First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton,
U.S. Transportation
Secretary Slater
Announce 16 National Millennium Trails
Celebrating America's rich history, as well as its bright future
in the 21st century, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Secretary of
Transportation Rodney E. Slater designated 16 National Millennium Trails on
Saturday, June 26.
The designations were announced in Pittsburgh at the International
Trails and Greenways Conference organized by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.
The Millennium Trails initiative is a part of the White House
Millennium Council's efforts to stimulate national and local activities to
"Honor the Past and Imagine the Future." This public/private partnership is led
by the Department of Transportation, the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and a
collaborative of other agencies and organizations. The purpose of Millennium
Trails is to spark the creation and enhancement of more than 2,000 trails as
part of America's legacy for the future.
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said, "Through the Millennium Trails
project, we are building and maintaining trails that tell the story of our
nation's past and will help to create a positive vision for our future. The 16
National Millennium Trails that Secretary Slater designated today are all
visionary projects that define us as Americans."
"Transportation is about more than asphalt, concrete and steel,
it's about people," said Secretary Slater. "The National Millennium Trails
connect our nation's landscape, heritage and culture and demonstrate our
national commitment to improving the quality of life for all Americans. The
designated National Millennium Trails symbolize America's legacy for the
David Burwell, President of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, said,
"All of the more than 50 applicants for National Millennium Trails designation
deserve recognition. The National Millennium Trails announced today represent a
cross section of the growing trails movement in America."
The 16 National Millennium Trails designated are:
The Unicoi Turnpike -- A 68-mile trail dating from the first
millennium that carried the Cherokee people from the flatlands east to the
Smokies through the mountains to the hills of East Tennessee. It
provided similar passage for European settlers in Colonial and
post-revolutionary times. In our day, the Unicoi spirits contemporary Americans
into remote trailside communities still reflective of Cherokee and Appalachian
The Cascadia Marine Trail -- A water trail in the Pacific
northwest currently enjoyed by canoeists, kayakers and other watercraft as they
explore the beauty of Puget Sound and witness the grandeur of Mount
Rainier. It follows the wake of inlets and coves that originally marked a
Native American water trade system.
The Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail -- Stretches
1,200 miles from the Mexican border to San Francisco, marking the
route of exploration and settlement followed by the Spanish as they claimed the
Pacific coast for the Iberian Crown.
The Freedom Trail -- Connects 15 sites in old Boston
that capture America' s revolutionary history, including Faneuil Hall,
where plans were laid for an infamous tea party, and Old North Church, watched
closely one night by Paul Revere as he rowed with muffled oar to the
Charlestown shore.
The Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail -- Commemorates the
Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-06, which covered 3,700 miles of American
frontier from St. Louis, Missouri, to the mouth of the Columbia
River in current-day Oregon. It opened the continent of North
America to European settlement.
The Underground Railroad -- Follows multiple secret routes that
originated in the South, intertwined throughout the North, and eventually led
to Canada, the western territories, Mexico, the Caribbean, and freedom for
those people held in bondage below the Mason-Dixon line. Loss of life or
severest punishment was risked by fleeing slaves determined to find their
destiny as free men and women.
Civil War Discovery Trail -- Identifies and thematically
connects the battlefields, military routes and sites of historic significance
from the nation's most serious breakdown in domestic tranquility. It
provides a lens through which contemporary Americans can view the war which
tore the nation so dramatically asunder and offers lessons for its continued
binding without malice and redeemed by charity.
The International Express -- The Number Seven Train through
Queens, New York, connects a series of immigrant neighborhoods and is a
metaphor for the migration of all the world's people to America's
shores. Pakistani, Irish, Romanian, African-American, Italian, Korean,
Hispanic, Indian, Argentinean and other ethnic neighborhoods are connected and
available for exploration and cultural discovery on this route from
Sunnyside to Flushing.
Iditarod National Historic Trail -- Surveyed in 1908 by the U.S.
Government, the Iditarod is America's only remaining frontier trail. Its
938 miles connect remote settlements to each other, mark the way of the
Klondike Gold Rush, and provide a yearly reenactment of the dogsled
race-of-mercy that brought life-saving serum to diphtheria-ridden Nome,
Alaska. Winter travelers go by sled, snowshoe, snowmobile or cross country
ski. Warm weather natives and visitors explore the trail via all modes of
conveyance, including watercraft where the trailway has melted.
Appalachian National Scenic Trail -- Reaffirms America's
love and respect for the great beauty of our land and is the nation's
first major consciously-created trail. Not a route of exploration,
settlement or trade, it is rather a 20th century recognition that we will have
no trails in modern times unless we purposefully build and protect them.
Stretching over two thousand miles from Georgia to Maine, the
Appalchian Trail is a narrow footpath traversing the Appalachian
Mountains' ridge-crests and major valleys. The need to protect the
Appalachian Trail from encroaching development led to the passage of the
National Trails System Act in 1968.
The Great Western Trail -- Follows the spine of the Rocky
Mountains and stretches across America on a north/south axis from the
Canadian to the Mexican border. It traverses lands managed by the
federal government, five states and the Navajo Indian Nation. Its unique design
of parallel routes accommodating different trail users allows a wide range of
Americans access to the grandeur of our West.
The North Country National Scenic Trail -- Provides a narrow
route through the unique northern rim topography of the continental United
States and binds together over 160 state parks, forests and wildlife areas from
New York to North Dakota. It is a traceable footpath providing
hiking opportunities through seven states, potentially covering 4,600
Hatfield-McCoy Trail System -- Employs an entirely new approach
to trail building by forging a partnership with the corporate giants who own
the coal fields of southwest West Virginia and surrounding states. Old
railbeds, abandoned logging roads and other unused routes that once transported
the region's wealth to fuel industrial America, will be recycled as a
2,000-mile trail system accommodating off-highway motorcycle and all-terrain
vehicle riders, equestrians, mountain bikers, hikers and other trail users.
The East Coast Greenway -- Sweeps the Atlantic Coast from
Maine to Florida connecting 15 of America's most populous
states and virtually every major city of the eastern seaboard. It will
incorporate scores of currently disconnected local trails and traverse a
remarkable range of urban, suburban, village and rural landscapes, providing
recreation, transportation and historic assets to literally millions of east
coast Americans.
The Mississippi River Trail -- Combines bicycling and blues by
following the nation's mightiest river from Minneapolis to New Orleans.
Envisioned as a bicycling route that will touch upon the cultural, historic and
natural and habitat richness of the Mississippi River Valley, this trail
will allow Americans to experience first-hand what Mark Twain has described as
the "body of the nation."
American Discovery Trail -- From Sea-to-Shining Sea
becomes a trail reality as the American Discovery Trail crosses the nation on a
continuous line of existing trails, rail-trails, canal towpaths, forest lanes
and country roads. When complete, the trail will cover over 6,500 miles,
connecting America to America, our dreams to our realities, and the past which
we honor to the future of our imaginations.
For more information on Millennium Trails, click
here, or call the Department of Transportation at (202)