and differences; be open and honest with one another; hear the hopes, fears andconcerns of each other; recognize how prejudice and discrimination hurts everyone; and seekcommon solutions that allow equal access and opportunity.
Dr. Sue's Presentation
Advisory Board Meeting Transcript